World news

09 December 2009 [18:14]

Turkish State Minister: Azerbaijani, Turkish energy ministers hold tense talks

Interview with Turkey’s State Minister Egemen Bagis.
09 December 2009 [17:29]

Armenian FM says Armenia interested in reinforcing ties with EU

Eastern Partnership Foreign Ministers had a meeting in Brussels on Dec. 8.
09 December 2009 [16:25]

Armenian Constitutional Court sets date to consider Armenia-Turkey protocols

The Constitutional Court of Armenia will consider the Armenian-Turkish protocols on Jan. 12.
08 December 2009 [15:34]

Turkish PM: OSCE Minsk Group should intensify its work

Interview with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan.
08 December 2009 [14:45]

Turkish FM: We have seen strong interest in Washington in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Interview with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.
07 December 2009 [17:31]

"Development of relations with Armenia is impossible without resolving Nagorno-Karabakh conflict"

Interview with Vice Speaker of the Turkish parliament, member of the ruling Justice and Development Party Sadik Yakut.
07 December 2009 [16:42]

"Azerbaijanis expect more from Iran in terms resolving Nagorno-Karabakh conflict"

Day.Az interview with Mehdi Sanai, Iran-based Center for Russian, Central Asian and Caucasus Studies Director and professor at Tehran University.
04 December 2009 [13:28]

Turkish MP: Turkey will decide future of protocols only after Armenia fulfills Turkey’s requirements

Interview with Mustafa Kabakci, member of Turkey’s National Grand Assembly (parliament) from the ruling Justice and Development Party and head of the Turkey-Azerbaijan parliamentary group.
03 December 2009 [11:33]

Turkish MP: Ratification of Turkey-Armenia protocols is not on agenda

Interview with Zeynep Dagi, member of Turkey’s Grand National Assembly (parliament), Deputy Chairman of ruling Justice and Development Party’s parliamentary faction.
01 December 2009 [11:55]

Turkish MP: Opening of Armenia-Turkey border is impossible until liberation of Azerbaijan’s occupied lands

Day.Az interview with non-party member of Turkey’s Grand National Assembly (parliament) Ahmet Tan.
30 November 2009 [10:38]

Georgian political expert: Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will be solved soon

Day.Az interview with Georgian political expert, senior researcher at Georgia-based Fund of Strategic and International Studies Archil Gegeshidze.
23 November 2009 [12:29]

Turkish parliamentarian: Opening of Turkey-Armenia border is impossible

Day.Az interview with member of Turkey’s Grand National Assembly (parliament), Nationalist Movement Party Deputy Chairman Mehmet Shandir.
21 November 2009 [13:44]

Russian expert: Armenian elite understands regional alignment of forces will not be in favor of Armenia

Day.Az interview with Russian political expert and Head of the Political Forecasting Service of the Center for Post-Soviet Studies Alexander Karavayev.
20 November 2009 [11:24]

Turkish parliament will not ratify protocols: chief editor of Moscow-based newspaper

Interview with chief editor of Mowcow-based ‘Konservator’ newspaper of Azerbaijani origin Rustam Arifjanov.
19 November 2009 [13:06]

Turkish MP: We will continue to oppose ratification of Turkey-Armenia protocols

Interview with member of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the Republican People’s Party Onur Oymen.