
06 May 2006 [16:34]

PM Rasizade meets with Lithuanian leaders

Visiting Vilnius the Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade has met with the President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus, May 5.
06 May 2006 [16:21]

RIA Novosti: "Can Moscow save Iran from sanctions?"

Apparently, the debates around the Iranian nuclear program have reached the homestretch.
06 May 2006 [16:16]

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Threat of military action against Iran a joke"

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad here Friday played down reports of a possible military attack on Iran, saying those who do not know the country are playing jokes.
06 May 2006 [16:07]

Novruz Mammadov: "CE will never cancel credentials of Azerbaijani delegation"

"CE will never cancel credentials of Azerbaijani delegation," President's Administration international relations Department's head Novruz Mammadov told journalists.
06 May 2006 [14:01]

Bahar Muradova meets Goran Lenmarker

Head of the parliamentary delegation of Azerbaijan, Vice-Speaker of Milli Majlis Bahar Muradova on 5 May at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly met with PA Special Representative on Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
06 May 2006 [13:55]

Korean President Roh leaves Sunday for 3-nation tour

Korean President Roh Moo-hyun will depart Sunday for a week-long visit to promote diplomatic and economic ties with Mongolia, Azerbaijan and the United Arab Emirates.
06 May 2006 [12:26]

Azeri, Armenian presidents invited to NATO PA session

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly President Pierre Lelouche has invited Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders to a plenary session of the Assembly due in Paris late in May.
06 May 2006 [12:19]

Ruling party slams BBC over biased report

The ruling Yeni Azerbaijan party has come out against the content of a film aired on BBC-2 channel.
06 May 2006 [12:05]

Mahmud Ahmadinejad: "If the nuclear fuel cycle is a bad thing, then you should not have it either, and if it is good, then why can't Iran have it?"

In Baku yesterday, all eyes were on Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad. Speaking after the regional Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) summit, Ahmadinejad said Iran's right to develop nuclear power was based on international law.
06 May 2006 [11:55]

Turkish PM Erdogan holds first meeting with Iranian President Ahmedinejad

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with Iranian President Mahmud Ahmedinejad on Friday in the Azerbaijani capital on the sidelines of the Economic Cooperation Organization summit.
06 May 2006 [11:50]

Zakir Garalov: "Ex-Azerbaijani ministers' role in coup attempt confirmed"

The investigation has proved the involvement of former Azeri ministers Ali Insanov and Farkhad Aliyev and ex-presidential property manager Akif Muradverdiyev in a coup attempt, Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov told journalists on Friday.
06 May 2006 [11:27]

Stratfort: "Azerbaijan: Balancing Tehran and Washington"

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Baku, Azerbaijan, on May 4 as part of the Economic Cooperation Organization summit.
06 May 2006 [11:13]

Pakistan to take charge of ECO secretariat

Pakistan's Additional Foreign Secretary Khurshid Anwar has been appointed the new secretary-general of the 10-member Economic Cooperation Organisation.
06 May 2006 [11:08]

UN Chief: "Direct US-Iran dialogue is a must"

Annan seeks peaceful resolution of mullahs' nuke issue.
06 May 2006 [10:46]

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "No independent state to accept literature of bullies"

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that no independent state will accept the literature of the bullying powers.
06 May 2006 [08:44]

President attends press conference on ECO summit

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev held press conference dedicated to results of ECO summit.
06 May 2006 [08:15]

Armenian Armed Forces violated ceasefire again

Yesterday beginning from 8.00 Armenian Armed Forces from positions of Terter in Talish village under occupation of Armenia, fired at opposite positions of Azerbaijani Armed Forces.
05 May 2006 [22:51]

Korean diplomat holds press conference

The Charge d'affaires of the Republic of Korea in Azerbaijan Lew Kwang-chul has held press conference, devoted to forthcoming official visit of the President of his country Roh Moo-hyun to Azerbaijan.
05 May 2006 [22:44]

Parliament news

Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament (Milli Majlis) Ogtay Asadov met the visiting OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Special Envoy on Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict Goran Lenmarker.
05 May 2006 [22:29]

President received Kazakh PM

President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev received Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Danial Ahmetov.
05 May 2006 [22:24]

Ilham Aliyev received Bernard Fassier

President Ilham Aliyev received French co-chairman of OSCE Minsk Group Bernard Fassier.
05 May 2006 [22:18]

President meets Turkish PM

President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan met with Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 5 May.
05 May 2006 [22:13]

President received Thomas Hammerberg

President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev received the Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe Thomas Hammerberg, 5 May.
05 May 2006 [22:00]

President meets OSCE PA Special Envoy

President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev o 5 May received OSCE PA Special Envoy on Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict Goran Lenmarker.
05 May 2006 [15:33]

Ilham Aliyev: "It is impossible to settle Nagorno Karabakh conflict out of the international law norms"

Azerbaijan is a country suffering from terror. As a result of more than 30 terror acts of Armenians against Azerbaijanis more than two million innocent people died.
05 May 2006 [15:14]

Ahmadinejad: "Nobody could stop development of Iranian nuclear program"

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad states that nobody could stop development of the Iranian nuclear program.
05 May 2006 [14:43]

Baku declaration signed at ECO summit

Baku declaration have been signed at IX summit of Economic Cooperation Organization May 5. The document stresses the determination of the member-states of ECO deepen and enlarge economic cooperation as well as the necessity of the settlement of regional conflicts according to the international law acts as those conflicts prevents the regional cooperation.
05 May 2006 [13:49]

Pakistan keen on studying Azeri oil and gas experience

Regional cooperation, security, economic relations and situation in the region were in focus at a meeting of President Ilham Aliyev with Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz on Thursday.
05 May 2006 [13:12]

Turkish PM to paricipate ECO summit

Rajab Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey arrived May 4 in Baku to partake in the Economic Cooperation Organization summit of Heads of State and Government.
05 May 2006 [12:48]

103 foreign observers registered to monitor by-elections

103 observers of international organizations are registered in the Central Election Commission to monitor May 13 reelections to parliament, Rovzat Qasimov, Head of international relations department of the commission stated.
05 May 2006 [09:17]

NATO Parliament Assembly Chairman to visit Azerbaijan

NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) Chairman will visit Azerbaijan next week, Foreign Ministry press service stated.
05 May 2006 [09:08]

President received deputy PM of Kyrgyzstan

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev received Deputy Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Almanbet Matubraimov.
05 May 2006 [08:54]

President Ilham Aliyev met President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai

May 4, President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan met his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai and accompanying delegation.
05 May 2006 [08:22]

Korean President to meet 4 ministers

President of the Republic of Korea Roh Moo-hyun will visit Baku due to invitation of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, May 10-12.
05 May 2006 [08:16]

ECO has no Iran issue in its agenda

"ECO has no Iran issue its agenda," State Minister of Turkey Bashir Atalay claimed.
05 May 2006 [08:06]

Baku declaration to be signed at ECO IX summit includes clause on Nagorno Karabakh

Baku declaration to be signed at IX summit of Economic Cooperation Organization on May 5 includes all questions to be raised. Besides, a clause on the conflict has been included in the declaration at request of Azerbaijani side, Deputy Foreign Minister Mahmud Mammadguliyev stated.
05 May 2006 [07:59]

CE Commissioner for Human Rights will make report on Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict

"During my visit to Azerbaijan, I intend to acquaint myself with firsthand the plight in human rights caused by Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict," CE Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg stated.
04 May 2006 [22:35]

Ilham Aliyev meets President of Iran

Today President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev met with President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
04 May 2006 [22:25]

President received PM of Tajikistan

May 4, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received at the presidential palace Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Akil Akilov.
04 May 2006 [22:21]

President receives Chairman of legislative chamber of Uzbek Parliament

May 4, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received at the presidential palace Chairman of legislative chamber of the Uzbek Parliament Erkin Khalilov.
04 May 2006 [16:19]

Bulgarian National Unity Party urges parliament to recognize false "Armenian Genocide"

Bulgarian National Unity Party called on parliament to recognize bogus "Armenian Genocide".
04 May 2006 [15:49]

Iran to continue cooperation with IAEA

Iran will continue to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency if its controversial nuclear program is not made into a political issue, the country's Foreign Minister said.
04 May 2006 [15:29]

President received US Secretary of State Assistant on Business

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received assistant of US Secretary of State on Business Affairs Frank Mermoud, 4 May.
04 May 2006 [14:33]

Azerbaijan keen in cooperation with Jewish communities

Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Azerbaijanis Living Abroad Nazim Ibrahimov has left for the United States of America to take part at the actions dedicated to centenary of the American Jewish Committee.
04 May 2006 [12:42]

Meeting at Foreign Ministry

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov has met the Prime Minister of Pakistan Shaukat Aziz.
04 May 2006 [12:37]

16th ECO session commenced in Baku

On 4 May, 16th session of the Ministerial Council of Foreign Affairs of member countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) commenced in Baku.
04 May 2006 [12:23]

Prosecutor General meets ODIHR delegation

Prosecutor General of the Azerbaijan Republic Zakir Garalov met with the delegation led by head of the election observation mission of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on May 3.
04 May 2006 [08:51]

Parliamentary elections' hot line to be activated

Hot line opened in Central Election Commission (CEC) with regard to parliamentary elections May 13.
04 May 2006 [08:49]

Azerbaijan answers Terry Davis inquiry on secret prisons

Azerbaijan has answered Council of Europe Secretary general Terry Davis inquiry on US CIA secret prisons.
04 May 2006 [08:30]

OSCE MG co-chairs complete discussion in Moscow, Bernard Fassier visits Armenia

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs Yuri Merzlyakov, Steven Mann, Bernar Fasie and OSCE chair-in-office's personal representative in Nagorno Karabakh Anjey Kaspiisk have completed discussion in Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow.
04 May 2006 [08:20]

Armenians stage protest action against removal of Russian base from Akhalkalak

Removal of Russian military bases from Akhalkalak dissatisfied Armenians living in this territory.
04 May 2006 [08:16]

CIS Pre-election Mission publicizes its report on situation in Azerbaijan

CIS Observation Mission publicized its first report on pre-election situation in Azerbaijan. The mission has been in Azerbaijan since April 24.
04 May 2006 [07:53]

Jonathan Henick: "Section 907 of the "Freedom Support Act" will be valid until Nagorno Karabakh conflict resolved"

Section 907 of the "Freedom Support Act" will be valid for Azerbaijan until Nagorno Karabakh conflict resolved”, the US Embassy to Azerbaijan Public Affairs Officer Jonathan Henick stated.
03 May 2006 [23:25]

PM visits Vilnus

Delegation of Azerbaijan led by Prime Minister Artur Rasizade has left for Vilnius for participation in summit of Heads of states and governments of Baltic and the Black Sea region.
03 May 2006 [23:17]

PACE observers visiting Azerbaijan

Members of the pre-electoral observation mission of Special Committee of the Council of Europe since May 3 have started arriving in Azerbaijan to observe repeat elections to Milli Majlis on 13 May.
03 May 2006 [23:10]

Workshop on improvement of election practice

A seminar on improvement of election practice in the Azerbaijan Republic was held in the International Press Center (IPC) for official representatives at elections and other responsible persons on May 3.
03 May 2006 [15:32]

US to contribute to free and fair by-elections

The Government of the United States will contribute to free and fair repeat elections to the Milli Majlis, according to Jason Highland, Charge d’affaires of the US Embassy to Azerbaijan.
03 May 2006 [15:10]

Azeri speaker meets with executive director of British Links non-profit organization

Chairman of the Azerbaijani Parliament (Milli Majlis) Oqtay Asadov met May 2 with Dennis Sammut, Executive Director of the London Information Network on Conflict and State Building (Links) non-profit organization.
03 May 2006 [14:25]

Ankara has refused Washington's request to attack Iran from its Air Force base

Turkish Foreign Minster Abdullah Gul stated that his country had refused a request from the USA to attack Iran from its Air Force base in Incirlic.
03 May 2006 [13:18]

Opposition sets up Azerbaijani Youth Platform

The youth wings of opposition parties that are members of Azerbaijan's Azadlyg (Freedom) bloc have established the Azerbaijani Youth Platform organization.
03 May 2006 [13:00]

Afghani President Karzai to attend ECO conference in Azerbaijan

President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai will leave for Azerbaijan on Thursday to attend the two-day meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) in Baku.
03 May 2006 [12:50]

RFE/RL: "NATO official discusses Baku's future"

Pierre Lellouche to visit Azerbaijan.
03 May 2006 [11:16]

Memo of understanding to be signed during Korean President's visit

In the course of the Korean President's visit to Azerbaijan, the Governments of Azerbaijan and Republic of Korea will sign a memorandum of understanding on communication and information technology cooperation.
03 May 2006 [09:06]

Ali Hasanov: "No need for Golden Amnesty"

Azerbaijani government considers the problem of alleged political prisoners closed.
03 May 2006 [09:04]

OSCE MG co-chairs meet in Moscow

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs Yuri Merzlyakov (Russia), Steven Mann (USA) and Bernard Fassier (France) and OSCE chair-in-office Andzhei Kaspshik are discussing the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict in Russian Foreign Ministry.
03 May 2006 [08:46]

US Embassy official visited Zagatala

Yesterday economic and political issues advisor of the US Embassy to Azerbaijan Lora Shaby has visited Zagatala.
03 May 2006 [08:42]

ECO countries experts identified issues to be discussed

Yesterday in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Azerbaijan ECO member countries Foreign Affairs Ministries experts have discussed issues to be included into the agenda of Foreign Affairs Ministers Council to be held in Baku May 4.
03 May 2006 [08:36]

Seminar on Improvement of Election Procedure was held

Seminar on Improvement of Election Procedure was held for election organizing officers and authority members conducted by Council of Europe and IREX in International Press Center (IPC).
03 May 2006 [08:24]

Azerbaijan-Belarus inter-governmental Economic Committee to hold meeting in Minsk

Azerbaijan-Belarus inter-governmental Economic Committee to hold meeting in Minsk May 15, charge d’affaires of Belarus in Azerbaijan, Vladmir Korolchuck said.
03 May 2006 [08:03]

Artur Rasi-zade will participate in Democratic Selection Union meeting

Democratic Selection Unity conference will be held in Vilnius, capital of Lithuania.
02 May 2006 [22:36]

International action participants met with Nino Burjanadze

Azerbaijani Women National Confederation and Yeni Azerbaijan Party organization participants of international action on the subject "Heydar Aliyev Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline is guarantee of peace, security, stability and development" in the region, have hold several meetings in Georgia.
02 May 2006 [21:41]

New Russian Ambassador to Azerbaijan arrives in mid-summer

New Ambassador of Russian federation to Azerbaijan will arrive to Baku in the mid June 2006, the interim representative of Russian federation in Azerbaijan.
02 May 2006 [21:22]

President accepted Ambassador from Oman sultanate

The Azerbaijani President, Ilham Aliyev accepted specially assigned Ambassador of Oman sultanate, personal advisor of sultan, Oman's representative in UN and UNESCO free will Ambassador, Sheikh Hasan Shakir May 2.
02 May 2006 [17:39]

NATO week to be held in Baku

Next NATO week will be held in Baku, NATO mission in Azerbaijan press-attach?, Leila Abdullayeva informs.
02 May 2006 [17:19]

Musavat: "6 applications submitted for nomination to the Party's Medjlis"

6 applications were submitted to Congress Organization Committee for nomination to Musavat's Medjlis, Chairman of the Committee, Deputy Head of Musavat Vurgun Eyyub stated.