
16 May 2006 [15:38]

President congratulates Norwegian PM

President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan sent a message of congratulations to the Prime Minister of Norway Jens Stoltenberg on national holiday of the Kingdom of Norway - Constitution Day.
16 May 2006 [14:57]

US Embassy Statement on Parliamentary by-Elections

The US embassy has issued statement on re-run elections in Azerbaijan, Public Affairs Office in the US Embassy has informed:
16 May 2006 [14:20]

Agenda of Azerbaijani and Armenian FMs' meeting not specified yet

There is no exact agenda of the meeting planned between Azerbaijani and Armenian FA ministers in Strasbourg yet, said Agshin Mehdiyev, permanent representative of Azerbaijan to the Council of Europe.
16 May 2006 [13:02]

Vatican Foreign Minister to visit Baku

The Vatican Foreign Minister Giovanni Lajolo is due to visit Baku on Friday, chairman of the Caucasus Clerical Office, Sheikh Allahshukur Pashazada, has told journalists.
16 May 2006 [12:36]

Azeri and Jewish diasporas to cooperate

May 15, Chairman of the State Committee on Work with the Azerbaijanis Living in Foreign Countries, Nazim Ibrahimov has met the Head of the Israeli-Azerbaijani inter-parliamentary group of friendship Joseph Shagal.
16 May 2006 [12:30]

Baku to host International Conference on Human Rights

An international conference on the topic "Human Rights in Azerbaijan" is expected May 23-24 in Baku.
16 May 2006 [12:21]

Deputy PM meets with Georgy Kheviashvili

Ali Hasanov, Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan and Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees met May 15 with his Georgian counterpart Georgy Kheviashvili.
16 May 2006 [10:39]

GUAM summit to adopt Ukraine's initiating liquidation of Jackson-Venick amendment for Azerbaijan

Jewish communities will support liquidation of the Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act against Azerbaijan adopted by the US Congress in 1993 and Jackson-Venick Amendment against the USSR and countries gained independence later on adopted in 1974.
16 May 2006 [10:28]

Third round of negotiations between Azerbaijan–European Union will be held in Baku next week

The next week third round of negotiations between Azerbaijani–European Union within New Neighborhood Policy on Individual Partnership Plan, will be held in Baku.
16 May 2006 [09:46]

Mehman Ismayilov: "Nizami Bahmanov causes problems"

"Head of Susha executive power Nizami Bahmanov causes problems to the solution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict by talking on behalf of Azerbaijanis from Nagorno Karabakh. He was not elected to the post of executive power Head," Head of the newly established Karabakh Assembly Organizational Committee Mehman Ismayilov stated.
16 May 2006 [09:36]

Joseph Shagal: "Cultural Center and Economic-Trade Chamber should be established in Israel previously"

Israeli MP, Israeli-Azerbaijan friendship parliament group leader, Joseph Shagal who is from Baku in origin, visited Azerbaijan.
16 May 2006 [09:14]

Greek Ambassador visits Nakhchivan

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Greece to Azerbaijan, Temistokles Dimidis will pay a visit to Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (AR) from May 21-22.
16 May 2006 [08:21]

Azeri MPs visited Sofia

Milly Majlis Working Group for Azerbaijan-Bulgaria interparliamentary relations member, Law policy and State Structure Issues Committee Chairman Ali Huseynov, MPs Agajan Abiyev, Rauf Aliyev, and Elman Mammadov have left for Sofia on the invitation of their counterparts of Bulgaria.
15 May 2006 [19:36]

Jewish forum could be held in Baku in Autumn

Israel views the Muslim countries of the former USSR as partners for dialogue and cooperation, Josef Shagal, a deputy of the Israeli Ksennet and head of Parliamentary Friendship Association "Israel-Azerbaijan" said at a press conference today in Baku.
15 May 2006 [19:25]

Georgian Embassy in Azerbaijan deprived of premises

The Azerbaijani government deprived the Georgian Embassy of premises in Baku.
15 May 2006 [18:30]

Ali Naghiyev appointed Azerbaijan's Ambassador to Belarus

Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev issued an executive order on appointment of Ali Naghiyev Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Belarus.
15 May 2006 [18:24]

Movlut Chavushoglu: "We witnessed serious improvements in repeat elections in Azerbaijan"

"We witnessed serious improvements in Saturday's partial repeat parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan.
15 May 2006 [15:57]

President Aliyev receives Japanese Ambassador

Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev received Japan's Ambassador Tadahiro Abe.
15 May 2006 [15:46]

RFE/RL: "Further delay in EU Action Plans for South Caucasus"

EU Neighborhood Policy Action Plans for Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan could face a further delay.
15 May 2006 [15:04]

Anne Derse: "Return to violence in Karabakh issue would be tragedy"

During her Senate confirmation hearing today, Ambassador-designate Anne Derse reiterated U.S. policy for a peaceful, mutually acceptable resolution to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, stating that "a return to violence would be a tragedy."
15 May 2006 [14:34]

Bill on support to South Caucasus states introduced before US Senate

A bill on support to states of the South Caucasus and Central Asia for ensuring US national security interests, containing Russia's geopolitical ambition, as well as creation and support to a network of US military bases is introduced before the US Senate.
15 May 2006 [14:28]

Prosecutors disscuss corruption and other economic crimes

Seminar on the theme "The main directions of fight against corruption and other economic crimes" was held on May 12 at the Education Center of the republican Public Prosecutor's Office, its press service announced.
15 May 2006 [13:05]

Turkish Daily News: "Armenian, Greek lobbies unite to block missile sale to Turkey"

Four key US congressmen with the Armenian and Greek lobby groups oppose Pentagon plans to sell air-to-ground missile systems. The Armenian National Committee of America also joins the move to prevent the $162-million sale.
15 May 2006 [12:33]

OSCE/ODIHR mission: "Electoral reform in Azerbaijan must be continued"

Partial repeat parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan underscore continuing need for electoral reform.
15 May 2006 [12:10]

Will U.S., Iran negotiate?

Article by Michael Hirsh, Newsweek.
14 May 2006 [21:39]

Bulgarian observers content with election results

Bulgarian observers have praised the conduct of Azerbaijan's repeat elections held on Saturday.
14 May 2006 [21:37]

PACE says approval of Azeri mandate 'depends on progress report'

The approval of the Azeri delegation’s mandate at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe depends on the reports to be submitted to its June session by the two rapporteurs, says Leo Platvoet, head of the PACE's 20-member mission that monitored Saturday’s repeat elections to the Milli Majlis.
14 May 2006 [21:34]

PACE urges changes to Azeri free assembly law

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has insisted that changes be made to the Law On Freedom of Assembly in Azerbaijan.
14 May 2006 [21:32]

PACE cites improvements at Azeri poll

Repeat elections to the Milli Majlis held in Azerbaijan on Saturday marked progress compared to last year's poll despite some shortfalls, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe said.
14 May 2006 [21:27]

Azeri by-elections fair, electoral body says

The Azeri electoral body official has said the partial re-run of the parliamentary elections on Saturday was transparent and democratic.
14 May 2006 [21:24]

Heads of CIS, OSCE observation missions meet in Baku

The heads of the CIS and OSCE missions that monitored Saturday's re-run of the Azeri parliament vote met in Baku on Saturday.
14 May 2006 [21:22]

International observers praise repeat parliament vote

Observers from Estonia, Sweden, Germany and Latvia have highly assessed Azerbaijan's by-elections to the Milli Majlis (parliament) held on Saturday.
14 May 2006 [21:20]

CIS mission issues final assessment of repeat poll

The CIS observation mission released on Sunday its final assessment of Azerbaijan's Saturday repeat parliamentary elections in ten constituencies.
14 May 2006 [21:18]

Local NGOs say election re-run democratic

Two local NGOs have issued initial assessments of joint observations held during the Saturday repeat elections to the Azeri parliament in ten constituencies.
14 May 2006 [21:16]

Opposition party claims vote rigging

An opposition representative has criticized the conduct of Azerbaijan's repeat parliamentary elections held on Saturday.
14 May 2006 [18:59]

YAP gains half of mandates in parliament by-elections

The ruling Yeni Azerbaijan party has gained half of mandates in parliamentary by-elections in ten districts.
14 May 2006 [18:57]

CEC Elections Information Center announced final re-run election results

CEC Elections Information Center has announced final election results concerning voting.
14 May 2006 [18:50]

US International Republicans Institute announced preliminary results of exit-poll

International Republicans Institute (IRI) has announced the preliminary results of exit-poll related to re-run elections.
14 May 2006 [10:06]

The Washington Post: "Oil wealth colors the U.S. push for democracy"

The White House makes overtures in Asia and Africa.
14 May 2006 [09:56]

NGOs accepted as observer members in OIC

Senior officials of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) approved a draft decision that would allow non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to join the OIC as observers.
14 May 2006 [09:43]

Azeri MP slams French parliament 'genocide' decision

An Azeri parliament member has aired discontent over the law the French parliament is planning to enforce that allows prosecuting persons denying the so-called Armenian genocide.
14 May 2006 [09:40]

Most Azeris oppose anti-Iran coalition

Most Azeris are against the country’s joining an international coalition against Iran, a recent survey says.
13 May 2006 [21:16]

Parliamentary elections - UPDATED

Repeat parliamentary elections are over.
13 May 2006 [15:34]

The Washington Times: "Azeris rethink post-freedom tilt to West"

Article by Kathy Gannon, Associated Press correspondent.
13 May 2006 [14:39]

International Republican Institute to publicize preliminary exit-poll results tonight

The US Charge d’Affaires in Azerbaijan Jason Hyland visited the International Republican Institute (IRI) office in Baku today.
13 May 2006 [08:57]

US Senate to confirm new ambassador to Azerbaijan

The US Senate will hold hearing related to appointment of new ambassadors to Azerbaijan and Ukraine.
12 May 2006 [23:16]

US Embassy sets up 10 observer groups for Azerbaijan re-elections

US Embassy will observe the partial re-run of the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan scheduled for May 13 in all of the ten constituencies.
12 May 2006 [22:50]

Terry Davis selects new special representative to Azerbaijan

Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis has selected his new special representative to be appointed to Azerbaijan.
12 May 2006 [22:46]

Armenian armed forces break cease-fire in Fuzuli and Terter

Armenia keeps on violating the cease-fire.
12 May 2006 [22:38]

124 candidates compete for 10 seats in Parliament

On May 13 Milli Majlis re-election will be conducted in 10 electoral districts.
12 May 2006 [22:34]

Azerbaijan parliament passes law to amend parliamentary regulations

A draft law on making amendments to the internal regulations of Milli Majlis was discussed and adopted in the first part of today's session of parliament.
12 May 2006 [22:31]

Credentials of Azerbaijan's local authorities representatives in Council Europe might be frozen

The Council Europe Congress of Local and Regional Authorities is seriously concerned about delaying of repeat local elections to vacancies in municipal authorities in Azerbaijan.
12 May 2006 [22:27]

Azerbaijani CEC chairman holds press conference on tomorrow's re-elections

Today chairman of Central Election Commission (CEC) Mazahir Panahov held a press conference related to tomorrow’s partial re-run of parliamentary elections.
12 May 2006 [22:25]

Leo Platvoet: "I don't think 6 November events will happen again"

"Tomorrow it will be possible to say how democratic the repeat elections were. We are in Azerbaijan to observe these elections and make our assessment in the end," Leo Platvoet, head of Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) pre-electoral mission told journalists.
12 May 2006 [21:44]

Azeri MP praises UN rights body admission

Azerbaijan's recent admission to the newly-established UN Human Rights Council shows that the UN General Assembly acknowledges that human rights are being protected and the democratic reforms are successfully underway in the country, a parliament member has said.
12 May 2006 [21:36]

Azerbaijan to open embassy in Israel soon, MP says

The embassy of Azerbaijan will open in Israel shortly, says head of the Azerbaijan-Israel parliamentary friendship group, MP of Jewish decent, Yevda Abramov.
12 May 2006 [17:13]

Azeri FM meets Kuwaiti Deputy Information Minister

Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met with visiting Kuwaiti Deputy Minister of Information Sheikh Faisal Khalifa Al-Malik Al-Sabah.
12 May 2006 [16:55]

Armenian speaker denies Karabakh differences forced him out

The former speaker of the Armenian parliament said Friday he had not quit his post over differences on how to resolve a long-running territorial dispute with Azerbaijan.
12 May 2006 [16:21]

Armenian speaker quits, party goes into opposition

The speaker of Armenian parliament quit his post Friday, and said his party would join the opposition after leaving the ruling parliamentary coalition.
12 May 2006 [15:55]

Reuters: "Annan presses US to start direct talks with Iran"

U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan urged the United States again on Friday to enter direct talks with Iran to ease a crisis over Iranian nuclear work after Washington vowed not to be drawn into "endless" dialogue.
12 May 2006 [13:01]

FM: "Azerbaijan to remain commited to its principles"

Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met May 11 with special envoy of the OSCE chairman-in-office Pierre Chevalie to discuss Azerbaijan-OSCE cooperation, negotiations on the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict, socio-political reforms, large-scale energy projects and other issues.
12 May 2006 [12:45]

Ha'aretz: "Iran president says ready for dialogue, brands Israel 'evil regime'"

Iran is "ready to engage in dialogue with anybody," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said during a live interview with Indonesia's Metro television Thursday, in response to a question about a letter he wrote to U.S. President George W. Bush.
12 May 2006 [12:13]

International Herald Tribune: "Putin versus Cheney"

Article by Anatol Lieven for International Herald Tribune.
12 May 2006 [12:06]

GUAM leaves CIS without Azerbaijan

The Moldovian authorities practically supported Georgian-Ukrainian initiative on leaving the CIS.
12 May 2006 [11:47]

PACE discuses Stability Pact for South Caucasus

A parliamentary hearing on the Stability Pact for the South Caucasus will take place on May 12 in Brussels, organized by the Political Affairs Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), CoE reported.
12 May 2006 [10:57]

President congratulates Giorgio Napolitano on his election

President Ilham Aliyev sent message of congratulations to Giorgio Napolitano on his election as President of Italian Republic.
12 May 2006 [10:44]

Emergencies Minister receives Building and Transport Minister of Korea

Azerbaijan Emergencies Minister Kamaladdin Heydarov today received Korean Building and Transport Minister Chu Dyung Jik.
12 May 2006 [08:23]

Azerbaijan not appointed delegate to CIS High Level Group

The High Level Group (HLG) of the Commonwealth of Independent States today is holding its third meeting to boost efficiency of the alliance.
12 May 2006 [08:19]

PACE Election Observation Mission Head visits Azerbaijan

Leo Platvoet, Head of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Election Observation Mission for partial re-run of the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan has arrived in Baku tonight.
11 May 2006 [22:55]

Azerbaijan-South Korea Summit - UPDATED

Azerbaijan, South Korea sign cooperation declaration.
11 May 2006 [21:03]

1st train with arms from Russian base in Georgia to go on May 15

The first batch of armaments and military hardware from the Russian military base in Georgia's Akhalkalaki has been prepared for the transfer to Russia by rail.
11 May 2006 [20:30]

Lala Shovkat Hajiyeva underwent operation

National Unity Movement (NUM) leader Lala Shovkat has underwent an operation.
11 May 2006 [20:08]

Scott Ritter: "US considers strikes on Iran from Azeri territory"

UN former nuclear weapons inspector Scott Ritter stated the US Administration considers strikes upon Iran from the territory of Azerbaijan.
11 May 2006 [13:16]

Price of Schengen visa increased

Those intending to visit Schengen countries will have to pay 60 euros Consular fee from October this year.
11 May 2006 [11:51]

Elmar Mammadyarov met with Ban Ki-moon

Azerbaijani FM Mammadyarov meet South Korean counterpart.