
23 June 2006 [09:57]

International Organization for Migration Director General holds press conference

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Director General Brunson McKinley, who attended the 33rd session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Baku from June 19 to 21, held a press conference on his visit.
23 June 2006 [09:50]

Elmar Mammadyarov received deputy FM of Iraq

Yesterday Azerbaijani Foreign minister Elmar Mammadyarov received deputy foreign minister of Iraq, Rafi-Al-Eyssavi.
23 June 2006 [09:45]

PACE Interim Commission for Karabakh to visit the region in autumn

The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Monitoring Committee will meet in Armenia from October 15 to 16 this year.
23 June 2006 [09:19]

"Establishment and strengthening of peace in the South Caucasus" conference held

Yesterday International conference on the subject of "Establishment and strengthening of peace in the South Caucasus" on the initiative of Azerbaijan Way Policy Movement (AWPM), held.
23 June 2006 [08:56]

Omanian diplomat holds talks on economic issues in Azerbaijan

Sayyid Badr bin Hamed bin Hamoud Al Busaidi, Omanian undersecretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, held a meeting with Khalaf Khalafov, Azerbaijan deputy foreign minister, at the Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry headquarters on Thursday.
23 June 2006 [08:38]

Mikhail Zabelin: "The biggest Russian Diaspora of the South Caucasus is in Azerbaijan"

"The biggest Russian Diaspora in South Caucasus is in Azerbaijan. At present, 170 thousand Russian live in Azerbaijan, 2 thousand in Georgia, 5 thousand in Armenia." Russian community leader in Azerbaijan, Milly Majlis member Mikhail Zabelin has told.
23 June 2006 [00:00]

Russian nationalists protest against monument to Heydar Aliyev

About a hundred people took part in an action of protest in Moscow on Thursday against installation of a monument to the late Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev.
22 June 2006 [22:02]

Rafael Huseynov raises Iranian Azerbaijanis' problems at PACE Committee

The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Science, Education and Culture Committee held hearing today.
22 June 2006 [21:57]

Nakhchivan was not shown as territory of Azerbaijan at Cameroon web-site

Nakhchivan was not shown as territory of Azerbaijan at the web-site of Cameroon Company operating in Azerbaijan.
22 June 2006 [21:53]

Iranian Embassy First Secretary says his insulting words were joke

First Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party (ADP) Serdar Jalaloglu met with Mustafa Mashadi, First Secretary of the Iranian Embassy in Azerbaijan today.
22 June 2006 [21:49]

Fuad Akhundov: "Hitler occupied 9% of the USSR while Armenia has occupied 20% of Azerbaijan"

The presentation ceremony of the book titled "Karabakh conflict: Azerbaijani point" published in Moscow was held today.
22 June 2006 [14:17]

OIC calls for end to Turkish Cypriots' isolation

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) foreign ministers called for an end of Turkish Cypriot's isolation in their final declaration issued on Wednesday.
22 June 2006 [13:42]

FM informed CE Secretary General on the fire in occupied territories

Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov has met with Council of Europe (CE) Deputy Secretary General Mod de bur-Bukikkio, who is on a visit in our country as a guest to participate at Islamic Conference Organization foreign ministers 33rd session.
22 June 2006 [13:29]

Zori Balayan: "Recent events on Iranian Azerbaijanis will create problem for Armenia"

The Benelux Azerbaijan Congress Initiative Group, World Union of Azerbaijani Political Migrants (WUAPM) and the Azerbaijan's Friends Society held a joint meeting in Amsterdam yesterday.
22 June 2006 [10:52]

Turkish MFA welcomes inclusion of Kazakhstan in BTC pipeline

Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has welcomed the inclusion of Kazakhstan in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline.
22 June 2006 [09:23]

Ago Group presented report on its visit to South Caucasus region

Council of Europe Cabinet of Ministers 969th session was held.
22 June 2006 [02:21]

Mottaki: "Bush should be patient for response to incentives offer"

Iran's foreign minister says President Bush should not be in a hurry for a response to a Western incentives package aimed at curbing Tehran's sensitive nuclear activities.
22 June 2006 [02:06]

Mottaki sums up results of Baku OIC gathering

Iran's Minister of Foreign Affairs Manouchehr Mottaki on Wednesday elaborated on results of the Organization of Islamic Conference's Baku ministerial gathering and Tehran's stands on some regional and international affairs.
21 June 2006 [21:04]

Turkish FM reiterates Turkey's stance on Cyprus issue

Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul on Wednesday reiterated Turkey's refusal to open its harbors and airports to Greek Cypriot traffic if international sanctions against Turkish Cyprus are not lifted.
21 June 2006 [20:59]

Bush urges Iran to respond faster on nuclear offer

President Bush said on Wednesday Iran was taking too long to respond to an offer of incentives to halt nuclear work that could lead to atomic weapons, and urged it to reply within weeks.
21 June 2006 [20:27]

Iranian FM holds talks with Muslim counterparts in Baku

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki met with his Pakistani, Filipino, Afghan and Bahraini counterparts on the sidelines of the 33rd OIC Foreign Ministerial summit and discussed various issues.
21 June 2006 [20:17]

OIC demands Armenian forces pullout from Azerbaijan

Member-states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) have issued a demand to Armenia to immediately, unconditionally and irrevocably withdraw its armed units from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
21 June 2006 [20:13]

Turkmenistan unmasks French spies

Two Frenchmen, Enri Tomassini, who is the cultural advisor at the French embassy in Ashkhabad, and OSCE's employee Benjamin Moro faced spying charges in Turkmenistan once Turkmen right advocate Annakurban Amangylydzhov testified against them.
21 June 2006 [20:00]

PACE summer session to debate on issue on Azerbaijan on the first day of its work

A change has been made to the agenda of the summer plenary session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), which takes place in Strasbourg from 26 to 30 June 2006.
21 June 2006 [17:48]

Manouchehr Mottaki: "Absence of Muslim states on U.N. Security Council a source of regret"

The lack of a Muslim state on the UN Security Council is a source of regret, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said.
21 June 2006 [17:44]

OIC calls for stepping up efforts in Mideast peace process

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) has called for accelerating the peaceful settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
21 June 2006 [17:42]

OIC backs Iran's right to peaceful nuclear technology

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) supports Iran's right to pursue a peaceful nuclear program, OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu told journalists on Wednesday.
21 June 2006 [17:20]

Lithuania calls on Turkey for fuel supply to Europe

Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus called on Turkey and South Caucasus countries to arrange for "alternative fuel supplies to Europe to ensure its energy independence."
21 June 2006 [17:16]

Manouchehr Mottaki: "Iran not yet decided on West's nuclear deal"

Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told journalists in Baku that Tehran had yet to make a decision on a deal offered by Western governments aimed at defusing the standoff over its nuclear program.
21 June 2006 [17:14]

Brunei supports OIC efforts

His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, Brunei's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in a statement expressed support of current efforts to implement the Organisation of Islamic Conference's (OIC) 10-year Programme of Action.
21 June 2006 [17:12]

Morocco calls for expanding trade between Muslim countries

Morocco has called on the member states of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) to work for reinforcing commercial exchanges between Islamic countries and expanding their participation in international trade, besides ensuring the defence of their common interests.
21 June 2006 [17:05]

Thai FM speaks to Islamic ministers

Thailand's Foreign Minister Kantathi Suphamongkhon told counterparts of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference this morning that the Thai government is tackling the problem of insurgency in the country's deep South at its roots, and tackling the difference in people's religions and cultures in the region.
21 June 2006 [17:03]

Iranian FM meets Turkish counterpart

Iran is expected to give response to the "package of incentives" proposed to end the tension ahead of the G-8 summit on June 29.
21 June 2006 [17:01]

Thai Consulate opened in Baku

Thailand's Foreign Minister Kantathi Suphamongkhon opened an honorary consulate general in Azerbaijan on Tuesday.
21 June 2006 [16:28]

Khalaf Khalafov: "We plan to hold meeting on Caspian Sea status"

"Venue of the next round of the talks related to legal status of the Caspian Sea is known, though time has not been fixed yet. The next meeting is to be held in Turkmenistan between the sides." Deputy FM Khalaf Khalafov has told journalists in his statement.
21 June 2006 [16:16]

Rafig Aliyev: "Some Azerbaijani officials maintain contact with radical groups in mosques"

Head of the State Committee for Religious Organizations Rafig Aliyev today told journalists that some officials are engaging in politics in mosques on the pretext of worship.
21 June 2006 [15:34]

Elmar Mammadyarov held press conference

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov held press conference dedicated to Islamic Conference Organization (ICO) foreign ministers councils' 33rd session.
21 June 2006 [14:44]

Heydar Aliyev Foundation to appeal Hague court

The Heydar Aliyev Foundation is going to take Armenia to the International Criminal Hague Court for material damage it inflicted to Azerbaijani people.
21 June 2006 [14:36]

Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers declares Armenia aggressor

"There is a large item on the Nagorno Garabagh problem in the Baku Declaration adopted at the 33rd session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers hosted in Azerbaijan," Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Khalaf Khalafov told journalists.
21 June 2006 [14:26]

Georgian first Deputy FM visits Azerbaijan tomorrow

The next meeting on delimitation of borders between Azerbaijan and Georgia will be held in Tbilisi.
21 June 2006 [14:11]

FM holds bilaterial meetings

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has held some meetings on the sidelines of the 33rd Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry's press-service reported.
21 June 2006 [13:48]

New US Ambassador will visit Azerbaijan July 8

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA appointed to Azerbaijan, Ms. Dyors will arrive in Baku July 8.
21 June 2006 [13:26]

Minsk Group co-chairs report to be listened at OSCE Permanent Council meeting

Minsk Group co-chairs' report will be listened at OSCE Permanent Council meeting to be held tomorrow.
21 June 2006 [13:17]

Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Duke of York visits Azerbaijan

Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Duke of York, son of Queen of Great Britain Her Majesty Elisabeth II visits Azerbaijan in the end of June.
21 June 2006 [09:37]

Mary Vernts: "80 percent of missed people are Azerbaijanis related to Nagorno Karabakh conflict"

Milly Majlis first Deputy Chairman, Security and Defense Permanent Committee Chairman Ziyafet Asgarov has met with International Red Cross Committee Baku representation leader Ms.Mary Vernts, regional representative of the organization in Moscow for armed and security issues, William Bow.
21 June 2006 [09:31]

Bernchard Klazen: "Prosecution of former prisoners of war in Azerbaijan causes concern"

The International Working Group to search for prisoners of war, missing and hostages ended the two-day visit to the occupied Azerbaijani territories.
21 June 2006 [09:28]

Malahat Hasanova to represent Azerbaijan at NATO seminar

The 63rd Rose-Roth seminar of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly will be held in Sochi, Russia June 22-24.
21 June 2006 [08:12]

Echelon with military equipment withdrawn from Georgia to enter Azerbaijan

One more echelon loaded with weapons and military equipment of the Russian 62nd military base in Akhalkalak, Georgia, started from the Georgian Salka railway station at 9a.m yesterday.
20 June 2006 [23:14]

Manuchehr Mottaki: "OIC Foreign Ministers defended Azerbaijani position in Nagorno Karabakh conflict"

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan was also focused on at the 33rd session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
20 June 2006 [22:22]

OSCE to monitor occupied Azerbaijani territories

The contact front line in Aghdam region of Azerbaijan is due to be monitored on June 28 in accordance with the mandate of the personal representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office.
20 June 2006 [22:10]

Azerbaijan and Russia to sign treaty of cooperation between Interior Troops

Treaty on cooperation between Azerbaijani and Russian Interior Troops will be signed.
20 June 2006 [21:54]

President receives participants of Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received Ali Sarikaya, President of the Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation.
20 June 2006 [16:14]

Sudden death of Armenian intelligence office head may be connected with his conflict with Defense Minister

Armenian Armed Forces intelligence office head, Major-General Basenchi Azoyan who died suddenly at the age of 59, became victim of conflict with the Defense Minister Serj Sarkisyan, a stament says on a forum section of an Armenian internet site.
20 June 2006 [15:33]

Azerbaijani Guantanamo detainee will be handed over to Netherlands

Azerbaijani resident Polad Sirajov detained in Guantanamo prison of the USA in Cuba, will be handed over to Netherlands after two days by the help of International Red Cross Society.
20 June 2006 [15:24]

Muslim conference decries Western 'Islamophobia'

A conference of Muslim countries in Azerbaijan this week has decried growing Islamophobia in the West in the wake of a furore sparked by the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed in several European newspapers.
20 June 2006 [15:22]

Abdullah Gul: "Opening of borders between Armenia and Turkey is not topic of discussion"

"The opening of borders between Armenia and Turkey is not topic of discussion," Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul told journalists while visiting the Qafgaz University in Azerbaijan.
20 June 2006 [15:22]

Pakistan hopes OIC envoy will help on Kashmir

Pakistan has expressed hope that the appointment of an Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) special envoy will help in the early resolution of the Kashmir dispute.
20 June 2006 [15:18]

Prevent civil war in Palistine, say Muslim states in Baku

Palestinian factions must fight a slide into civil war which is being exploited by Israel, ministers said at a pan-Muslim conference in Azerbaijan on Monday.
20 June 2006 [15:15]

Turkey urges Iran to respond to package before G-8 FM meeting

Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul urged his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki yesterday to respond to the six-nation incentive package before the G-8 foreign ministers meeting set for June 29.
20 June 2006 [14:14]

AGO Monitoring Group chairman to report on Azerbaijan and Armenia

The meeting of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers will be held in Strasbourg tomorrow.
20 June 2006 [13:51]

Azerbaijan concerned about Russian military base in Armenia

Russia indents to supply its military bases abroad, especially the 102nd base in Gumru, Armenia with S-400 antiaircraft missiles in near future.
20 June 2006 [13:04]

Secret "Red groups" organized in Dagestan

Lezghin nationalists living in the southern Dagestan in Russia want this region to achieve a special status. They are going to stage protest actions for this purpose.
20 June 2006 [10:27]

OIC protests construction of wall between Israel, Palestine

The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) called on Moslem countries to pool their efforts for resolving conflicts in the Islamic world.
20 June 2006 [10:25]

Brunei Foreign Minister at OIC Meet

His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, the Brunei Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister attended the opening ceremony of the 33rd session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Azerbaijan on Monday.
20 June 2006 [09:42]

GRECO discusses evaluation of fighting against corruption in Azerbaijan

The Council of Europe's Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) is holding its 29th plenary meeting yesterday.
20 June 2006 [09:35]

Gulamrza Tebrizi: "Azerbaijani government can't have different position on the events in Iran"

"Azerbaijani government can not have different position related to the events in Iran" World Azerbaijanis Coordinating Council member, Edinburgh University professor Gulamrza Tebrizi stated.
20 June 2006 [09:20]

President receives Turkish and Iranian FMs

President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan received the delegation led by the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul yesterday.
20 June 2006 [08:49]

Organizers of the march to Babek Castle addressed to Iranian Azerbaijanis

The South Azerbaijan Information Center spokesman Sirus Azadi told that the address shows the places of assembly and routes of march by Azerbaijanis on commemoration of hero Babek's birthday.
20 June 2006 [08:41]

Musavat Party to appeal PACE

Musavat Party is going to appeal to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly and several other international organizations regarding the non-representation of MPs from the party in the parliamentary delegation to PACE.
20 June 2006 [08:34]

Abdullah Gul: "Everyone at the Islamic Conference supported Azerbaijan in Nagorno Karabakh conflict"

"Everyone addressing the session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers supported Azerbaijan's position regarding the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
20 June 2006 [08:08]

Armenians break cease-fire in Karabakh

Armenian Armed Forces' units from positions in the occupied Yusifjanli village of Aghdam fired on the opposite positions of Azerbaijani Armed Forces from 22.00 June 18.
19 June 2006 [21:45]

Jason Hyland: "I am sure Mathew Bryza will help settlement of Karabakh conflict"

"Mathew Bryza is one of our diplomats, who is really talented in settling conflicts. He is closely acquainted with the region and is sure to give his gift to the settlement of the conflict," US charge d'affaires ad interim in Azerbaijan Jason Hyland told journalists.
19 June 2006 [21:04]

Prosecution demands Saddam Hussein's death

The trial of ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and his seven co-defendants is going to be over in Baghdad.
19 June 2006 [16:06]

Official Kyiv proposes to host Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents meeting

The next meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents might be held in Ukraine.
19 June 2006 [15:58]

President receives OSCE Secretary General

June 19 President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received at the Presidential Palace Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Marc Perrin de Brichambaut.