
11 May 2006 [11:04]

Aflatun Amashov might be Ombudsman

The autumn Ombudsman Institute will be organized in Azerbaijan for acquisition of Information.
11 May 2006 [10:57]

Contact line of Armenian and Azerbaijani troops to be monitored today

Tomorrow monitoring is planned to be held near Ashaghi Askipara village of Azerbaijani town of Gazakh, in the contact line of troops in accordance with the mandate of personal representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office.
11 May 2006 [10:44]

Samad Seyidov to attend meeting in Brussels

A meeting called Stability Pact for the South Caucasus will be held in Brussels May 12 at the initiative of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Political Affairs Committee.
11 May 2006 [10:06]

Council of Europe Committee of Ministers session's agenda announced

Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers Elmar Mammadyarov and Vardan Oskanyan will attend the 116th session of the Council of Europe Committee of Foreign Ministers scheduled for 18 and 19 May in Strasbourg.
11 May 2006 [10:01]

Mazahir Panahov: "International observers from 20 states will observe by-elections"

"Preparation works in all election constituencies have completed, ballot papers and numbered protocols have been distributed. This processes was implemented very seriously and under control," Central Election Commission (CEC) chairman has told journalists.
10 May 2006 [22:04]

Eurasia Daily Monitor: "Will Washington lead the Karabakh process?"

After a failed February attempt to break the deadlock in negotiations between Armenian President Robert Kocharian and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, observers thought the Karabakh peace process was dead.
10 May 2006 [21:28]

Georgia to quit CIS after consultations with EU, U.S.

Georgia will decide whether to quit the Commonwealth of Independent States after consulting allies in the EU and the U.S., a Georgian political analyst said Wednesday.
10 May 2006 [20:13]

Iran names ambassador to Iraq after 26 years

Iran's new ambassador to Iraq officially took up his post in Baghdad, the first from the Islamic republic since 1980.
10 May 2006 [20:10]

Text of Iranian Ahmadinejad's letter to Bush

Iran's Foreign Ministry said it was waiting for a response from US President George W Bush to a surprise letter sent by the Islamic republic's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
10 May 2006 [19:38]

Armenia denied seat in UN Human Rights body

Armenia has failed to win a prestigious seat in a new United Nations body tasked with protecting human rights around the world.
10 May 2006 [18:08]

Bulgarian parliament speaker to visit Azerbaijan

Chairman of Bulgaria's parliament Georgi Pirinski will pay an official visit to Azerbaijan.
10 May 2006 [18:06]

Yuri Merzlyakov: "It is the most suitable time to settle Karabakh conflict"

"The current situation on the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is promising and bears responsibility," said OSCE Minsk Group Russian co-chair Yuri Merzlyakov.
10 May 2006 [17:06]

Putin praises CIS, advocates stronger role for organization

An alliance of former Soviet republics has contributed to partnership in the region and helped prevent several conflicts since the collapse of the Soviet Union, President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday.
10 May 2006 [16:41]

Azerbaijani MPs leave for Berlin

Members of the Azerbaijani Parliament (Milli Majlis) Siyavush Novruzov, Asim Mollazade, Mirkazim Kazimov, Arastun Javadov, Fuad Muradov and Zahid Orujov left for German capital, Berlin, to participate in the 5th session of the South Caucasus Parliamentary Initiative.
10 May 2006 [15:53]

US researcher says Karabakh status 'to be put off'

The status of Nagorno Karabakh will not be determined at this stage in the Armenia-Azerbaijan peace talks, a researcher of the Washington-based influential John Hopkins University has said.
10 May 2006 [13:14]

Korean President Roh Moo-hyun starts a visit

Korea, Azerbaijan hold Summit Thursday
10 May 2006 [12:55]

World Azerbaijanis Congress to meet in Stockholm in June

The IX meeting of World Azerbaijanis Congress (WAC) will be held in the Swedish capital Stockholm from June 23 to 25 this year.
10 May 2006 [12:51]

PACE Election Observation Mission members to arrive today

The members of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Election Observation Mission will arrive in Baku from today to observe the rerun of parliamentary elections scheduled for 13 May in Azerbaijan.
10 May 2006 [10:17]

Pierre Lelouche's visit postponed

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly President Pierre Lelouche's visit to Azerbaijan is postponed till September.
10 May 2006 [09:23]

Azerbaijan takes a seat in Rights Council by the second round of voting

Cuba, Saudi Arabia, China and Russia won seats on the new U.N. Human Rights Council on Tuesday despite their poor human rights records, but two rights abusers - Iran and Venezuela - were defeated.
10 May 2006 [09:11]

The Guardian: "Rodeo diplomacy"

Article by The Guardian's columnist Simon Tisdall.
09 May 2006 [23:14]

Israel's Military Intelligence chief: "Iran will produce nuclear bomb by 2010"

Iran will have acquired nuclear bombs by 2010, the head of Israel's Military Intelligence, Major General Amos Yadlin, told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday.
09 May 2006 [22:58]

Azerbaijan failed to win membership in the UN rights council

The United Nations elected 44 of the initial 47 members of its new Human Rights Council in a first round of voting on Tuesday, including five nations named by rights groups as among the world's worst abusers.
09 May 2006 [20:36]

BBC: "Power games in the Caucasus"

Article by Kieran Cooke.
09 May 2006 [19:14]

Agence France-Presse: "US dismisses Ahmadinejad letter, no deal on Iran nuclear program"

The United States has dismissed a surprise letter from Iran's hardline leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to US President George W. Bush, saying it offered nothing new, as world powers struggled to deal with Tehran's nuclear ambitions.
09 May 2006 [19:08]

10 border stations will be open on Azerbaijani-Georgian border

According to Elchin Guliyev, Chief of State Boundary Service (SBS), a number of border stations will be open this year.
09 May 2006 [19:06]

Samad Seyidov: "Azerbaijan will put its pressure on Armenia through the CoE"

"To bring real truth into the notice Azerbaijan will put its pressure on Armenia through the Council of Europe," Samad Seidov, Head of Azerbaijani delegation in Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, told in his speech to the media responding the statement of Vardan Oskanian, Armenian Foreign Affairs Minister.
09 May 2006 [19:05]

Elmar Mammadyarov: "Co-chairmen have new ideas about the NK conflict settlement"

"Date of Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents is not known yet," Elmar Mammadyarov, Foreign Affairs Minister, told in his speech to the media.
09 May 2006 [19:02]

Azerbaijan intends to open Embassy in Israel

Official talks were not organized on Azerbaijan embassy open in Israel.
09 May 2006 [18:39]

IranMania.com: "Nervous days on Azeri border as storm grow"

In ordinary times, few men could care less about UN resolutions than the regulars at the 1001 Nights Cafe in Astara, southern Azerbaijan, said AFP.
09 May 2006 [18:03]

The Boston Globe: "Playing ethnic politics"

Article by H.D.S. Greenway published in The Boston Globe.
09 May 2006 [17:52]

Aslan Maskhadov's family seek asylum in Finland

The family of Aslan Maskhadov, the Chechen separatist leader killed in March 2005, have turned to President Tarja Halonen to seek asylum in Finland, a Helsinki-based the Finnish-Caucasian Association told on Monday.
09 May 2006 [10:29]

CSDAA prepared initial opinion related to May 13 elections

Civil Society Development Assistance Association (CSDAA) has prepared initial opinion with regard to pre-election due on May 13 in Azerbaijan.
09 May 2006 [09:41]

Peace and Democracy Institute prepared report against bribery and corruption

Peace and Democracy Institute (PDI) Thought Center has prepared a report according to the results of monitoring conducted in the capital and in the regions in the last few months.
09 May 2006 [09:32]

CIS election observation mission Head Vladimir Gorkun visits Baku

Head of the election observation mission of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), first deputy CIS Executive Secretary, Vladimir Gorkun arrived in Baku last night.
09 May 2006 [02:55]

Azerbaijan seeks seat on new U.N. Council

Sixty-four countries are running for the 47 seats on the new U.N. Human Rights Council in Tuesday's election in the U.N. General Assembly.
08 May 2006 [20:03]

President Aliyev send a message to participants of the Ninth Eurasia Summit

Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijani President addresses to the Eurasia Summit.
08 May 2006 [19:42]

Turkey recalls ambassadors to France, Canada over Armenian issue

Turkey has recalled its ambassadors in France and Canada for consultations regarding the Armenian genocide discussions in the two countries, Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Namik Tan said on Monday.
08 May 2006 [19:25]

President Aliyev received "Best Governed Muslim State" award

The Best Governed Muslim State Award will be conferred today on Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Baku.
08 May 2006 [17:42]

Russian President congratulates the CIS leaders on the occasion of Victory Day

President Vladimir Putin sent the CIS leaders a telegram of congratulations on the occasion of the sixty-first anniversary of victory in World War II.
08 May 2006 [17:39]

President Aliyev receives Norwegian delegation

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on 8 May at the President Palace received a Norwegian delegation headed by the State Secretary Kjetil Skogrand.
08 May 2006 [17:31]

US Charge d'Affaires: "Processes related to re-elections are normal in general"

"In general, the processes regarding the rerun of parliamentary elections are normal. However, we have been informed about illegalities related to electoral processes," US Charge d’Affaires in Azerbaijan Jason Hyland told journalists.
08 May 2006 [17:28]

George W. Bush invited to the BTC opening ceremony

Turkish prime minister Recap Tayyip Erdogan has invited the US president George W. Bush to opening ceremony of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil-pipeline which will be held on July 13 of this year in Adana province of Turkey in Ceyhan port.
08 May 2006 [15:54]

President receives Russian Human Rights Comissioner

Today President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received at the Presidential palace Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation Vladimir Lukin.
08 May 2006 [15:11]

14 years passed since occupation of Shusha

Fourteen years passed since occupation of Shusha city of Azerbaijan by armed forces of Armenia.
08 May 2006 [14:52]

President Ahmadinejad sends letter to George W. Bush

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush with proposals for solving ongoing international disputes, an Iranian government spokesman said Monday.
08 May 2006 [12:10]

Ha'aretz: "U.S. calls on president of Azerbaijan to open mission in Israel"

The United States has requested from Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev that his country open an official representation in Israel.
08 May 2006 [08:55]

Tehran Times: "U.S. tries Caspian gambit against Russia"

Article by M. A. Saki, Tehran Times, Iran.
08 May 2006 [08:45]

Azerbaijani FM receives Thomas Hammerberg

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has received delegation led by Council of Europe's Human Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammerberg.
07 May 2006 [17:53]

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Iran to respond if sanctions are imposed"

Iran will respond in an adequate way if the UN Security Council clamps down sanctions on it, said on Sunday in Tehran Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
07 May 2006 [14:38]

The Korea Times: "Roh walks 'Silk Road' of South Korean diplomacy"

Following his journey to African nations last March, President Roh Moo-hyun's three-nation trip this week treads a path which enabled traders to travel between the West and the East in ancient times.
07 May 2006 [14:30]

Norwegian State Secretary visits Azerbaijan

Kjetil Skogrand, Norwegian State Secretary and Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister, arrives in Azerbaijan on Sunday evening.
06 May 2006 [20:31]

The New Anatolian: "Erdogan unable to convince Ahmadinejad on compromise"

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Baku on Friday, but was unable to convince him to meet the expectations of the international community on Iran's controversial nuclear program.
06 May 2006 [20:09]

OIC holds preparatory meeting before Baku Summit

The Saudi city of Jedda hosted today the meeting of senior organizers for the 33rd OIC Session which will be held at the level of Foreign Ministers in Azerbaijan's city of Baku next June.
06 May 2006 [16:34]

PM Rasizade meets with Lithuanian leaders

Visiting Vilnius the Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade has met with the President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus, May 5.
06 May 2006 [16:21]

RIA Novosti: "Can Moscow save Iran from sanctions?"

Apparently, the debates around the Iranian nuclear program have reached the homestretch.
06 May 2006 [16:16]

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Threat of military action against Iran a joke"

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad here Friday played down reports of a possible military attack on Iran, saying those who do not know the country are playing jokes.
06 May 2006 [16:07]

Novruz Mammadov: "CE will never cancel credentials of Azerbaijani delegation"

"CE will never cancel credentials of Azerbaijani delegation," President's Administration international relations Department's head Novruz Mammadov told journalists.
06 May 2006 [14:01]

Bahar Muradova meets Goran Lenmarker

Head of the parliamentary delegation of Azerbaijan, Vice-Speaker of Milli Majlis Bahar Muradova on 5 May at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly met with PA Special Representative on Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
06 May 2006 [13:55]

Korean President Roh leaves Sunday for 3-nation tour

Korean President Roh Moo-hyun will depart Sunday for a week-long visit to promote diplomatic and economic ties with Mongolia, Azerbaijan and the United Arab Emirates.
06 May 2006 [12:26]

Azeri, Armenian presidents invited to NATO PA session

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly President Pierre Lelouche has invited Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders to a plenary session of the Assembly due in Paris late in May.
06 May 2006 [12:19]

Ruling party slams BBC over biased report

The ruling Yeni Azerbaijan party has come out against the content of a film aired on BBC-2 channel.
06 May 2006 [12:05]

Mahmud Ahmadinejad: "If the nuclear fuel cycle is a bad thing, then you should not have it either, and if it is good, then why can't Iran have it?"

In Baku yesterday, all eyes were on Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad. Speaking after the regional Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) summit, Ahmadinejad said Iran's right to develop nuclear power was based on international law.
06 May 2006 [11:55]

Turkish PM Erdogan holds first meeting with Iranian President Ahmedinejad

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with Iranian President Mahmud Ahmedinejad on Friday in the Azerbaijani capital on the sidelines of the Economic Cooperation Organization summit.
06 May 2006 [11:50]

Zakir Garalov: "Ex-Azerbaijani ministers' role in coup attempt confirmed"

The investigation has proved the involvement of former Azeri ministers Ali Insanov and Farkhad Aliyev and ex-presidential property manager Akif Muradverdiyev in a coup attempt, Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov told journalists on Friday.
06 May 2006 [11:27]

Stratfort: "Azerbaijan: Balancing Tehran and Washington"

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Baku, Azerbaijan, on May 4 as part of the Economic Cooperation Organization summit.
06 May 2006 [11:13]

Pakistan to take charge of ECO secretariat

Pakistan's Additional Foreign Secretary Khurshid Anwar has been appointed the new secretary-general of the 10-member Economic Cooperation Organisation.
06 May 2006 [11:08]

UN Chief: "Direct US-Iran dialogue is a must"

Annan seeks peaceful resolution of mullahs' nuke issue.
06 May 2006 [10:46]

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "No independent state to accept literature of bullies"

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that no independent state will accept the literature of the bullying powers.
06 May 2006 [08:44]

President attends press conference on ECO summit

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev held press conference dedicated to results of ECO summit.
06 May 2006 [08:15]

Armenian Armed Forces violated ceasefire again

Yesterday beginning from 8.00 Armenian Armed Forces from positions of Terter in Talish village under occupation of Armenia, fired at opposite positions of Azerbaijani Armed Forces.
05 May 2006 [22:51]

Korean diplomat holds press conference

The Charge d'affaires of the Republic of Korea in Azerbaijan Lew Kwang-chul has held press conference, devoted to forthcoming official visit of the President of his country Roh Moo-hyun to Azerbaijan.
05 May 2006 [22:44]

Parliament news

Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament (Milli Majlis) Ogtay Asadov met the visiting OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Special Envoy on Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict Goran Lenmarker.
05 May 2006 [22:29]

President received Kazakh PM

President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev received Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Danial Ahmetov.
05 May 2006 [22:24]

Ilham Aliyev received Bernard Fassier

President Ilham Aliyev received French co-chairman of OSCE Minsk Group Bernard Fassier.