Today.Az Covering Azerbaijan inside and outside Today.Az Russia and Kazakhstan commit to advancing International North-South Transport Corridor World news Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:34:00 +0400 Russia and Kazakhstan are both committed to advancing the International North-South Transport Corridor, according to Alexei Overchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Azernews reports.Overchuk made this statement during a meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission for Cooperation between the two countries in Astana."We are jointly focused on developing the International North-South Transport Corridor. Equally important is the enhancement of transport routes towards China, given the increasing access to Chinese agricultural markets. We must support these opportunities with a conducive business environment and modern infrastructure," he stated.Overchuk also highlighted ongoing efforts to improve checkpoints and infrastructure connectivity between Russia and Kazakhstan.The North-South International Transport Corridor is a 7,200 km multimodal route linking St. Petersburg with the ports of Iran and India. It serves as an alternative to the traditional sea route through the Suez Canal, connecting Europe, the Persian Gulf, and the Indian Ocean.The corridor features both western and eastern branches through Iran. The western branch includes road transport via Rasht, while the eastern branch utilizes rail. The corridor ends at the port of Bandar Abbas in Iran, from where cargo can be shipped to India. The western branch also traverses Azerbaijan, while the eastern branch goes through Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.In trade relations, Kazakhstan and Russia saw a turnover of $9.7 billion from January to May 2024, a 12.5 percent decrease from $11.1 billion during the same period in 2023. Kazakhstan's exports to Russia in the first five months of 2024 totaled $3.36 billion, marking a 21.5 percent decline from $4.3 billion year-on-year. Conversely, imports from Russia fell by 6.7 percent to $6.3 billion, down from $6.8 billion in the same period of 2023. Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan business forum to boost trade relations, set for August 7 in Astana World news Fri, 26 Jul 2024 21:23:00 +0400 The Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan Business Forum is set to take place in Astana on August 7, Azernews reports citing the Kazakhstan Embassy in Uzbekistan.Organized by the Ministry of Trade and Integration of Kazakhstan and QazTrade JSC, this forum will be held in conjunction with the visit of Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Kazakhstan.The forum aims to foster direct connections and enhance trade relations between Kazakh enterprises and potential buyers through bilateral meetings and networking opportunities.Notably, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan collectively account for 57 percent of all trade within Central Asia. From January to April 2024, trade turnover between the two countries exceeded $1.2 billion. Over the past five years, trade between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan has grown by 29.5 percent, reaching a total of $4.4 billion. South Korea expresses concern to China over agreement between Russian Federation and DPRK World news Fri, 26 Jul 2024 20:36:00 +0400 By Alimat AliyevaThe Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, Cho Tae-yel, met with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Laos on the sidelines of multilateral events through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and expressed concern about the "ongoing provocations" of the DPRK and the Moscow-Pyongyang treaty, Azernews reports.Meetings of ASEAN foreign ministers and the organization's partners are taking place in the capital of Laos, the South Korean Foreign Ministry says. The talks between Cho Tae-yeong and Wang Yi lasted 40 minutes, the ministers positively assessed the state of bilateral exchanges, agreed to increase contacts, discussed the situation on the Korean peninsula and other issues of mutual interest."Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yeol expressed serious concern that North Korea continues provocations and escalates tensions in the region by concluding a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement with Russia and strengthening military and economic cooperation," Seoul reported.The South Korean side asked China to play a constructive role in ensuring stability and peace on the peninsula. Wang Yi replied that China's policy in the region has not changed, Beijing will play a positive role.The Republic of Korea made a similar position during the session of the bilateral strategic dialogue with China at the level of deputy foreign ministers, which was held in Seoul on July 24.On June 19, during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Pyongyang, Russia and the DPRK signed a Comprehensive Strategic partnership Agreement, which implies the immediate provision of military assistance in the event of a defensive war. The Russian President said that the new agreement does not pose a cause for security concern for South Korea. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov noted that only potential aggressors can oppose the clause on military assistance in the event of a defensive war. Some foreign aids reels Yerevan in to shirking peace talks Analytics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 20:00:00 +0400 By Fatime LetifovaIt was an unexpected event that the 30-year Garabagh conflict would end in 2020 and 2023 with counter-offensive operations by the Azerbaijani army. During this period, the Azerbaijani leadership took maximum humane measures in response to every Armenian provocation without going beyond self-defence. The ceasefire violations that periodically occurred along the borders continued until the Second Garabagh War in 2020, particularly targeting the civilian Azerbaijani population.To end these provocations and liberate the formerly occupied Garabagh, the Azerbaijani army launched a counter-offensive operation and freed its historical territories from occupation in just 44 days. In 2023, during a 23-hour anti-terror operation, the separatist forces that illegally deployed military formations in Garabagh were neutralised .Against the backdrop of all these events, Armenia, which had survived for decades with the help of other countries, realised that even with the support of Western countries, it was powerless against the Azerbaijani Army. However, the subversive plans of the Armenian authorities, which pretended to be peace-loving, but played games against Azerbaijan with their Western allies in the background, did not last long.Despite the meeting of the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Almaty in May, which gave a significant impetus to the peace agreement to be signed in the South Caucasus, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's refusal to meet with the President of Azerbaijan at the 4th EPC summit in Oxford was another hindrance to a possible rapprochement between the sides.It is worth recalling that after the long-standing and resolved Garabagh conflict, the Armenian government seemed interested in peace. However, these events prove that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's "peace-oriented" decisions were only due to his dwindling hopes for external support.However, Armenia's shirking peace talks spilled the beans about the involvement of a US representative in the Armenian Ministry of Defence shortly before the London meeting, plus the European Union's €10 million aid package. The immediate provocations by Armenia towards Azerbaijan's Kalbajar and Tovuz districts demonstrate the false nature of all peace calls to date.It should be noted that such provocations by Armenia are not the first and have a continuous nature. France's provision of lethal weapons to Armenia and the European Union's initial military aid of ten million euros under the "European Peace Fund" encourage Armenia to commit such provocations.The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence has once again warned Armenia and its patrons to refrain from its intention to create a new conflict zone in the South Caucasus region. It is clear that these steps will obstruct peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The Azerbaijani leadership is well aware of the Armenian mindset. Yerevan's search for the slightest "hope fragment" to evade peace and lay the foundation for new tension in the region while making peace calls without correcting the mistakes that hinder peace embodies Armenian hypocrisy and falsehood.Another issue is the rumours in the media about Armenia's military procurements. Although the Armenian leadership denies these acts, many organisations claim that Yerevan is buying large quantities of weapons. Considering that Armenia lost a significant portion of its weapons during the 44-day war and is now trying to restore its military potential, these procurements could be seen as normal. However, Yerevan's inability to choose the right time for this undermines the steps taken towards peace. We underline that the Armenian army, militarised by other countries for over 30 years, could not withstand the Azerbaijani army for even 2 months. Moreover, while these two countries never had a chance to make peace, actions that could delay or even postpone the process suggest either some external forces pushing Armenia into a new war or the incompetent policies of Armenia's narrow-minded ruling circles.Nearly four years have passed since the adoption of the November 10 declaration, which emphasises the necessity of signing the peace agreement. During this period, instead of fulfilling important demands such as handing over maps of the mines planted in Garabagh to Baku and amending the Armenian constitution by removing its preamble about the territorial claims against Azerbaijan, the Armenian side delays the peace process with empty statements.It is interesting that instead of responding to Azerbaijan's demand for peace, Armenia resorts to new provocations, and this can be observed especially at the borders. Undoubtedly, Azerbaijan has a certain limit to its tolerance for such provocations. If there is no room for discussion at the table, it may be time to meet in the field at any moment. Sweden intends to help NATO strengthen alliance's position in space World news Fri, 26 Jul 2024 19:38:00 +0400 By Alimat AliyevaSweden is going to help NATO with strengthening the alliance's potential in outer space, said Colonel Ella Karlsson, head of the space division at the General Staff of the Swedish Air Force, Azernews reports."We have been conducting space research in Sweden for several decades. We were asked what gaps we can fill for the alliance in the space sector," Defense news quoted her as saying."We can also use outer space together with our partners to detect, fix targets or threats and strike them," she explained.She also recalled that in 2023, the Swedish military purchased SMART-L radars from Thales, which, according to manufacturers, can detect targets at a distance of up to 2 thousand km. Karlsson added that Sweden is cooperating with the Netherlands, which also purchased these radars, to study the use of such equipment.Defense news notes that earlier in July, the Swedish government for the first time approved a strategy for defense and security in space. Also in 2022, the Swedish Air Force signed an agreement with the US Space Command on the exchange of information on the situation in outer space.At the same time, the Esrange missile range is located in the Swedish Arctic. Previously, it was used to launch satellites for civilian purposes, but recently, Charlotte Sund, CEO of the Swedish Space Corporation, said that launches in the interests of the military could be conducted from here in the future.Sweden joined NATO in March 2024. Contract for supply of 159 new infantry fighting vehicles to Polish army sign in August World news Fri, 26 Jul 2024 19:22:00 +0400 By Alimat AliyevaThe contract for the supply of two battalion sets of new Polish-made Borsuk infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to the Polish army will be signed in early August, Azernews reports.According to the Ministry of Defense, the first batch of new IFVs will consist of 159 vehicles, including two battalion sets of 58 IFVs plus additional vehicles for crew training.A preliminary agreement on the purchase of 1,000 Borsuk infantry fighting vehicles was signed in February 2023 between the Polish Arms Agency and the companies Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa and Huta Stalowa Wola.The Borsuk tracked BMP weighing 28 tons in the basic version is capable of reaching speeds of 65 km per hour and overcoming water obstacles at a speed of 8 km per hour. The crew consists of three people. The armor is able to protect the troops from small arms fire and grenade launchers. In Britain, they are discussing development of missiles with range of 3,000 kilometers World news Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:43:00 +0400 By Alimat AliyevaIn the UK, the possibility of developing missiles with a range of up to 3.2 thousand kilometers was discussed, Azernews reports.According to the information, London is preparing to implement this project together with Berlin. So, during a visit to Germany on July 24, British Defense Minister John Healy discussed with his colleague Boris Pistorius the development of long-range missiles to destroy Russia's nuclear potential.At the same time, John Healy and Boris Pistorius signed a declaration on military cooperation between London and Berlin. This document is intended to strengthen cooperation between the parties in the field of preparation, production and supply of weapons and ammunition.These missiles, which will be developed by London and Berlin, may in the future replace cruise missiles that the United States will deploy in Germany. On July 10, the White House press service announced that starting in 2026, the United States will begin deploying new missiles with a longer range in Germany than weapons in Europe.According to experts, apart from the Trident II ballistic missiles carried on Vanguard-class submarines, the longest-range missile currently in service with the British armed forces are Storm Shadow missiles capable of hitting targets at a distance of about 250 kilometers. Opera announces search engine called SearchGPT World news Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:21:00 +0400 By Alimat AliyevaOpenAI has announced a prototype of its search engine called SearchGPT, which is designed to give users "quick and timely answers from clear and relevant sources," Azernews reports.The company said that over time it plans to integrate this tool, which is currently being tested on a small group of users, into its chatbot ChatGPT.The implementation could have implications for Google and its dominant search engine. Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, Alphabet investors have been concerned that Openal could take market share away from Google in search by providing consumers with new ways to find information online.Search GPS will be free at the initial launch stage, and since the feature does not yet contain ads, it is obvious that the company will soon have to resolve the issue of monetization. Pioneering female composer in East that leaves behind lasting musical legacy Arts & Entertainment Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:57:00 +0400 Laman IsmayilovaShafiga Akhundova, a pioneering female composer in the East, has significantly contributed to the Azerbaijani music, Azernews reports.Throughout her nearly 70-year career, the composer created a diverse range of compositions in various genres, including songs, romances, operas, operettas and symphonic suites.The composer always wrote only about what touched her heart and expressed the highest human feelings.Therefore, her music finds a lively response in the hearts of many listeners. Akhundova had turned a brilliant page in the history of Azerbaijani music art, creating a myriad of beautiful works.Shafiga Akhudova, who was born on January 21,1924 in Shaki, devoted her whole life to the culture and art of her home country.She was born into a family of an eminent public figure Gulam Akhundov. He did not approve the passion of her daughter. Although they had a piano at home, he always kept it locked to prevent little Shafiga from playing it.When her father knew that Shafiga attended the Conservatory, he got angry with her and didn't let her come home. She even had to stay at her neighbors' place for a while.The father was afraid that, having engaged in music and art, his children would face financial difficulties. Thus, he wanted to see his daughter as a doctor.However, love for music overcame all challenges. Years later, he realized that he was mistaken.Shafiga received her primary education at Baku Music School named after Asaf Zeynally, where she had been taught by Uzeyir Hajibeyov for eight years. Then, in 1956, she continued her education at Azerbaijan State Conservatory named after Uzeyir Hajibeyli, from which she graduated from the class of prominent composer Boris Zeydman.In 1972, Shafiga composed her first opera "Bride’s rock" and became the first female composer in the East.The opera was composed on the libretto of Iskender Joshgun based on the story of the same name by Azerbaijani writer Suleiman Rahimov.Initially Shafiga Akhundova wrote music for the radio play "Bride’s rock". In this music, the song "Melodies of the Heart" was especially popular. The author of the novel Suleiman Rahimov suggested composer to write an opera.The opera was staged on the stage of the Azerbaijan State Opera and Ballet Theater in Baku.Akhundova is also the author of the wonderful songs "Leyla", "Happy Land", the operetta "Our home, our secret" (1965), pieces for a string quartet, the dramatic plays "Aydin", "Farewell to India!", "What do you live for?", etc. and music for children's plays such as "A tale of a clown", "Birthday of a rabbit", etc. She is the author of more than 600 works and composed music for more than 30 spectacles staged in state theaters.In 1998, Akhundova was conferred a title of People’s Artist of Azerbaijan and in 2005 she was awarded with the Shohrat Order.For many years she combined her creativity with the pedagogical work at the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts.She wrote a number of critical articles, reviews of performances and concerts. She was a welcome and invariable guest at the creative meetings of composers, poets and writers.Shafiga Akhundova suffered from heart disease for a long time. He passed away on July 26 at the age of 89.The composer left behind a lasting legacy of musical excellence that continues to resonate with the Azerbaijani people. Minister Jabbarov engages with non-oil sector entrepreneurs to discuss growth and challenges Business Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:42:00 +0400 Nazrin Abdul Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov, along with senior officials from the Ministry of Economy, recently met with entrepreneurs from the non-oil sector. The meeting also included representatives from various private financial institutions, Azernews reports.During the discussion, it was highlighted that the socio-economic development strategy implemented under President Ilham Aliyev's leadership has significantly advanced all sectors in the country. Notable improvements have been observed in the private sector, with increases in turnover, production, export volumes, job creation, and other economic indicators in the non-oil industry.The focus of the meeting was on the competitive development of the non-oil sector, the stimulation of new production areas, and the enhancement of export capacity. Priority goals for the country's economy include tax and customs reforms, the introduction of special customs procedures for domestic processing, and the provision of state support mechanisms for financing investment projects. These measures aim to foster a favorable business environment and expand investment opportunities.Entrepreneurs shared insights on their activities and challenges, including issues related to tax and customs concessions, preferential credit, logistics, access to raw materials, export potential, standardization, certification, land designation changes, market expansion, and local production growth.The meeting addressed these concerns, with responses provided to entrepreneurs' questions and feedback given on their proposals. Discussions also covered new state support tools, potential incentives, and emerging challenges. The issues raised will be thoroughly analyzed, and necessary proposals will be developed.To further the dialogue with entrepreneurs and exporters, additional meetings are planned for Yevlax Pilot Agropark and Ganja. Agreement on cooperation in field of migration between Azerbaijan and Turkiye approved Politics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:29:00 +0400 Fatima Latifova The "Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Migration between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Turkiye" has been ratified.Azernews reports, citing AZERTAC, that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has signed a decree regarding this matter.According to the decree, the "Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Migration between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Turkiye" signed in Ankara on June 6, 2024, has been ratified.According to the decree, the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan must ensure the implementation of the provisions of the agreement after it comes into force.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must send a notification to the Government of Turkiye stating that the necessary domestic procedures for the Agreement to come into force have been completed. Payment for damage to state property surges threefold in Azerbaijan Business Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:13:00 +0400 Ulviyya Shahin Between January and June of this year, Azerbaijan's customs authorities identified 16,645 instances of law violations, Azernews reports, citing the State Customs Committee (SCC).Out of these violations, 670 were classified as criminal offenses.These criminal cases included 79 instances of smuggling, 52 cases involving the sale of products without required excise stamps, 52 cases of illegal storage or importation for sale, 495 cases related to the non-return of foreign currency, 6 instances of evasion of customs payments, and 52 other criminal offenses.In the first half of the year, 857,183.78 manats, or 86.73% of the total damage amounting to 988,265.1 manats to state property, were recovered in about 4 criminal cases and 4 criminal materials that were resolved.This represents a threefold increase compared to the same period last year. Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry congratulates Maldives on Independence Day Politics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:54:00 +0400 Fatima LatifovaThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan (MFA) congratulated the Republic of Maldives on the occasion of Independence Day, Azernews reports, citing the post shared by the ministry on its official "X"."Happy Independence Day to the friendly Maldives and its people!" the post reads. Azerbaijan enhances European industrial supply chains through its strategic role in TITR Politics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:35:00 +0400 By AzernewsUlviyya Shahin In a recent address to the Kazakh media, Henri Vantighem, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Kazakhstan, underscored the critical importance of Kazakhstan and Central Asia as partners in maintaining the industrial prowess of Europe. His remarks highlighted the strategic significance of the Trans-Caspian Corridor, also known as the Middle Corridor, in bolstering the supply chain of essential raw materials from Asia to Europe.The Trans-Caspian Corridor is a pivotal route that facilitates the movement of goods from China and Central Asia to Europe via the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, eventually connecting with the European transport networks. This corridor offers a more direct and efficient path for the transportation of raw materials and goods, bypassing longer maritime routes and avoiding geopolitical bottlenecks in other regions.Azerbaijan's strategic geographical position as a bridge between Europe and Asia makes it an indispensable player in the success of the Trans-Caspian Corridor. With its well-developed infrastructure, including the Baku International Sea Trade Port and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, Azerbaijan serves as a crucial transit hub. The country has invested heavily in modernizing its transport and logistics infrastructure to accommodate the increasing flow of goods through this corridor.For European industries, the Trans-Caspian Corridor offers a reliable and quicker alternative for sourcing critical raw materials from Central Asia. Ambassador Vantighem's remarks reflect the broader European strategy to diversify supply chains and reduce dependency on a single region or route. By securing access to raw materials from Kazakhstan and Central Asia, European industries can maintain production levels, enhance competitiveness, and mitigate risks associated with supply chain disruptions.Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries stand to gain significantly from this collaboration. Investment from European entities can stimulate local industries, create jobs, and promote technological advancements. The influx of capital and knowledge exchange in logistics and other sectors can drive economic growth and development in the region.Beyond the economic advantages, the development of the Trans-Caspian Corridor contributes to regional stability and peace. Enhanced connectivity fosters closer economic ties and interdependence among countries, reducing the likelihood of conflicts and encouraging cooperative relationships. The corridor also facilitates cultural and technological exchanges, further integrating Central Asia with the global economy.Despite its potential, the Trans-Caspian Corridor faces challenges, including political complexities, regulatory hurdles, and the need for continuous infrastructure improvements. Cooperation among corridor countries is crucial to address these issues and ensure the smooth functioning of this trade route.The prospects of the Trans-Caspian Corridor are promising. As global trade dynamics evolve and the demand for efficient and diversified supply chains grows, the importance of this corridor will only increase. Continued investment in infrastructure, along with collaborative efforts to streamline regulations and enhance security, will be key to realizing the full potential of the Trans-Caspian Corridor.The speech by Ambassador Henri Vantighem highlights the strategic importance of the Trans-Caspian Corridor in maintaining Europe's industrial capacity and fostering economic development in Central Asia. Azerbaijan's pivotal role as a transit hub underscores the interconnectedness of global trade and the mutual benefits of enhanced connectivity. As Europe and Central Asia continue to deepen their economic ties, the Trans-Caspian Corridor will remain a vital link in the global supply chain, promoting peace, development, and prosperity for all involved. More than 33K foreigners applied to live in Azerbaijan in past six months Politics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:35:00 +0400 Fatima Latifova During the first six months of this year, 33,536 foreign nationals and stateless persons have applied to temporarily or permanently reside in Azerbaijan, Azernews reports, citing the State Migration Service (SMS).It was stated that there have been 164,503 applications for registration of these individuals at their locations in Azerbaijan. Of these, 7,452 are related to determining the citizenship of Azerbaijan.Recall that a foreign national or stateless person who has resided continuously and legally in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the past five years, has a legal source of income, undertakes to comply with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and provides a document confirming knowledge of the state language of Azerbaijan, may be granted citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Citizenship dated September 30, 1998. This applies regardless of their origin, race, ethnic affiliation, gender, education, religious beliefs, political, or other convictions.The duration of permanent residence for a foreign national or stateless person in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is calculated from the date they are legally authorised to reside permanently, in accordance with established legislative procedures. AFFA Judges Committee appoints new chairman Sports Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:14:00 +0400 Laman Ismayilova AFFA Judges Committee has appointed Belgian FIFA referee Frank De Bleeckere as the new chairman, Azernews reports.At the meeting of the AFFA Executive Committee, a positive opinion was given to the candidates for the chairmanship of the Judges Committee, taking into account the international experience and professional activity of the Belgian Frank De Bleeckere.There was a need to discuss some terms of the contract. After reaching an agreement on those issues, a contract was signed with the Belgian FIFA referee for a period of three years.Note that Frank De Bleeckere will lead the training camp of Azerbaijan Premier League and I League referees from July 28.Formed in 1992, the Azerbaijani Association of Football Federations (AFFA) is the governing body of football in Azerbaijan.The Association is responsible for overseeing all aspects of amateur and professional games in its territory.It runs numerous competitions, the most famous of which is the Azerbaijan Cup. AFFA is a member of both UEFA and FIFA. Azerbaijan Insurance Association signs MoU with Academy of Public Administration Business Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:54:00 +0400 Ulviyya Shahin A Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation has been signed between the Azerbaijan Insurance Association (ASA) Public Union and the Academy of Public Administration Under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azernews reports, citing ASA.ASA Executive Director Elmar Mirsalayev highlighted that the organization has previously collaborated with various higher education institutions and expressed optimism about the benefits of this new partnership.Urkhan Alakbarov, Rector of the Academy, underscored the growing significance of insurance services in today's world and the crucial role of insurance mechanisms in risk management.He noted that many Academy graduates are employed in state institutions and emphasized the importance of fostering similar connections with the insurance sector. We intend to drive growth activity in private sector, Minister says Business Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:33:00 +0400 "We intend to drive growth activity in the private sector by strengthening joint activities with business representatives of Azerbaijan."Azernews reports that Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov stressed this on his official "X" social account."Meeting with nonoil industry entrepreneurs was insightful, discussing the expansion of local production and new export markets. Questions were addressed, and valuable proposals were heard. Strengthening collaboration with business representatives is a priority to drive growth in the private sector," noted the minister. Enigma receives star at Sea Breeze Walk of Fame Arts & Entertainment Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:15:00 +0400 Laman Ismayilova The world-famous 'Enigma' has received a star at the Sea Breeze Walk of Fame, Azernews reports.'Enigma' is a German musical project founded in 1990 by Romanian-German musician and producer Michael Cretu.He recorded the first Enigma studio album, MCMXC A.D. (1990), which remains Enigma's most successful, helped by the international hit single "Sadeness (Part I)", which sold twelve million units alone.Enigma has sold over 8.5 million RIAA-certified albums in the US and an estimated 70 million worldwide, with over 100 gold and platinum certifications. The project has also received two Grammy Award nominations.The creative team noted that they were glad to come to Azerbaijan for the first time, were delighted with the beauty of Baku and the Caspian coast, the high level of organisation of Dream Fest, and expressed hope to implement a synthesis project with Azerbaijani music.Note that the Sea Breeze Walk of Fame is the first attraction dedicated to outstanding and famous artists, musicians, actors, and artists both in Azerbaijan and around the world. The initiator of the creation of the Avenue of Stars is Emin Agalarov.Well-known singers Engelbert Humperdinck, Nani Bregvadze, People's Artist of the USSR Tamara Sinyavskaya, and Hollywood actor Steven Seagal have previously received their stars on the alley. Commission on renewable energy projects holds key meeting at Azerbaijan's Energy Ministry Business Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:00:00 +0400 Nazrin Abdul The latest meeting of the Commission, established by the President’s Decree on "Additional Measures for Renewable Energy Projects," took place at the Ministry of Energy, Azernews reports.Minister Parviz Shahbazov, Chairman of the Commission, highlighted key agenda items and outlined the Commission's objectives for the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World."The meeting featured a review of the Secretariat's report on progress since the last session. Updates were provided on auctions for renewable energy sources, the integration of green energy projects into the grid, and key elements of the National Action Plan for Electromobility. Discussions also covered the "Shafaq" Hydropower Plant (HPP) project by bp and other relevant issues.Attendees included representatives from the State Agency for Renewable Energy Sources, the Ministries of Economy, Finance, Justice, Emergency Situations, Ecology and Natural Resources, Agriculture, Digital Development and Transport, the State Urban Planning and Architecture Committee, the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, the Demining Agency, "Azerenergy," and "Azerishiq" OJSC. Enigma receives star at Sea Breeze Walk of Fame Arts & Entertainment Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:36:00 +0400 Laman IsmayilovaThe world-famous 'Enigma' has received a star at the Sea Breeze Walk of Fame, Azernews reports.'Enigma' is a German musical project founded in 1990 by Romanian-German musician and producer Michael Cretu.He recorded the first Enigma studio album, MCMXC A.D. (1990), which remains Enigma's most successful, helped by the international hit single "Sadeness (Part I)", which sold twelve million units alone.Enigma has sold over 8.5 million RIAA-certified albums in the US and an estimated 70 million worldwide, with over 100 gold and platinum certifications. The project has also received two Grammy Award nominations.The creative team noted that they were glad to come to Azerbaijan for the first time, were delighted with the beauty of Baku and the Caspian coast, the high level of organisation of Dream Fest, and expressed hope to implement a synthesis project with Azerbaijani music.Note that the Sea Breeze Walk of Fame is the first attraction dedicated to outstanding and famous artists, musicians, actors, and artists both in Azerbaijan and around the world. The initiator of the creation of the Avenue of Stars is Emin Agalarov.Well-known singers Engelbert Humperdinck, Nani Bregvadze, People's Artist of the USSR Tamara Sinyavskaya, and Hollywood actor Steven Seagal have previously received their stars on the alley. Voice of Shirvanshahs Concert in Old City leaves audience in awe Arts & Entertainment Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:17:00 +0400 Laman IsmayilovaSpectacular concert program has been organized within the project "Voice of the Shirvanshahs, Azernews reports.The project was co-organized by the Culture Ministry and the Icherisheher State Historical-Architectural Reserve in order to popularize Azerbaijani music among local and foreign guests of the capital.At the concert, Jahangir Jahangirov Choir delighted the audience with the works by Azerbaijani and world composers.The choir is led by the artistic director of the Jahangir Jahangirov Choir, operating at the International Mugham Center, Honored Teacher of Azerbaijan Tarana Yusifova. The concert aroused great interest of audience.With its defensive fortresses, Icherisheher is a symbol of patriotism and a great source of national pride and dignity.All the buildings within the fortress walls of the Old City were of a defensive nature in terms of their tactical and strategic functions.Large squares and wide streets gradually narrowed and shrank into a geometric design. They fascinate Baku residents and the city's guests.Numerous unique monuments, including the Shirvanshahs Palace Complex, mosques and minarets, the ruins of caravanserais and bathhouses make this place one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city.The Old City became the first location in Azerbaijan to be classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.In 2000, the Old City of Baku, including the Palace of the Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower, became the first location in Azerbaijan to be classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Azerbaijan's SME houses recognized as leading innovation by OECD Business Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:58:00 +0400 Nazrin Abdul Information about Azerbaijan's SME houses, recognised as a leading model for entrepreneurial support, has been featured on the institution's website, Azernews reports.The SME house model from Azerbaijan has garnered international acclaim. In a recent competition organised by the OECD’s Research Centre for Innovations in the Public Sector, SME houses were highlighted as one of the most innovative practices. This recognition is detailed on the OECD website as a prime example of Azerbaijan's approach ( 2003, the OECD Research Centre for Innovations in the Public Sector has been showcasing a wide array of innovations from approximately 90 countries. Among these, Azerbaijan's SME houses—operated by the Small and Medium Business Development Agency—are prominently featured.The website describes SME houses as comprehensive service centres that assist SMEs with business planning, startup, management, and growth. This initiative is noted for its unique approach to integrating and coordinating resources from both the public and private sectors to foster SME development.The OECD Research Centre for Innovations in the Public Sector, established in 2011, serves as a global hub for advancing and promoting cutting-edge innovations in public administration. It provides a platform for exchanging best practices, new ideas, and tools to support governmental efforts worldwide. Azerbaijan represented at 65th London International Youth Science Forum Arts & Entertainment Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:39:00 +0400 Fatima Latifova On July 25, the opening ceremony of the 65th London International Youth Science Forum took place. A total of 420 young people from 81 countries were selected to participate in the event, Azernews reports.Azerbaijan was represented at the event by Huseyn Ildirimzade. Huseyn Ildirimzade studied at the British School in Baku and is currently continuing his education at Taunton School in the UK.It is worth noting that the patron of the forum is Princess Anne Elizabeth, sister of King Charles III of the United Kingdom. During the two-week forum, participants will visit leading higher education institutions and scientific research centers in the UK and attend seminars and lectures. Jeyhun Bayramov: Expanding Azerbaijan's relations with African countries is priority Politics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:25:00 +0400 Fatima Latifova The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Jeyhun Bayramov, held an extensive meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, Azernews reports.The parties discussed the prospects for strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation. They exchanged views on mechanisms for utilizing the potential in various fields of cooperation, including economy, trade, energy security, etc., and discussed cooperation within the UN, Non-Aligned Movement, and OIC.It was noted that chairing COP29 is one of Azerbaijan's important activity platforms. During the meeting, Azerbaijan's post-conflict regional reconstruction and peace efforts were also discussed.Then, the sides held a joint press conference."Expanding relations with African countries has always been a priority for Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has represented these countries' interests to the world during its chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)," Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister, Minister Bayramov, stated.He noted that special attention is given to close relations between Azerbaijan and the African Union."The visit of the Somali Foreign Minister is a clear example of friendship and cooperation, as well as the growing political dialogue between our countries. In 2024, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of our diplomatic relations. In several instances, we note the cooperation within international organisations. Our most recent contact was during the conference of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held in the capital of Gambia.In addition to bilateral relations, we particularly value cooperation with Somalia on international platforms. The cooperation within the UN, OIC, and NAM is an example of this. I congratulate Somalia on its election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2025-2026 term. This is an indication of the appreciation by world states of Somalia's contribution to peace and cooperation on an international scale."The minister also added that Azerbaijan is ready to provide humanitarian aid to Somalia.He also emphasised cooperation in the economic sector."Agriculture and fisheries hold an important place as areas of cooperation between the two countries. In April of this year, a technical expert group from Somalia visited Azerbaijan. It is planned to send a similar group from Azerbaijan to Somalia in the near future.""Azerbaijan is ready to provide humanitarian aid to Somalia. Azerbaijan has an education program for OIC countries, and several young people from Somalia have already benefited from it, which will continue in the future. Several events are planned in Azerbaijan this year, the largest of which is COP29. We will be pleased to see a high-level delegation from Somalia at this conference,” the minister noted.The sides also talked about peace processes between Azerbaijan and Armenia."The negotiations on the Armenia-Azerbaijan normalisation process are ongoing," Jeyhun Bayramov, stated.He stressed that Somalia has always supported Azerbaijan's just position. This was observed both during the 44-day war and afterward.The minister thanked his counterpart for this support.“I provided my colleague with information about the post-conflict situation. I informed him about the liberated areas, the reconstruction efforts there, as well as the threat of mines. The negotiations on the Armenia-Azerbaijan normalisation process are ongoing, and I also updated my colleague about this.” Opening of new Azerbaijani embassy in UK dedicated to COP29 Politics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:17:00 +0400 Fatima Latifova The first official event dedicated to Azerbaijan-UK bilateral relations was held on the topic of COP29 in connection with the opening of the new administrative building of Azerbaijan's Embassy in the United Kingdom, Azernews reports.Attended by the designated President of COP29, Azerbaijan's Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Muxtar Babayev, the event also saw the presence of the UK's Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, Ed Miliband, the UK's Minister for International Climate and Energy, Kerry McCarthy, the Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps in the UK Alistair Harrison, President of COP26 and Member of the House of Lords Alok Sharma, the UK Prime Minister's former Trade Envoy for Azerbaijan, Baroness Nicholson, parliamentarians Baroness Uddin, Bob Blackman, Lord McNicol, and other members of the diplomatic corps in the UK. The event was also attended by the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in London, the Ambassador of Honduras to the UK, Ivan Romero Martinez, as well as the Ambassadors of Brazil and the United Arab Emirates, who are part of the COP Presidencies Troika, high-ranking representatives from The City of London, representatives from the Commonwealth Secretariat in London, employees from the UK Foreign Office and the UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, Gordon Birrell, Vice President for Production and Operations at BP, members of the Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council where the Embassy is located, numerous climate experts working in the UK, and other attendees.In his speech, Azerbaijan's Ambassador to the UK, Elin Suleymanov, remarked that dedicating the first official event in the new administrative building of Azerbaijan's Embassy in the UK to COP29 is a significant occasion. He highlighted the symbolic importance of the attendance of the designated President of COP29, Azerbaijan's Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Muxtar Babayev, and the UK's Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, Ed Miliband. The Ambassador stated that Azerbaijan, which will host COP29 towards the end of the year, is fully focused on climate action and is doing everything possible to advance climate goals that are crucial for the entire world. Suleymanov expressed gratitude to the UK for its unwavering support to Azerbaijan from the very beginning in this important endeavour.Elin Suleymanov also thanked the UK for the hospitality shown by Prime Minister Keir Starmer to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, during the European Political Community summit held in Oxford a few days earlier, as well as for the cordial meeting between UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy and Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov. The Ambassador appreciated the UK's efforts to contribute to the normalisation process between Azerbaijan and Armenia.Following Ambassador Suleymanov, the designated President of COP29, Azerbaijan's Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Muxtar Babayev, spoke. He referred to the recent working visit of Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev to the UK to participate in the European Political Community summit, emphasising that the event dedicated to COP29 held in Azerbaijan's new Embassy building in the UK also highlighted the bilateral friendship. Babayev noted London's significant role as a centre for climate action and mentioned his meetings and participation in events during his visit to the UK for the London Climate Action Week at the end of June. He spoke about his meeting with ambassadors of small island states at the Commonwealth Secretariat's headquarters, highlighting Azerbaijan's close cooperation with the organisation to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change in these countries. Babayev thanked the UK, which hosted COP26, for its vital partnership and support towards the successful organisation of COP29 in Azerbaijan. During his current visit to London, Babayev mentioned that he would hold official meetings with the private sector and financial institutions to discuss the sustainable markets initiative and talked about Azerbaijan's efforts and initiatives within the COP29 framework.The UK's Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, Ed Miliband, expressed his honour to participate in the first official event in the new building of Azerbaijan's Embassy in the UK. Miliband emphasised the importance of COP events in bringing countries together to combat climate change and promote green development globally. He underscored the significance of continuing the measures agreed upon at previous COP meetings and reaching an important agreement on climate finance at COP29 to achieve climate goals. Miliband highlighted the importance of supporting countries most affected by climate problems and reiterated the UK's readiness to provide all necessary support to ensure the successful outcome of COP29 and closely partner with Azerbaijan.During the event, the original copy of the invitation letter from President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan to Prime Minister Keir Starmer to participate in COP29 was ceremoniously presented to Ed Miliband, the UK's Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero.The official representative of the Lord Mayor of The City of London, Alderman Greg Jones, also spoke at the event, expressing The City's readiness to support the successful organisation of COP29.The event continued with a reception.It is noteworthy that this event, held in connection with the opening of the new building of Azerbaijan's Embassy in the UK, marked the first time a high-ranking official from the UK Cabinet, the Secretary of State, participated in an event at Azerbaijan's Embassy in the UK. Baku-Astana joint production venture promises opportunities to enhance agricultural exports ... Politics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:59:00 +0400 By AzernewsUlviyya Shahin In a significant development at the Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan Agricultural Forum held in Baku, Alim Bayel, Kazakhstan's Ambassador to Azerbaijan, underscored a promising opportunity for both nations to enhance their agricultural exports. The potential establishment of a joint production enterprise is poised to benefit not only Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan but also offer broader advantages on the international stage.Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, both recognized as agricultural powerhouses face a world grappling with food shortages. This global issue underscores the urgency and relevance of collaborative efforts between these two nations. By pooling resources and expertise, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan can address these shortages more effectively and bolster their positions in the global market.Establishing a joint production enterprise allows both countries to scale up their agricultural output and enhance their competitiveness in international markets. This collaboration could lead to a more diverse range of products and improved quality standards, making their goods more attractive to third countries.For Azerbaijan, diversifying its agricultural sector through such partnerships can lead to new revenue streams and economic stability. Similarly, Kazakhstan can benefit from expanding its agricultural footprint and accessing new markets. This economic growth can stimulate job creation and technological advancement within both countries.Kazakhstan's vast arable lands and Azerbaijan's strategic location provide a complementary advantage. By integrating their agricultural systems, they can optimize resource use, streamline supply chains, and reduce operational costs, leading to greater efficiency and profitability.The partnership extends beyond bilateral benefits. By targeting third-country markets, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan can assert their influence in regional agricultural trade, potentially setting new standards and practices that could benefit neighboring countries.The joint venture holds promise for contributing to global food security. As both nations work together to improve agricultural output, they can play a pivotal role in mitigating food shortages and fostering more resilient food supply chains globally.Ambassador Bayel also expressed readiness to explore agricultural projects in Garabagh, a region with significant untapped potential. This initiative could further solidify the partnership and pave the way for innovative agricultural practices and development in the region.The proposed joint production enterprise between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan represents a strategic move with far-reaching benefits. By leveraging their agricultural strengths and addressing global food security challenges, both nations stand to gain economically while contributing positively to the international market. As discussions advance, the realization of this partnership could mark a transformative step in agricultural collaboration and economic growth for both countries. Paris 2024: Azerbaijan's Paralympic team to compete in seven sports disciplines Sports Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:37:00 +0400 Laman Ismayilova Azerbaijan's Paralympic team will compete in seven sports disciplines at the 2024 Summer Paralympics, Azernews reports.The team will participate in Para Athletics, Para Swimming, Para Taekwondo, Para Judo, Para Shooting, Para Archery, and Para Powerlifting.The Summer Paralympics are an international multi-sport event where athletes with physical disabilities compete.The Paralympic Games are held every four years, organized by the International Paralympic Committee.The first official event of the Paralympic Games was held in Rome, Italy, in 1960. Around 400 athletes from 23 countries competed at the 1960 Games.The 2024 Summer Paralympics will take place in France from August 28 to September 8. These games mark the first time Paris will host the Paralympics in its history and the second time that France will host the Paralympic Games.The programme for the 2024 Summer Paralympics was announced in January 2019, with no changes to the 22 sports from the 2020 Summer Paralympics.The IPC considered bids for golf, karate, para dance sport, and powerchair football to be added to the Paralympic programme as new sports. Azerbaijani gas supply to Turkiye to be halted for pipeline maintenance in August Business Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:19:00 +0400 Nazrin AbdulAzerbaijan's gas supply to Turkiye will be temporarily halted in August due to scheduled maintenance on the export pipeline, Azernews reports.According to Turkiye's state oil and gas company, BOTA?, the suspension will occur from July 31 to August 5 at the "Turkgözü" entry point into Turkiye's national gas distribution network, and from August 5 to August 9 at the "Seyitgazi" entry point of the Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP).During this period, maintenance and repair work on the "Shah Deniz" pipeline will affect natural gas supplies. BOTA? has assured that measures are in place to maintain the balance of supply and demand in the national gas distribution network.Azerbaijan's gas, extracted from the first and second stages of the Shah Deniz field, is supplied to Turkiye. The exploration, development, and production sharing agreement for the Shah Deniz field was signed on June 4, 1996, ratified on October 17, 1996, and the field, located 70 km southeast of Baku, was discovered in 1999. Western Azerbaijan Community issues statement on smear campaign by Armenian Diaspora Politics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:58:00 +0400 Fatima Latifova The Armenian diaspora has initiated another smear campaign against Azerbaijan, using their hired Luis Ocampo as a facade. The campaign targets Azerbaijan's hosting of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Azernews reports, citing the statement that the Western Azerbaijan Community issued.The statement also mentions: "In an interview where he presented himself as the author of this campaign, L. Ocampo portrayed himself as a climate activist, slandered Azerbaijan, and demanded the release of separatists accused of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.Ocampo's simultaneous accusation of genocide against Azerbaijan and his demand for the release of those who committed genocide highlights his absurdity. Instead of demanding the release of these criminals, Ocampo should focus on clarifying the fate of the 4,000 Azerbaijanis who went missing as a result of Armenia's military aggression. It should be noted that there is irrefutable public evidence that Azerbaijani hostages were forced to work as slaves in the homes of high-ranking officers in Armenia's military leadership at that time, and that Azerbaijani prisoners were executed in camps in the formerly occupied territories of Azerbaijan and in Armenia.If Ocampo wants to present himself as a climate activist, he should address the environmental damage caused by Armenia's occupation and destruction of Azerbaijani territories, the placement of millions of landmines, the destruction of areas where Azerbaijanis once lived, and the harm to air and water bodies from mining activities.The Western Azerbaijan Community condemns the actions of the Armenian diaspora and its hired servant, Ocampo, and calls on the international community to combat such malevolent elements." President Ilham Aliyev congratulates President of Maldives Republic Politics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:40:00 +0400 President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has sent a congratulatory letter to the President of the Republic of Maldives Mohamed Muizzu on the occasion of the National Holiday - Independence Day of Maldives, Azernews reports."Dear Mr. President,On behalf of myself and the people of Azerbaijan, I extend my sincerest congratulations to you and all your people on the occasion of the national holiday of the Republic of Maldives – Independence Day.On this joyous day, I wish you good health, happiness, success in your endeavors, and the friendly people of the Maldives everlasting peace and prosperity.Sincerely,Ilham AliyevPresident of the Republic of AzerbaijanBaku, 23 July 2024" U.S. Embassy: Time comes to sign peace agreement between Yerevan and Baku Politics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:36:00 +0400 Fatima Latifova The time has come to sign a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The agreement will allow the economic potential of the South Caucasus to be realised.Azernews reports that this statement was made by the U.S. Embassy in Armenia.It was noted that the time has come to sign a peace agreement that will unveil the social and economic potential of the South Caucasus.Besides, the diplomatic mission came to this conclusion following meetings between Louis Bono, the State Department's adviser for negotiations in the Caucasus, and Kristina Kvien, the US ambassador, with high-ranking Armenian officials.According to the press release issued by the embassy, the sides discussed work to establish "a lasting and dignified peace between Yerevan and Baku". Newly-appointed Kyrgyz Ambassador to Azerbaijan visits Turkic Culture & Heritage Foundation Society Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:23:00 +0400 Laman Ismayilova President of the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation Aktoty Raimkulova has received newly-appointed Kyrgyz Ambassador to Azerbaijan Maksat Mamytkanov, Azernews reports.Aktoty Raimkulova congratulated Mamytkanov on his appointment as the Kyrgyz Ambassador to Azerbaijan.During the meeting, head of the Foundation highlighted the projects implemented by the organization to preserve, study, and promote the unique heritage and ancient history of the Turkic world in the international arena.Aktoty Raimkulova hailed the partnership between the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation and its founding country, Kyrgyzstan.She also mentioned the restoration work initiated by the Foundation and the museumification of the House-Museum of the great Kyrgyz poet and playwright Alykul Osmonov in Bishkek.The Kyrgyz Ambassador to Azerbaijan Maksat Mamytkanov highly appreciated the work done by the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation to study and preserve the tangible and intangible heritage of the Turkic peoples.He stressed the significance of cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and the Foundation and expressed confidence in Kyrgyzstan's comprehensive support for further projects carried out by the Foundation.The sides also discussed the further strengthening the partnership between the Foundation and Kyrgyzstan and on future joint projects.Initiated in 2012, the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation focuses on the preservation of the Turkic heritage in member countries as well as conducting projects in collaboration with partners in third nations.The foundation provides assistance in the protection, study, and promotion of Turkic culture and heritage through supporting and funding various activities, projects, and programs.The organization carries out its activities in cooperation with TURKSOY and the Turkic Academy. Croatia's crude oil imports from Azerbaijan nearly double Business Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:03:00 +0400 Ulviyya Shahin In the first half of 2024, Croatia significantly increased its crude oil imports from Azerbaijan, purchasing a total of 587,600 tons worth $375.98 million, Azernews reports.This represents a substantial 90% increase in quantity and a 109% increase in value compared to the same period in 2023.Last year, Croatia imported 308,500 tons of crude oil from Azerbaijan, with a value of $180.25 million.This year, prices have risen, with the cost per ton climbing from $584 (approximately $77 per barrel) in 2023 to $640 (about $84 per barrel) in 2024.In the first half of 2024, Azerbaijan exported a total of 11.1 million tons of crude oil, generating $7.012 billion in revenue. UK Secretary highlights importance of COP events and climate financing Politics Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:44:00 +0400 Nazrin Abdul I believe that COP events, which bring together countries from around the world to address climate change and promote green development, are extremely important.This was stated by Ed Miliband, the UK Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero Emissions, during his speech at the opening ceremony of the new administrative building of the Azerbaijani Embassy in the UK, Azernews reports.The Secretary of State emphasized the importance of continuing the measures agreed upon at previous COP meetings, as well as reaching a crucial agreement on climate financing at COP29, to achieve climate goals. In this context, he highlighted the importance of supporting countries most affected by climate issues.In his speech, the UK Secretary of State repeatedly emphasized that the UK is ready to provide all support for the successful outcome of COP29 and to closely partner with Azerbaijan. "Azeri Light" oil price falls Business Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:19:00 +0400 Azerbaijani oil has fallen in the world market, Azernews reports.The price of one barrel of "Azeri Light" oil decreased by $0.41 or 0.48 percent to $85.34.It should be noted that the lowest price of "Azeri Light" oil was on April 21, 2020 (US$15.81), and the maximum price was in July 2008 (US$149.66).However, oil has become more expensive in the world markets.The price of one barrel of "Brent" oil on London's ICE ("InterContinental Exchange Futures") exchange increased by $0.12 to $82.49. On the NYMEX ("New York Mercantile Exchange") exchange of New York, the price of one barrel of "Light" oil increased by 0.11 dollars and amounted to 78.39 dollars. Azerbaijan accelerates renewable energy expansion plans Business Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:00:00 +0400 Nazrin AbdulAzerbaijan is accelerating efforts to increase the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the country's overall energy balance.This was stated by Deputy Minister of Energy Kamal Abbasov during his speech at the 8th meeting of the intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Serbia, Azernews reports.According to him, Azerbaijan aims to achieve the goal of having a 30 percent share of renewable energy sources in the country's installed energy capacity by 2030 ahead of schedule."At the current pace of energy transition in the country, the share of renewable energy sources could reach 32.6% by 2027 and 34.6% by 2030," Abbasov said.The government's calculations are based on the portfolio of ongoing renewable energy projects with international energy companies.This project portfolio already encompasses a total capacity of 10 GW."The energy obtained from renewable energy sources is intended for domestic consumption, decarbonization of the economy, and export," Abbasov noted.Currently, renewable energy sources account for 17-18 percent of the country's energy balance. Turkiye transfer 2 patrol ships and six F-16 aircraft to Qatar World news Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0400 By Alimat AliyevaTurkiye will transfer two patrol ships and six F-16 aircraft to Qatar, Azernews reports.According to the ministry, TCG KUMKALE ve TCG KU?ADASI military vessels will depart on July 26 from the territory of the Aksaz naval base in the southwestern province of Mugla, and military aircraft will fly to Doha on July 30."Aircraft and vessels will be subordinated to the Command of the Qatar-Turkiye joint forces in order to participate in training programs and conduct exercises," the Turkish Defense Ministry said.The Defense Ministry also shared the latest data in the field of combating terrorism. In the last week alone, the Turkish military has neutralized 94 terrorists in the region, and in general, 1,521 militants since the beginning of the year.According to the ministry, 795 militants have been neutralized in northern Syria this year as part of anti-terrorist operations, and 726 more have been neutralized in northern Iraq.Referring to the possibility of resuming joint patrols of the M4 highway with Russia in Idlib, the Turkish Defense Ministry said: "The Turkish army is taking and will continue to take all possible steps to ensure peace and tranquility in the region. The issue of ensuring safety on the M4 highway is being discussed. Turkiye is ready to take responsibility for any issues aimed at contributing to stability in the region.At the same time, Ankara again criticized the US actions in Syria, stressing the inadmissibility of Washington's contacts with the Syrian wing of the PKK - YPG terrorist organization."It is unacceptable to fight some terrorists with the hands of other bloody organizations. We hope for the sincerity of the United States in supporting Ankara's efforts to eliminate the threat of terrorism in the region," the ministry stressed. Azerbaijan takes bold steps in global climate leadership & financial aid at COP29 [COMMENTARY] Business Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:30:00 +0400 Nazrin Abdul Azerbaijan has stepped up playing a pivotal role as the presidency of COP29, leading the charge on urgent global issues exacerbated by climate change. With a steadfast commitment to confronting these challenges head-on, Baku has prioritized directing financial aid towards viable solutions, particularly for vulnerable small island states. This dedicated focus will be further underscored at the upcoming Baku conference.Recent data highlights a striking statistic: an overwhelming majority—85%—of the $2 trillion allocated globally for transitioning to clean energy and combating climate change has been channeled towards developed economies and China. Economist Rashad Hasanov acknowledges this allocation, noting its alignment with these countries' significant contributions to the adoption of global clean energy solutions.In his comment to Azernews on the issue, economist Rashad Hasanov stated that he considers it normal to allocate more resources to countries that play a major role in increasing the share of clean energy in global energy consumption."However, it should be taken into account that 70-80 percent of the energy currently produced in the world falls under the share of these developed countries plus China. Therefore, the transition of these countries to clean energy significantly contributes to increasing the share of clean energy in global energy consumption."The expert noted that as countries that are allocated funds are of the developed ones, they tend to spend the financial aid on their own strategies."The second point concerns the allocation of funds—who allocates them? Money naturally flows from developed countries, prioritizing safeguarding their communities and societies. Therefore, a larger portion of the fund is directed towards financing their strategies."The expert also emphasized that since issues like clean energy are not prioritized by underdeveloped countries, allocating substantial funds for such purposes can potentially lead to corruption."The third point underscores that clean energy and similar initiatives are not top priorities for underdeveloped countries, where comprehensive programs are often lacking. In societies facing challenges with basic needs, allocating significant funds for transitioning to clean energy and other related issues may, unfortunately, become susceptible to corruption."If robust controls can be established over the allocated funds, the expert added, these funds could then be directed to developing countries or third-world countries."Currently, however, there is a risk that funds allocated for these purposes might be misdirected or used inefficiently. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize the establishment of a comprehensive global oversight framework. Once strict guidelines for fund management are in place and countries commit to rigorous accountability measures, it will be appropriate to allocate funds to developing countries and third-world nations. Ultimately, it's important to recognize that our world is interconnected, and events impact everyone globally, regardless of their location."It should be noted that on July 19, Azerbaijan announced the establishment of the Climate Finance Action Fund (IMFF) to invest in climate action in developing countries. The Fund, founded by Azerbaijan as a donor, aims to build its capital through financial contributions from mining and fuel-producing countries, as well as oil, gas, and coal companies. Member countries and companies will make annual payments based on a fixed amount or production volume.The creation of the Fund is one of 14 initiatives unveiled today by Azerbaijan under the COP29 Agenda for Action, aimed at increasing ambition and catalyzing action.The IMFF will serve as a catalyst for public-private partnerships to mobilize the private sector and mitigate investment risks. It will also possess specialized technical capabilities to provide concessional and grant-based support, particularly for swiftly addressing the aftermath of natural disasters in vulnerable developing countries.Furthermore, the IMFF will secure future product purchase contracts for small and medium-scale renewable energy producers and compensate for initial capital losses in "green" industrial projects. Additionally, the Fund will prioritize the food and agriculture sector to safeguard basic livelihoods and achieve net-zero emissions goals. Profits from projects will be reinvested into the Fund.The Fund aims to launch with an initial USD 1 billion in funds and 10 shareholder countries as donors.Half of the Fund's capital will support climate projects in developing countries, focusing on mitigation, adaptation, scientific research, and technological innovation to promote clean energy technologies, enhance energy efficiency, bolster climate resilience among vulnerable populations, and foster advanced technology development.The remaining half of the funds will facilitate the development of new Nationally Determined Contributions aligned with the 1.5°C target by member countries. Azerbaijan is committed to exemplary leadership in this area and is currently developing a Nationally Determined Contribution document tailored to this goal. The COP29 Presidency encourages all Parties to formulate similar plans.Additionally, 20% of investment proceeds will be allocated to the Operational Financing Facility (2R2F), providing highly concessional and grant-based support. This mechanism aims to swiftly deliver financial assistance to small island developing states, least developed countries, and other vulnerable communities grappling with the immediate impacts of natural disasters.It is also noteworthy that during the pandemic, Azerbaijan extended financial and humanitarian aid to more than 80 countries, including approximately 20 small island developing states.Azerbaijani President has consistently emphasized in his speeches the vulnerability of small island developing states to climate change impacts. These nations, despite having minimal contribution to global climate change, face its most severe consequences, including existential threats. Climate change also poses a significant barrier to their progress toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Bosch Group strengthens its position in market of climate technology World news Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:00:00 +0400 By Alimat AliyevaDeutsche Welle (DW) media company announces the largest deal in the history of the German concern, which will make it one of the world leaders in the market of air conditioners and heat pumps and reduce dependence on the production of cars with an internal combustion engine, Azernews reports."The Bosch brand was strongly associated in the Soviet Union by motorists with spark plugs, and by housewives with washing machines and other household appliances. Indeed: the German engineering giant, with annual revenues of more than 90 billion euros, is the world's largest supplier of components for the automotive industry, primarily for manufacturers of cars with internal combustion engines (ICE). And this is what has become increasingly worrying for the management of the concern," the article says.DW writes that the concern has concluded the largest deal in the 137-year history of the company, which it has now announced after signing the agreement on July 23. The purchase of assets worth $ 8 billion, which amounts to approximately 7.4 billion euros, is designed to significantly strengthen Bosch's position as a manufacturer of products related to household, or rather, climate technology: these are air conditioners, heat pumps related to them in technology and other electrical equipment for cooling, ventilation and heating of residential premises and small commercial buildings.Thus, the concern founded in 1886 in Stuttgart with the official name Robert Bosch GmbH reacts immediately to two main global trends of the 21st century: climate warming and decarbonization of all spheres of life, the publication points out.As noted in the Bosch press release, the importance of climate technology is growing both in Europe and around the world. Heating technology is moving away from fossil energy sources such as oil and gas towards heat pumps and hybrid solutions based on heat pumps.Under the terms of the deal, the German concern buys from the American Johnson Controls corporation its global division for the production of climate and heating equipment and at the same time fully acquires its joint venture with the Japanese industrial holding Hitachi, the company for the production of Johnson Controls air conditioners-Hitachi Air Conditioning. As a result, the German concern, which already employs 430,000 people worldwide, receives an additional 16 production sites and 12 design centers in more than 30 countries. China launch its second large cruise ship in 2026 World news Thu, 25 Jul 2024 23:39:00 +0400 By Alimat AliyevaThe Chinese company Adora Cruises Limited plans to hand over its second large cruise ship of domestic production by the end of 2026 and embark on its first international trip in 2027, Azernews reports.It should be noted that China's first large cruise ship of domestic production, the Adora Magic City, accommodates more than 3,000 passengers. In January, it completed its first commercial flight.The second ship with 2,144 cabins will have a larger public area and more modern entertainment options. Adora Cruise Limited stressed that the new liner will meet the growing demand for high-quality travel in the southern regions of the country. Turkiye's new floating gas platform set to boost energy independence World news Thu, 25 Jul 2024 23:17:00 +0400 By News CentreThe floating gas operating platform, which will join Turkiye's "energy fleet" as the 7th ship, will set sail from Singapore. The platform, whose final touches are being completed at a shipyard in Singapore, is expected to head towards Turkiye within a few days. This platform, projected to produce enough natural gas for 5 million households once operational, is planned to serve in the Black Sea for 15-20 years.The new ship announced by President Tayyip Erdo?an for natural gas production will depart from Singapore to Turkiye. The floating gas operating platform, currently undergoing final adjustments at a shipyard in Singapore, is being tailored to meet Turkiye's specific needs. The ship is anticipated to arrive in Turkiye approximately two months later. The platform is scheduled to commence operations in 2025. Once operational, it will produce enough natural gas for 5 million households and will operate as a base in the Black Sea for 15-20 years.The platform, 300 metres long and 58 metres wide, will process raw gas extracted from the Black Sea on-site, which will then be transported to shore via pipelines. Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) aims to expedite production by delivering Black Sea natural gas swiftly to the network using its new floating gas operating platform. Originally purchased from Brazil, the platform is currently undergoing revisions in Singapore to suit Turkiye's natural gas production needs. With this floating platform, raw gas extracted from the depths of the Black Sea will be processed at sea and transported ashore through new pipelines.As the platform begins operations, it will also provide living quarters for technical personnel working aboard. Expert teams from abroad will join the platform's operational phase and will provide training to Turkish teams. The platform is slated to commence active service starting in 2025.Turkiye, steadily advancing towards energy independence, currently operates 4 drilling ships and 2 seismic research ships in its territorial waters. Its energy fleet, established for seismic and drilling activities in natural gas and oil exploration at sea, includes a total of 6 ships: Fatih, Yavuz, Kanuni, and Abdülhamid Han drilling ships, as well as Barbaros Hayrettin Pa?a and MTA Oruç Reis seismic exploration ships. With the addition of the new platform to its fleet, Turkiye will occupy a significant position in global natural gas extraction, processing, and commercialization. It will be the sixth country globally to possess such a platform, following the USA, Russia, Brazil, Norway, and Malaysia. Japan create training ground for long-range missile exercises World news Thu, 25 Jul 2024 22:50:00 +0400 By Alimat AliyevaThe Japanese Ministry of Defense plans to create a new training ground on the remote Ogasawara Islands to conduct long-range missile exercises there, Azernews reports.Sources in the defense ministry noted that it is planned to conduct exercises at this test site, including using the latest long-range missiles, which are currently being developed and with which it is planned to arm the country's self-defense forces to exercise the right to strike back at the bases of a potential enemy in the event of an attack on Japan. It is also assumed that exercises will be conducted at this training ground using Type-12 missiles already in service.This will be the first training ground in the country where it will be possible to practice the use of missiles with a range of over 100 km - before that, the Japanese armed forces were forced to use ranges in the United States and Australia to conduct such firing. It is expected that the landfill on the Ogasawara Islands, located more than 700 km from the coast of the main island of Honshu, will be ready for use by 2026. National Security Council to convene under President Erdogan's leadership World news Thu, 25 Jul 2024 22:19:00 +0400 By News CentreAfter a two-month hiatus, the National Security Council will convene today at Beshtepe, chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The primary focus of the meeting will be Turkey's cross-border counter-terrorism operations. Discussions will also encompass the normalisation process with Syria and Israel's attacks in Palestine.The National Security Council (MGK) will convene for the fourth time this year under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with a packed agenda.The first item on the agenda at Be?tepe will be the fight against terrorism. The meeting will delve into ongoing ground and air operations aimed at dismantling PKK targets in northern Iraq.Military and intelligence updates from the field will inform discussions on operational strategies. Additionally, council members will brief on the latest developments in combating other terrorist organisations such as FETO and DAESH.Planned measures concerning the normalisation process with Syria will also be deliberated. Discussions will centre on Ankara's aspirations to foster enduring peace and stability in Syria, alongside efforts to restore diplomatic ties with the Damascus administration.In alignment with President Erdo?an's directives, the MGK will assess ongoing initiatives for Syria's normalisation and outline the roadmap ahead.The council will also address Israel's actions in the Palestinian territories. Discussions will focus on diplomatic efforts to secure a Gaza ceasefire, ensure uninterrupted humanitarian aid delivery, and thwart Israel's endeavours to escalate regional tensions. Views will be exchanged on the ongoing genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice.Furthermore, the agenda will encompass regional and international security concerns. Topics will include the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia, developments in Cyprus, and relations with Greece. Honda stops two factories in China due to falling demand for gasoline cars World news Thu, 25 Jul 2024 21:43:00 +0400 By Alimat AliyevaThe Japanese Honda Corporation is ceasing production at its two gasoline car factories in China, where demand for Chinese-made electric vehicles is sharply expanding in an environment of intense competition, Azernews reports.According to her, the company currently has six factories in China. One of them will be closed, the other will suspend work. These enterprises can produce a total of 290 thousand gasoline cars per year. This is 20% of Honda's capacity in China.At the same time, the corporation intends to launch two electric vehicle production plants in China. Thus, Honda hopes to maintain its weakening position in the extremely promising Chinese market, NHK notes.According to the TV company, other Japanese automakers in China also found themselves in a difficult situation. Due to intense competition, Mitsubishi decided in October last year to completely withdraw from China. Nissan, according to NHK, is also facing the need to seriously rethink its strategy in China, including shutting down work at one of the factories. FM Fidan gives insight into Middle Eastern Affairs & Turkiye's strategic role World news Thu, 25 Jul 2024 21:14:00 +0400 By News Centre“If we do not implement the two-state solution now, there will be a fourth Gaza war in the future. We will constantly deal with wars. If there is an agreement on the two-state solution, we can be part of the guarantor mechanism we propose as Türkiye."Turkiye's Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said this when giving an interview to the United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based Sky News Arabia television channel about the developments in the Middle East, especially Turkey's relations with Syria and Iraq, as well as Israel's attacks on Gaza and ceasefire negotiations.Regarding the failure to reach an agreement in the Palestine-Israel peace negotiations, Fidan said, "(Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu has another agenda. A ceasefire in Palestine does not coincide with Netanyahu's political goals. Both Americans and Westerners agree on this issue." he said.Hakan Fidan also added that if they do not implement the two-state solution now, there will be a fourth Gaza war in the future. They will deal with constant wars.The Minister of Foreign Affairs noted that if there is an agreement on the two-state solution, they can be part of the guarantor mechanism that they propose as Türkiye.Responding to the question regarding Turkiye's final stance on Syria, Minister Fidan pointed out that terrorism should be cleared from Syria and stated that there were especially Arab lands occupied by the PKK and oil facilities they had seized."We need to fight (PKK/YPG), take the oil and energy resources from them, and give them back to the Syrian people," the FM said.Regarding the question of whether Ankara and Baghdad have a common perspective and stance on the fight against the PKK, Fidan said that, as Turkey, they constantly make constructive contributions to ensure both political stability and life safety in Iraq."PKK is spreading all over Iraq like a cancer cell. This is no longer our problem but has turned into a national security problem in Iraq," he added. India reported on the test of an interceptor missile of its own production World news Thu, 25 Jul 2024 20:50:00 +0400 By Alimat AliyevaIndia on Wednesday conducted successful tests of an Advanced Area Defense (AD) interceptor missile of its own production as part of the second stage of the creation of the country's national missile defense system, Azernews reports.An interceptor missile launched from the Chindipur test site (Odisha State) successfully hit a target simulating a long-range ballistic missile. "The goal of the tests has been fully achieved. They confirmed the reliability of the network-centric missile defense system, long-range detection equipment, communication systems and second-generation interceptor missiles," the DRDO said.Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated the missile developers on successful tests. "They have again demonstrated India's capabilities in the field of missile defense," the head of the department said.The AD is a two-stage, long-range solid-fuel interceptor missile designed for non-atmospheric and intra-atmospheric interception of ballistic missiles, as well as aircraft of a likely enemy.India is creating a two-tier missile defense system to protect large cities from missile attack, capable of destroying ballistic missiles with a range of up to 5 thousand km. Turkiye notes decrease in export of automobile industry products to Azerbaijan World news Thu, 25 Jul 2024 20:18:00 +0400 By News CentreIn January-June 2024, Turkiye's exports of automobile industry products to Azerbaijan decreased by 19 percent compared to the same period last year, totaling $42.3 million.This information was reported to TurkicWorld by the Ministry of Trade of Turkiye."In June of this year, Turkiye exported automobile industry products to Azerbaijan amounting to $5.9 million, which is 37.8 percent less than in June last year," the ministry stated.It should be noted that in January-June 2024, Turkiye's exports of automobile industry products increased by 2.3 percent to $17 billion compared to the same period last year."In June of this year, Turkiye exported $2.6 billion worth of automobile industry products, which is 12.4 percent less than in June last year," the ministry added.During the last 12 months (June 2023-June 2024), Turkiye exported automobile industry products totaling $35.4 billion. Securing financial institutions: Addressing cyber threats in Azerbaijan [COMMENTARY] World news Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:55:00 +0400 By Ulviyya ShahinCybersecurity stands as one of the paramount challenges of the 21st century. Emerging from diverse origins, threats manifest in destructive actions against individuals, businesses, national infrastructures, and governments. Their impact jeopardises public safety, national security, and global stability. Consequently, there is heightened awareness and focus on cybersecurity.The damage caused by cyberattacks on financial organisations is not small. Rising losses are forcing financial institutions to increase spending on cyber security. But what steps should the financial sector, as well as the government, take to protect against this?Azerbaijani economist Ruslan Atakishiyev mentioned to Azernews that cyber attacks on the banking sector are possible both internationally and within Azerbaijan, and the incidence of such cases is considerable."Security measures against cyber-attacks are implemented universally. In Azerbaijan, these measures are overseen by the Central Bank, and additional new measures are being implemented by relevant state institutions dedicated to addressing this cyber threat."According to him, private commercial banks implement their cybersecurity measures and endeavour to enhance them in line with current requirements."Furthermore, there is a need to educate the population in this regard. Despite the implementation of multiple measures, individuals can still fall victim to cyberattacks through deceptive messages and emails. During such attacks, personal information may be compromised or individuals may be directed to unauthorised access links related to logging out of their accounts. In some instances, individuals may encounter cyberattacks under the guise of engaging in cooperation. People must be aware of these risks and, if faced with such situations, notify the relevant state institutions, including those within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Any individual affected by a cyber attack should inform the appropriate authorities promptly to enable them to implement security measures and mitigate the threat." Ankara resumes electricity exports to Iraq World news Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:15:00 +0400 By News CentreTurkiye restarts electricity exports to Iraq after a 3-year hiatus.Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Alparslan Bayraktar announced this."As of yesterday, we resumed electricity exports to our neighbor Iraq, aiming to contribute to the prosperity and peace of our region through the Development Road Project."Minister Bayraktar, who accompanied President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an during his visit to Iraq on April 22, discussed potential cooperation with counterparts in both Baghdad and Erbil.Three months following the visit, both countries have taken a new step in the energy sector.Türkiye has recommenced electricity exports to Iraq following a three-year interruption. The exports are conducted via the existing line between Turkiye and Iraq, supplying a maximum of 300 megawatts of electricity to Iraq.Minister Alparslan Bayraktar stated on his social media account."Yesterday, we resumed electricity exports to our neighbor Iraq, contributing to regional prosperity and peace with the Development Road Project. Through our planned investments, we will transform the Development Road into an 'Energy Road'."The Development Road Project, encompassing ports and cities to be constructed along land and rail routes extending from Iraq to Turkiye, is envisioned as the foundation of a sustainable, non-oil economy. Iraq, seeking to enhance its economy after years of conflicts, will extend from the Fav Port in the south to Turkiye. The planned transportation network will connect Basra to Turkiye, linking Asia to Europe and the Gulf to Turkiye.