
15 April 2006 [09:22]

Justice Ministry: Ramil Safarov can be handed over to Azerbaijan

"Azerbaijani army officer Rami Safarov, who was jailed to life in prison for murdering Armenian army officer Gurgen Markarian in Hungary, can be handed over to Azerbaijan," the Deputy Chief of international legal cooperation department of the Justice Ministry Faig Gurbanov stated.
15 April 2006 [08:34]

Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents might meet in June

Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia may meet in May. French co-chair of OSCE Minsk Group Bernard Fassier told journalists while visiting Armenia.
14 April 2006 [22:06]

Novruz Mammadov: OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs' stances do not coincide

"It is early to express an opinion on the new proposals made by OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs regarding the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict," said Novruz Mammadov, Head of Presidential Administration Department for International Relations.
14 April 2006 [21:46]

Ali Aliyev's party to be renamed

Political Council meeting of the party, headed by Ali Aliyev and split from the Azerbaijan National Independence party (NIP) took place April 14.
14 April 2006 [17:11]

Azadliq agenda defined

Azadliq political bloc has adopted document on major activities of the party. The decision was made at the meeting of the bloc's Mejlis.
14 April 2006 [17:00]

Foreign Ministry to control situation with Ramil Safarov

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry will continue keeping in focus the situation with Ramil Safarov, an Azerbaijani officer who was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Budapest Court, Tahir Tagizade, the Head of the FM Press Servise, stated.
14 April 2006 [16:24]

Justice Ministry to submit petition to Hungarian Ministry

The Azerbaijani Justice Ministry will submit petition to the Hungarian Justice Ministry on extradition of Ramil Safarov, an Azerbaijani officer, sentenced to life-imprisonment by the Budapest Court, Zaver Gafarov, the Head of the International Legal Cooperation Department of the Justice Ministry, informs.
14 April 2006 [15:14]

Diplomatic mission to open in Kyrgyzstan

One more item is to appear on the list of diplomatic missions in Kyrgyzstan – Embassy of Azerbaijan.
14 April 2006 [09:37]

President Bush to nominate new Ambassador to Azerbaijan

President George W. Bush announced on Thursday his intention to nominate new Ambassador to Azerbaijan
14 April 2006 [09:35]

PACE spring session ended

On the last day of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe report on "Situation of refugees and displaced people in Georgia, Azerbaijan Armenia" was read.
14 April 2006 [09:17]

Jonathan Henick to visit Nakhchivan

Public Affairs officer of the US Embassy in Azerbaijan Jonathan Henick will visit Azerbaijan’s province of Nakhchivan on Friday.
14 April 2006 [09:16]

Ogtay Asadov met Head of OCE Baku

Yesterday Milli Majlis (MM) Chairman Ogtay Asadov met with OSCE Baku Office Head Maurizio Pavesi.
14 April 2006 [09:14]

Coordinating Consultative Council "For Free and Fair elections" to observe re-elections

Coordinating Consultative Council "For Free and Fair elections" has applied to Central Election Committee to observe re-elections.
14 April 2006 [09:00]

Pakistan's Premier and Foreign Minister to visit Azerbaijan

Pakistan's Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz will arrive in Baku to attend the 9th summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) on 5-6 May.
14 April 2006 [08:45]

PACE to draw up new report on political prisoners in Azerbaijan

Herkel and Gross to visit Azerbaijan again.
14 April 2006 [08:25]

Center for Political Coordination of Opposition to hold rally

The Center for Political Coordination of Opposition (CPCO) plans to organize a rally on the Nagorno Karabakh problem on May 6.
13 April 2006 [21:13]

President Putin: "Moscow and Baku can help to sustain stability in Caucasus and in the Caspian Sea region"

Cooperation between Moscow and Baku can help to sustain stability in the Caucasus and in the Caspian Sea region, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin told. "We highly appreciate our close and truly friendly ties with Azerbaijan," he said.
13 April 2006 [21:06]

CIS law enforcers to adopt the intergovernmental program on human trafficking

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) interior ministers will approve the International program on illegal human trafficking for 2006-2008.
13 April 2006 [21:03]

OSCE MG co-chairman arrives to the region with new proposals

The OSCE Minsk group American co-chairman, Steven Mann will arrive to the region with the new proposals, the US Congressman Jim Kolbe (R-AR), told during his press-conference in Baku on April 13.
13 April 2006 [20:51]

Terry Davis: "Absence of peace agreement damages both sides"

Absence of a peace agreement on Nagorno Karabakh conflict damages both Armenian and Azerbaijani sides.
13 April 2006 [20:40]

PACE reporter: "International support to refuges and displaced persons in the South Caucasus should continue"

Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia are CE members and their rights have to be considered, the Latvian reporter, Boris Chilevia told during his speech at the PACE spring session.
13 April 2006 [20:33]

Congressman Kolbe: "Repeal of Section 907 might be discussed during Azeri President's visit to Washington"

The repeal of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act can be discussed in the course of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's official visit to the United States, Congressman Jim Kolbe (R-AR), the chairman of the sub-committee on foreign assignments, stated to a news conference in Baku on 13 April.
13 April 2006 [16:47]

Ramil Safarov sentenced to life in prison

Process of Azerbaijani Army Officer Ramil Safarov's trial, who was accused in killing Armenian officer Gurgen Margarian, is finished by unfair sentence.
13 April 2006 [16:26]

U.S. plans to help Armenia overcome poverty in agrarian sector

U.S. delegation arrived in Yerevan on Wednesday to present a grant provided by the U.S. administration to Armenia under the Millennium Challenges programme.
13 April 2006 [16:13]

Azeri Ambassdor to Russia presented his credentials to President Putin

The ceremony is held in the St. Alexander's Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace.
13 April 2006 [15:20]

Ramil Safarov addresses trial with final statement in Budapest

Today final court session is held in Budapest on the case of senior lieutenant of Azerbaijan's Army Ramil Safarov, who is indicted for murder of Armenian officer Gurgen Margarian in Hungary.
13 April 2006 [15:04]

Merzlyakov does not intend to visit Nagorno Karabakh

OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair on Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement Yuri Merzlyakov does not intend to visit the region on his own following the example of his colleagues from the US (Steven Mann) and France (Bernard Fassier).
13 April 2006 [12:49]

Romanian FM: "I hope Nagorno Karabakh conflict will be resolved in 2006"

"I hope following few meetings between ministers of exterior of Azerbaijan and Armenia within the framework of Prague process and negotiations held in Warsaw and Kazan in 2005, as well as in Rambouait, Nagorno Karabakh conflict will be resolved," Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu, Romanian FM and Chairman of Ministers Committee of EC stated on April 12 at Parliamentary Assembly of EC.
13 April 2006 [12:36]

Armistice breach at Armenian-Azerbaijani frontline

On April 13 the units of the Armenian armed forces dislocated in north-east of Berkaven village of Ijevan District fired with guns and gun-machines from 00:00am to 00:10am the positions of the Azerbaijan National Army placed in the territory of Mazamli and Gizil Hajili of Gazakh district, and from 00:55am the enemy fired the Azerbaijan positions near Mazamli village of Gazakh District.
13 April 2006 [12:23]

Azeri opposition bloc appeals to CE over 'political prisoners'

The main opposition Azadlig bloc has forwarded an appeal to the spring session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) over "political prisoners".
13 April 2006 [12:19]

Azeri rights champion defies 'political prisoners' accord

The director of the Institute of Peace and Democracy, Leyla Yunus, has sent a list of 83 people she describes as political prisoners to the Council of Europe.
13 April 2006 [12:17]

Two opposition activists detained

Two activists of the major opposition Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) were detained on Wednesday, the party said.
13 April 2006 [11:07]

GUAM Summit to take place in Kiev May 22-23

The next Summit of GUAM alliance (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova) heads of state will be held in Kiev from 22 to 23 May.
13 April 2006 [11:04]

US Congress delegation to visit Azerbaijan

US Congress delegation led by Representative James Kolbe, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Foreign Operations will be in Baku from April 12 to April 13.
13 April 2006 [10:53]

Rafael Huseynov presents document on exploitation of minerals at occupied territories

During the winter session of Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), member of Azerbaijani delegation to PACE Rafael Huseynov presented draft document on exploitation and destruction of minerals fields, especially gold deposits at Azerbaijan's territories occupied by Armenia, and some European parliamentarians signed the document that time.
13 April 2006 [10:47]

Yuri Merzlyakov: "Armenia shows great interest in new proposals on solution of Karabakh conflict"

The new proposals on settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict, that the co-chairs presented, are about principles of solving the problem.
13 April 2006 [10:22]

Rafael Huseynov prepared new document on Azerbaijani historical monuments in Armenia

Azerbaijani delegation member participating in spring session of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) Rafael Huseynov has prepared a new document "On situation with historical monuments of Azerbaijan at the territory of Armenia".
13 April 2006 [09:58]

Asim Mollazadeh participated conference "Future status of Kosovo"

Chairman of Democratic Reforms Party (DRP) Asim Mollazade took part at an international conference "Future status of Kosovo" organized by Liberal Union, and the same name group of European Parliament "Liberal International" April 8, DRP press service informs.
13 April 2006 [09:30]

Halo Trust Company conducts military trainings to Armenians

The Halo Trust Company registered in the US and England engaged in illegal activity in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan under the name of mine clearance.
13 April 2006 [08:42]

CIS Foreign Ministers to meet in Moscow April 21

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Board of Foreign Ministers will hold next meeting in Moscow April 21.
13 April 2006 [01:04]

Terry Davis: "I have sympathy to Azerbaijan"

"Azerbaijan and Armenia has undertaken the same obligations for the settlement of the conflict. As concerns for Council of Europe's work to solve the problem, to accept the membership the both states to the organization is priority," Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis has said it in his exclusive statement.
13 April 2006 [00:15]

Speaker met the Chinese Ambassador

The national Parliament speaker, Oktay Asadov met the Chinese Ambassador, Zhang Haizhou.
12 April 2006 [23:34]

Lithuanian President's visit to Baku postponed indefinitely

The official visit of the Lithuanian president, Valdas Adamkus to Azerbaijan, scheduled for April 18-19 has been postponed indefinitely, official of the President's press-service, Lina Gorbacioviene informed.
12 April 2006 [16:20]

DRP leader attends 4th Assembly of World Democratic Movement in Istanbul

MP Asim Mollazade, the Chairman of the Democratic Reforms Party, has participated in the 4th Assembly of the World Democratic Movement held in Istanbul April 2-5.
12 April 2006 [15:51]

Emergency Minister meets Korean Ambassador

The Emergency Minister, Kemaladdin Heydarov has accepted the delegation with the Korean Ambassador, Mun Hayong, in head.
12 April 2006 [15:35]

Ganira Pashayeva: "Initiative of Armenian parliament members on putting forward speaker on behalf of European democrats group to PACE has been prevented"

The attempt made by the Head of Armenian delegation in PACE Tigran Torosyan to put forward member of Russian parliament Vera Oskina to speak on behalf of the European Democrats Group during the discussion on the draft of Boris Chilevich's report entitled "Refugees and Forced Migrants in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia", has been prevented, said Ganira Pashayeva, member of parliamentary delegation to PACE.
12 April 2006 [14:05]

Azeri MP reports to PACE on Armenia's new occupation plans

A member of the Azeri delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Tuesday introduced a document on Armenia's new occupation plans posing a serious threat to the stability and development in the South Caucasus region.
12 April 2006 [14:01]

Ali Hasanov: "Failed visit 'serious blow' to European MP"

The fact that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) rapporteur Andreas Gross has not been included into a delegation to observe Azerbaijan's repeat parliamentary election on May 13 has caused mixed responses.
12 April 2006 [13:50]

"Refugees and internally displaced people in Armenia, Azerbaijan & Georgia" report meets Azerbaijan's interests

"Draft project "Refugees and internally displaced people in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia" by Boris Chilevich meets Azerbaijan's interests in general, Samad Seyidov, the Head of the Azerbaijani delegation to PACE.
12 April 2006 [13:28]

Negotiations on Nagorno Karabakh conflict are in new format up to Azerbaijan's national interests

"The negotiations on the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict are in new format up to Azerbaijan's national interests and provide base for restoration of the territorial integrity of the country," President Ilham Aliyev stated during his visit to Zagatala military unit N on Thursday.
12 April 2006 [12:19]

Justice Ministers to meet in Moscow

The first meeting of the CIS Council of Justice Ministers will be held in Moscow on Wednesday.
12 April 2006 [11:40]

Iran had enriched uranium

The United States said that Iran's commencing of uranium enrichment was another step by Tehran "in defiance of the international community".
12 April 2006 [11:31]

Agshin Mehdiyev: "There is no need for CE rapporteur for political prisoner in Azerbaijan"

"The issue on political prisoner in Azerbaijan has been solved. Therefore, there is no need for the Council of Europe to appoint a rapporteur for political prisoner in Azerbaijan," Head of permanent representative office at the Council of Europe, Ambassador Aghshin Mehdiyev stated.
12 April 2006 [11:18]

Armistice breach at Armenian-Azerbaijani frontline

The units of the Armenian armed forces dislocated in northeast of Berdavan village of Noyamberian District fired with guns and gun-machines at 16:20pm the positions of the Azerbaijan National Army placed in the territory of Kazakh district April 11.
12 April 2006 [02:02]

Azerbaijan to participate in NATO Summit

Summit of NATO member countries is due to take place in Riga, Latvia in October.
12 April 2006 [02:00]

Bernard Fassier: "NK conflict can be solved in a way that satisfies the sides 80 percent"

Bernard Fassier, French co-chairs of OSCE Minsk Group said at the press conference in Baku today that the co-chairs intend to continue the Prague process in an intensive way as it was in the previous year.
12 April 2006 [01:53]

Serj Sarkisian: "Armenia should always be ready launch of the war"

"Any country, particularly defense minister of Armenia should be ready for supposed war tomorrow or to military operations two days later", Armenian defense minister Serj Sarkisian has evaluated start of war with Azerbaijan in this way.
12 April 2006 [01:50]

Robert Simmons holds a press conference

Robert Simmons, special representative of NATO Secretary General for the South Caucasus and Central Asia today held a press conference on the conclusions of his visit to Azerbaijan.
12 April 2006 [01:29]

Rene van der Linden: "Country intending to solve NK problem by force will be expelled from Council of Europe"

A country intending to solve Nagorno Karabakh problem by force will be expelled from Council of Europe (CE), stated PACE president Rene van der Linden.
12 April 2006 [01:17]

Kamaladdin Heydarov received Robert Simmons

Minister for Emergencies Kamaladdin Heydarov received on Tuesday Robert Simmons, special representative of NATO Secretary General on South Caucasus and Central Asia.
12 April 2006 [01:12]

President Aliyev receives OSCE Minsk Group French co-chair

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev today received French co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Bernard Fassier.
12 April 2006 [01:07]

Azerbaijan will refuse European Parliament mission to hold investigation only in Nakhchivan

Official approval from Baku for the delegation of 10 members sent by European Parliament's mission to Nakhchivan to investigate destruction of claimed Armenian monuments is possible on condition that the mission will implement bilateral investigation.
12 April 2006 [00:33]

Elmira Akhundova: "NK conflict causes educational problems for national minorities"

A report on teaching of native language at secondary schools was presented at the session of PACE which started yesterday.
12 April 2006 [00:25]

Ali Hasanov: "No one has right to threaten Azerbaijan, including PACE's President Rene van der Linden"

"Let the Council of Europe freeze Azerbaijani delegation's mandate if it wishes to do that. However, no one has right to threaten Azerbaijan," Ali Hasanov, head of Presidential Administration socio-political department told journalists.
12 April 2006 [00:19]

20 PACE observers to watch re-elections in Azerbaijan

20 members of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) will observe the rerun of parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan scheduled for May 13.
11 April 2006 [23:49]

Russell-Johnston thinks of war in Nagorno Karabakh with "great displeasure"

Chairman of the Ad-hoc Committee on Nagorno Karabakh Lord Russell-Johnston has announced he thinks of a possibility of renewing military operation in the conflict zone "with great displeasure".
11 April 2006 [23:07]

Azeri MPs urged the CE to stop destroying Azerbaijani cultural monuments

The Azerbaijani parliamentary delegation member in the Council of Europe (CE), Rafael Huseynov has prepared the project of the report that will be discussed at the PACE meeting.
11 April 2006 [23:01]

Araz Azimov: "Official Baku hopes that tensions between US and Iran will be solved peacefully"

Official Baku hopes that tensions between US and Iran in nuclear matters will be solved peacefully, the Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister, Araz Azimov stated.
11 April 2006 [22:45]

Iran: expect "good nuclear news" on Tuesday night

Iranians will hear "good news" on Tehran's nuclear program on Tuesday night, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, and Iranian media said this would mean Iran had enriched uranium for use in fuelling atomic reactors.
11 April 2006 [22:32]

NATO to consider new modification of partnership with Azerbaijan

As far NATO wants to go to cooperation with Azerbaijan, as far Azerbaijan is ready to go, Araz Azimov, the Deputy Foreign Minister, told journalists.
11 April 2006 [22:30]

President Aliyev to discuss Karabakh problem during his visit to US

"Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's visit to the United States scheduled for 28 April has long been planned. During the visit, bilateral issues between the two countries will be discussed," Ali Hasanov, head of Presidential Administration socio-political department told journalists.
11 April 2006 [15:58]

President receives Head of Turkish Security Org

Today President Ilham Aliyev received at the Presidential Palace the Head of Turkish National Security Organization, Emre Tener.
11 April 2006 [14:12]

2nd day of PACE session starts

The agenda of the 2nd day of the PACE spring session, started with the meeting of committees on Tuesday, includes speech by Chair of the European commission Jose Manuel Barroz, as well as the debate on the CE-EU relations with participation of Luxemburg Primer J.K.Junker, Rumanian Primer K.Popesku-Tarichan, representative of acting chair of CE Cabinet of Ministers and Austrian Federal Chancellor V.Shussel.
11 April 2006 [10:53]

Baku not to open embassy in Iraq soon

Azerbaijan does not intend to establish an embassy in Iraq for the time being.
11 April 2006 [10:05]

Internal Affairs Minister received President of Austrian Supreme Court of Justice

Internal Affairs Minister of Azerbaijan Ramil Usubov has received President of Austrian Supreme Court of Justice Johann Rzeszut.