
27 May 2006 [13:59]

US hopes for agreement between Kocharian and Aliyev in Romania

The hope would be that the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia might at that point be able to come to closure on some of the issues that divide them within the context of settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, stated Sean McCormack, an official of the US Department of State.
27 May 2006 [13:56]

Working Group discuss political prisoner problem with participation of Andreas Gross and Andres Herkel

On May 27 in Milli Majlis government representatives and NGO's representatives working group held discussion on political prisoner problem.
27 May 2006 [13:03]

Ettelaat arrests Swedish-Azerbaijan Federation head's brother in Ardabil

"My younger brother Husein Sababi was arrested by the officers of Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and National Security (Ettelaat) in his office in Ardabil on 25 May.
27 May 2006 [12:57]

CIS Defense Ministers Council to discuss cooperation issues in Baku

On May 31 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Defense Ministers Council will hold the next meeting.
27 May 2006 [12:55]

West Azerbaijan's Governor's Office bans all demonstrations

On the fifth day of uprisings in the Azeri speaking provinces of Iran, the West Azerbaijan's Governor Office announced that any protest in the province was illegal and would be dealt with severely.
27 May 2006 [10:47]

Isa Gambar refused meeting with Andreas Gross and Andres Herkel

Musavat Party chairman Isa Gambar has refused meeting with Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe co-rapporteurs, Andreas Gross and Andres Herkel.
27 May 2006 [10:35]

Peter Semneby: "I want to use my mandate to work on unresolved conflicts in South Caucasus"

"I want to use my mandate to work on the unresolved conflicts in the South Caucasus. It's no surprise that the main priority of my work is to engage as far as possible with the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh," European Union special representative for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby stated.
27 May 2006 [09:50]

USAID Project on Azerbaijani Parliament development

US Agency for International Development (USAID) aims at realization of a project related to Azerbaijani parliament institutional development.
27 May 2006 [09:38]

List of Azerbaijani protesters killed, injured and arrested in Iran

The World Azerbaijanis Congress presented the list of the killed injured and arrested Azerbaijani protesters during the clash with Iranian government forces in the towns of South Azerbaijan.
27 May 2006 [09:30]

Andreas Gross and Andres Herkel met with Justice Ministry Officials

Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs on Azerbaijan, Andreas Gross and Andres Herkel met with Justice Ministry and Prosecutor General Officials.
27 May 2006 [09:23]

Kamaladdin Heydarov receives French Ambassador

Minister for Emergencies, Colonel-General Kamaladdin Heydarov received French Ambassador to Azerbaijan Bernard Amaudric du Chaffaut.
27 May 2006 [08:57]

Protest actions continue in Sulduz, Zanjan, Goychay cities of Iran

Action participants march in the direction of city mayor's office, South Azerbaijan National Revival Movement Baku bureau informs.
27 May 2006 [08:44]

Azerbaijani FM invited to Cuba

Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov received the delegation led by Cuban deputy Foreign Minister Emilio Caballero.
27 May 2006 [08:33]

Azerbaijani and Persian deputies opposed in Parliament of Iran

At the meeting of Iran Parliament Azerbaijani and Persian deputies confronted, South Azerbaijan National Revival Movement Baku bureau informs.
26 May 2006 [18:28]

Azerbaijani President to address NATO Parliamentary Assembly session

NATO Parliamentary Assembly's Spring Session started in Paris.
26 May 2006 [17:06]

Damages caused by Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan made public

Today the Association of Assistance to Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (AACSDA) and the Public Union for Defense of Rights of Migrants and IDPs in Azerbaijan held a roundtable - "Armenian invasion and damages done to Azerbaijani people".
26 May 2006 [16:49]

Armenian FM discussed Karabakh problem with Spanish envoy in OSCE

Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan has had a meeting with Carlos Sanchez de Boado, Spanish Ambassador to the OSCE. The Spanish diplomat was accompanied by German, Norwegian, and Lichtenstein in the OSCE.
26 May 2006 [16:45]

Denis Bribosia: "Substantial reforms will be implemented in Baku bureau of CoE"

Special representative on Azerbaijan appointed by Council of Europe Secretary General is of Belgium origin.
26 May 2006 [15:27]

New Russian Ambassador to come in Azerbaijan

Vasili Istratov has been appointed ambassador to Azerbaijan after two-year of vacancy in this post.
26 May 2006 [13:28]

Azeri FM: "President Aliyev agrees to meet his Armenian counterpart"

The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs while on a visit to Baku proposed organizing a meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents in Bucharest, Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov told journalists.
26 May 2006 [11:56]

Korean Charge d'Affaires meets with Taxes Minister

Minister of Taxes Fazil Mammadov met with Charge d'Affaires of the Republic of Korea in Azerbaijan Lew Kwang-chul to discuss the issues of mutual interest, Ministry's PR office said.
26 May 2006 [10:38]

Pyotr Burdikin: "Zhirinovski's statement doesn't represent official position of Russia"

"Vladimir Zhirinovski's statement doesn't represent Russia's official stance," Russian charge d'affairs ad interim in Azerbaijan Pyotr Burdikin stated.
26 May 2006 [10:29]

European Parliament members met Azerbaijani opposition representatives

European Parliament member Hannes Svaboda and deputy chair of parliament socialist group Yan Marunus met with Azerbaijani opposition representatives in Baku.
26 May 2006 [10:21]

Elchin Behbudov will inform Andreas Gross about health condition of Farhad Aliyev and Ali Insanov

An Issue on health condition of ex-ministers, Farhad Aliyev and Ali Insanov, who are in prison at present, will be discussed in the meeting of Elchin Behbudov, leader of Committee against Tortures of Azerbaijan, with co-rapporteur of PACE on Azerbaijan, Andreas Gross, May 27.
26 May 2006 [10:19]

OSCE Minsk Group officials discuss Karabakh conflict settlement with Armenian authorities

OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs Yuri Merzlyakov (Russia), Bernard Fasier (France), Steven Mann (US), as wells as Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigori Karasin, Political Affairs Director of French FM Stanislas de Laboulaye and US Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried met with Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan yesterday.
26 May 2006 [10:09]

Safar Abiyev: "Our aim is to restore territorial integrity of Azerbaijan"

Today Ukraine Armed Forces Main Headquarter Chief general colonel Sergey Kirichenko has paid an official visit to Baku.
26 May 2006 [09:51]

Abbas Abbasov's still President of Wrestling Federation

Abbas Abbasov will act as President of Wrestling Federation after his resignation from the post of first deputy Prime Minister.
26 May 2006 [09:36]

Saudi Arabia Prince to visit Azerbaijan

Saudi Arabian delegation led by Deputy Chair of Main Office for Youth Care, Prince Navaf bin-Faysal will pay an official visit to Azerbaijan from May 30 to June 2 at the invitation of Azerbaijani Minister for Youth and Sport Azad Rahimov.
26 May 2006 [08:47]

CIS government heads Council held next meeting

CIS government heads Council held next meeting in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
26 May 2006 [08:25]

Azerbaijan's Friends Society to hold rally in Netherlands

The Azerbaijan's Friends Society in the Netherlands made statement denouncing the recent violent suppression of the protest actions held by Iranian Azerbaijanis.
26 May 2006 [08:18]

Isa Gambar: "Musavat has not decided to form election commission or not"

Musavat has not made a decision on participation of formation process of election commission, party Chairman Isa Gambar stated.
26 May 2006 [08:13]

Parliament speaker to attend meeting in Tallinn

Heads of parliaments of 40 countries will meet in the Estonian capital, Tallinn, May 30-31.
26 May 2006 [02:05]

Azerbaijan Society of America demands urgent international pressure on Iran

May 22, 2006, the officers of Iranian secret service opened gunfire at the participants of the peaceful demonstration and murdered 16 civilians. The names of three of the killed were announced today: Vahid Baverniyah, Jamshid Zanjanli and Halil Ufugi.
25 May 2006 [23:15]

Demonstrations erupt in other cities of Iranian Azerbaijan and Ardabil provinces

In the fourth day of continuing uprisings all cities of East and West Azerbaijan and Ardabil are engulfed in demonstrations.
25 May 2006 [23:01]

President congratulates his Georgian counterpart

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev sent a letter of felicitations to his Georgian counterpart Mikhail Saakashvili on the occasion of the Georgia's Independence Day.
25 May 2006 [22:45]

President gave interview to Financial Times

May 25 President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev gave an interview at the Presidential Palace to Stefan Wagstyl, Central and East Europe editor of one of the Great Britain's most influential newspapers "Financial Times".
25 May 2006 [22:38]

President receives UNIFEM executive director

May 25, President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev received at the Presidential Palace Noeleen Heyzer, Executive Director of the United Nations Development Fund for Women.
25 May 2006 [18:45]

OSCE MG Co-Chairs made a joint statement in Yerevan

Having visited Armenia, representatives of co-chair countries of the OSCE Minsk Group for settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict issued a joint statement for the press.
25 May 2006 [15:51]

Delegation from Spain to chair OSCE next year to visit Baku

Spanish delegation led by Ambassador Carlos Sanchez de Boad, head of Spain's permanent delegation to OSCE, will visit Baku on 31 May within the tour to the South Caucasus states.
25 May 2006 [15:44]

Azerbaijan's flag burnt in Tehran

Azerbaijan's state flag has been burnt while two thousand protesters held an action outside the Azerbaijan's Embassy in Tehran in the evening of May 24.
25 May 2006 [15:38]

OSCE Minsk group discusses Karabakh conflict settlement in Yerevan

Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group have met to discuss the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement.
25 May 2006 [15:31]

12 Azerbaijani detained in Tehran

Azerbaijani protester Ibrahim Azerpur was killed in the clash with government forces during the rally in Sulduz, Iran on 24 May.
25 May 2006 [14:51]

Zhirinovski calls Nagorno Karabakh to choose Montenegro way, Armenian expert doubtful

According to him, unrecognized republics in the former USSR territory, including Abkhazia, Transdnestrovie and Nagorno Karabakh will choose the way of Montenegro.
25 May 2006 [13:07]

Ukraine and Armenia agreed on military cooperation

Ukrainian and Armenian military officials inked the protocol on bilateral military cooperation.
25 May 2006 [12:50]

Ukranian official: "Ukraine does not supply arms to Azerbaijan"

Ukraine is a friendly country towards Armenia, Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine, Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief, colonel general Sergey Kirichenko stated at a news conference in Yerevan.
25 May 2006 [12:38]

Georgia still mulling exit from CIS

The Georgian government is examining whether to withdraw from the Commonwealth of Independent States, but has not yet reached a decision, the country's state minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration said Thursday.
25 May 2006 [12:13]

O'Hara's visit postponed due to lacking necessary information to monitor cultural monuments

The postponing of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly member Edward O'Hara's visit to Baku scheduled for May 29 was due to his lacking necessary documents and materials to study cultural monuments in Azerbaijan and Armenia.
25 May 2006 [12:10]

AGO Group to visit Azerbaijan June 11

AGO Monitoring Group from the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers will visit Azerbaijan from 11 to 14 June.
25 May 2006 [09:31]

Young Turks Organization stages protest outside Iranian Embassy

The Young Turks Organization today staged a protest outside the Iran's Embassy in Baku demanding Iranian authorities to end repressions against Azerbaijanis.
25 May 2006 [09:24]

Azerbaijani Defense Minister invited to Iran

Mustafa Mahammad Najjar, Iranian Defense Minister, has invited Safar Abiyev, Azerbaijani Defense Minister, and Yaver Jamalov, Defense Industry Minister, to an official visit to his country. Afshar Suleymani, Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, has reported the media about.
25 May 2006 [09:18]

Afshar Suleymani: "IAEA confirms Iran abiding by international laws"

IRI Ambassador to Baku said at a press conference that the IAEA Chief Muhammad ElBaradei, as well as that agency's inspectors, confirmed in their latest visits of Iran that Tehran has not breached any of the related nuclear international laws, including NPT articles.
25 May 2006 [09:18]

Leo Platvoet's report on by-elections in Azerbaijan

Council of Europe Parlaimentary Assembly Standing Committee will meet in Moscow May 29.
25 May 2006 [08:40]

President receives delegation of Minsk Group co-chairs

The sides exchanged views on the negotiating process for the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.
25 May 2006 [08:27]

IRI sends letter of appreciation to Azerbaijani CEC

The International Republican Institute (IRI) has sent letter of appreciation to the Central Election Commission (CEC) related to the 13 May by-elections.
25 May 2006 [08:22]

Azerbaijani students to hold forum in European Parliament

The forum of Azerbaijani students in Europe will be held in the European Parliament building May 29-30.
25 May 2006 [08:18]

NAGA demands Saakashvili's resignation

The National Assembly of Georgian Azerbaijanis (NAGA) is demanding Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili's resignation.
25 May 2006 [08:04]

Romania President will visit Azerbaijan this autumn

Romania President Trayan Basescu will pay an official visit to Azerbaijan in autumn of this year, Romania Ambassador to Baku has told yesterday.
24 May 2006 [22:38]

U.S. sees progress, no final agreement on Iran package

Major powers have made progress on a package of incentives and disincentives aimed at resolving the Iran nuclear crisis but have not reached final agreement and more meetings are likely, U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said on Wednesday.
24 May 2006 [22:29]

Iran links Azeri riots in Tabriz to Ahwaz intifada

Iranian intelligence officials have linked a riot in Tabriz by thousands of ethnic Azeri Turks with "issues in Khuzestan".
24 May 2006 [21:03]

Azerbaijani Prime Minister leaves for Dushanbe to attend CIS meeting

Azerbaijani Prime Minister Arthur Rasizadeh today left for the Tajikistani capital, Dushanbe, to attend the meeting of CIS Board of Heads of Government.
24 May 2006 [20:49]

Iranian ambassador denies death cases during the protest rallies in Iran

"The newspaper 'Iran' wrote a story and published a caricature which caused dissatisfaction of Iranian Azerbaijanis and they reacted to this naturally. I must say this caricature was a mistake.
24 May 2006 [20:43]

Yerevan surprised at Mammadyarov's statements

"We are again surprised by the fact that Azerbaijan tries to put forth an approach not corresponding to the contents of the current talks on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict," Acting Spokesman of the Armenian Foreign Ministry Vladimir Karapetyan said when commenting on the statement by Azeri FM Elmar Mammadyarov who said that "the stepwise resolution of the conflict is the best one."
24 May 2006 [20:42]

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs issued statement

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, being on a visit in Azerbaijan, issued joint statement.
24 May 2006 [20:24]

Anti-government demonstration in Orumieh, Iran

Demonstrations erupted in Orumieh yesterday afternoon and continued until late hours on Wednesday evening.
24 May 2006 [19:09]

Romania plans to join new GUAM

Romania plans to join the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development, GUAM, said Romanian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Nicolae Ureche.
24 May 2006 [16:34]

President congratulated King of Jordan

President Ilham Aliyev congratulated His Majesty King Abdullah II on the national holiday of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Independence Day.
24 May 2006 [15:30]

Deputy PM meets delegation of Fuji Optical Co. Ltd

Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Ali Hasanov met May 24 with the delegation of Fuji Optical Co. Ltd (Japan) led by its president Dr. Akio Kanai.
24 May 2006 [15:18]

Ex-CIA agent: "The West should recognize Iran as nuclear power"

The USA should officially recognize Iran as a nuclear power and stop threatening the country, former CIA agent Robert Baer is quoted as saying by ATV TV-channel (Azerbaijani) citing Iranian sources.
24 May 2006 [15:11]

U.S. may allocate $43 million for reconstruction of military airfields in Azerbaijan

Pentagon requested the U.S. Congress for $43 million for the reconstruction of four military airfields in Azerbaijan and organization of anti-missile defense and radio-electronic intelligence, reported Express Baku-based newspaper citing sources within Pentagon.
24 May 2006 [14:13]

Ahmadinejad: "U.S. will fail to provoke ethnic differences"

Iran's president accused the United States and its allies on Wednesday of "hatching plots" to provoke ethnic tensions and destabilize Iran, a day after the government closed a state-run newspaper for publishing a cartoon that sparked riots by ethnic Azeris.
24 May 2006 [10:44]

National Security Minister pays official visit to Austria

Azerbaijani National Security Minister Eldar Mahmudov was on an official visit to Austria from May 15 to 19 at the invitation of Austrian Interior Minister.
24 May 2006 [10:41]

KLO denouncing Minsk Group co-chairs' next visit to the region

Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) issued statement denouncing Minsk Group co-chairs' next visit to the region.
24 May 2006 [10:18]

Musavat MP group preparing draft law "On status of ex-presidents"

Musavat deputy group acting in Parliament has prepared draft law "On status of ex-presidents".
24 May 2006 [09:26]

President Bush to appoint new US Ambassador to Armenia

President George W. Bush today announced his intention to nominate Richard E. Hoagland to serve in his Administration.