
05 June 2006 [21:04]

New York Times: "What counts on Iran"

Smart diplomacy scored a rare victory inside the Bush administration this week when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced that Washington was now willing to join nuclear talks with Iran, if Iran would agree to suspend its enrichment and reprocessing activities.
05 June 2006 [20:58]

Solana to hand Iran incentives package on Tuesday

European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana will hand Iran a package of incentives on Tuesday that seek to persuade Tehran to end sensitive nuclear work, a spokeswoman for Solana said on Monday.
05 June 2006 [20:55]

US supports Black Sea nations for development, security, crisis management and accountable government

Jack D. Crouch, assistant to the US President and deputy national security adviser, Monday said the US supported nations in the Black Sea region to create sustainable development, enhance security cooperation, emergency response, fight corruption and build transparent and accountable government.
05 June 2006 [20:23]

Daniel Fried: "As US representative, I wish Azerbaijan can restore as more lands as possible soon"

"The Nagorno Karabakh conflict can and should be solved. Reaching peace agreement is the only way to settle the conflict.
05 June 2006 [20:20]

Presidents failed to sign a Joint Declaration in Bucharest - UPDATED

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian President Robert Kocharian have met for talks on the disputed enclave of Nagorno Karabakh.
05 June 2006 [18:12]

President Aliyev receives US Deputy National Security Advisor

President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev on 5 June in Bucharest has received the US Deputy National Security Advisor Mr. J. Crouch.
05 June 2006 [18:08]

Constitutional Court ratifies re-run of parliamentary elections results

Plenary session of Azerbaijan's Constitutional Court was held on Monaday.
05 June 2006 [18:01]

President Aliyev meets OSCE Chairman-in-office

President Ilham Aliyev on 5 June in Bucharest has met Foreign Minister of Belgium, OSCE Chairman-in-office Karel de Gucht.
05 June 2006 [15:55]

Agenda of PACE June session announced

The agenda of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) June Session scheduled for 26-30 June has been announced.
05 June 2006 [14:30]

Anzor Maskhadov: "Russia should understand it needs to reach agreement with Chechens"

Anzor Maskhadov, Aslan Maskhadov's son, gave interview to Azeri journalists.
05 June 2006 [13:16]

Russian FM: "No strike on Iran is possible after Vienna accords"

A strike on Iran was ruled out by the accords, which the leading world powers had reached in Vienna at the end of last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.
05 June 2006 [12:22]

New Ambassador of Norway to Azerbaijan appointed

New Ambassador of Norwegian Kingdom appointed to Azerbaijan, this is current Ambassador of Norway in Turkey, Hans Wilhelm Lingua.
05 June 2006 [11:17]

Black Sea Summit opens in Bucharest

A summit of Black Sea states opened in Bucharest today.
05 June 2006 [10:05]

President Aliyev met with Romanian counterpart

On June 4, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev met with President of Romania Traian Basescu at the Presidential Palace in Bucharest.
05 June 2006 [10:02]

President Aliyev met with former Romanian President Iliescu

At his temporary residence in Bucharest, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev met on June 4 with former Romanian President, senator Ion Iliescu.
05 June 2006 [08:31]

Romania seeks resolution to the Nagorno Kabarakh conflict

Romanian Prime Minister Traian Basescu on Sunday met with Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev and Armenia's President Robert Kocharian and in an attempt to resolve their dispute over the occupied Nagorno Kabarakh territories problem.
05 June 2006 [08:28]

ANIP to place pickets outside Iranian Embassy June 9

The National Independence Party of Azerbaijan (ANIP) applied to the Baku Mayor for placing pickets outside Iran's Embassy in Azerbaijan June 9.
05 June 2006 [08:24]

Azerbaijani CEC to publicize by-elections results after June 5

The Central Election Commission will publicize voting results after the Constitutional Court ratifies the results of the re-run of the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan.
04 June 2006 [20:47]

No Russian officials at Black Sea Summit

The summit to launch the Black Sea Forum for Dialog and Partnership Monday will be attended by the presidents of Romania, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Republic of Moldova and officials from Lithuania, Turkey, Bulgaria and international organizations, but no Russian officials.
04 June 2006 [19:22]

Iran's leader warns of disruption in oil, Rice responds

Iran's top leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, warned Sunday that oil shipments from the Gulf region would be disrupted if the United States attacked his nation.
04 June 2006 [17:56]

Caucaz.com: "The EU looks carefully at the Caucasus and its energy potential"

The energy crisis, which has been named the "energy war" by some commentators, and which has seen a confrontation between Moscow and Tbilisi, and later Kiev, in last January, has shown to what extent Russia is determined to make use of its energy supplies as leverage and a foreign policy tool.
04 June 2006 [17:51]

Iranian leaders admit to the immense magnitude of Azeri uprisings

Following the uprisings in Iran's Azeri provinces, a number of Iranian senior officials have admitted to the scale of the demonstrations.
03 June 2006 [14:33]

Azerbaijanis stage protest actions in several cities in Iran

Azerbaijanis are staging protest actions in Tabriz, Sulduz, Miyane, Ardabil, Urmia and Zenjan cities in Iran.
03 June 2006 [14:00]

Armenian MP thinks any document to be signed in Bucharest will meet Azeri interests

"Any document to be signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia presidents in Bucharest on Nagorno Garabagh conflict regulation will be in favor of official Baku," stated Armenia Democratic Party's chairman, MP Aram Sarkisian.
03 June 2006 [13:56]

Armenians burns one more village in Aghdam

Armenians set fire to the occupied village Bash Gervend of Azerbaijna's Aghdam region.
03 June 2006 [13:36]

President Aliyev receives Interstate Aviation Committee's Head

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on 2 June received the chairperson of Interstate Aviation Committee Tatyana Anodina.
03 June 2006 [13:28]

Russia Interior Armies deputy commander will visit Baku

Delegation headed by Russia Interior Armies deputy commander, general-colonel Sergey Topchiy will visit Baku on June 19.
03 June 2006 [12:49]

Justice Minister visited Strabourg

Minister of Justice of Azerbaijan Fikret Mammadov has been visiting Strasbourg on May 3- June 2, to participate at the 13th general sitting of the Council of Europe Local and Regional Authorities (CELRA) Congress.
03 June 2006 [12:47]

Azeri FM meets Defence Minister of Tajikistan

On June 2, Foreign minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met with the defence minister of Tajikistan, colonel-general Shirali Khayrulloyev.
03 June 2006 [12:13]

President Aliyev: "Baku will not support military action against Iran"

"Azerbaijan will not support military action against Iran, and Washington understands it," Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated in an interview to French Le Figaro newspaper.
03 June 2006 [09:57]

Elmar Mammadyarov: "Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict affects negatively to peace, stability and integration in the region"

Yesterday Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mammadyarov received Defense Minister of Tajikistan, general-colonel Shirali Khayrulloyev.
03 June 2006 [09:39]

Tahir Taghizadeh: "Azerbaijan welcomes US offer on Iran's nuclear problem"

Azerbaijan welcomes the Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's recent statement that the US is prepared to join direct talks with Iran.
03 June 2006 [09:36]

South Azerbaijan National Defense Committee established in Baku

South Azerbaijan National Defense Committee established in Baku, Organization Committee member Javidan Elbars informs.
03 June 2006 [09:23]

US Embassy: "Reports that US stands behind Iran events are groundless"

All are aware of the international concern over the situation on human rights in Iran, US charge d'affaires ad interim in Azerbaijan Jason Hyland said while commenting on Azerbaijanis demanding their rights in Iran recently.
03 June 2006 [09:04]

European Court of Human Rights to be appealed

The Human Rights Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science held a press conference on determining steps to restore property rights of Azerbaijanis deported from Armenia.
02 June 2006 [22:44]

South Azerbaijan National Freedom Army established in Iran

South Azerbaijan National Freedom Army (SANFA) established in Iran, South Azerbaijan National Revival Movement European Organization informs.
02 June 2006 [22:33]

President received Iranian Industry and Mining Minister

Ilham Aliyev, The President of Azerbaijan, received delegation with Alirza Tahmasebi, Iranian Industry and Mining Minister.
02 June 2006 [22:01]

PACE delegation to visit Azerbaijan

The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) delegation comprised of Leo Platvoet and Mack Nevill will arrive in Azerbaijan June 7.
02 June 2006 [21:55]

Azerbaijani newspaper publishes collage insulting Imam Khomeini and Khamnei

Azerbaijani newspaper "GUN" ("Day") published collage insulting Head of the Iran Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini and Supreme Religious leader Ayetoullah Khamnei.
02 June 2006 [21:55]

Diplomat denied US involvement in events in northern Iran

The US charge d'affaires in Azerbaijan Jason Hyland has denied US involvement in the events in northern Iran.
02 June 2006 [16:46]

Delegation headed by Matthew Bryza visits Azerbaijan

Delegation headed by the US deputy assistant secretary Matthew Bryza will visit Azerbaijan to participate in "Xezerneftgaz-2006" 13th conference to be held June 6-9.
02 June 2006 [16:32]

Azerbaijan to conduct local by-elections in October

Repeat local elections will be held to the local authorities, in which the 2004 local elections results were annulled, in Azerbaijan in October this year.
02 June 2006 [16:10]

Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents to have tete-a-tete meeting in Bucharest

Armenian President Robert Kocharian will pay two-day working visit to Romania June 4.
02 June 2006 [15:17]

MPs to partake in PACE committee meetings

The meetings of the PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) Committees on Political Affairs, Monitoring, Legal Affairs and Human Rights are due to take place from 2 to 8 June in Paris.
02 June 2006 [15:09]

Brutal suppression of protesters in Tabriz

To contain unrests in Tabriz, provincial capital of East Azerbaijan, suppressive forces are deployed on streets throughout the city.
02 June 2006 [13:24]

Over 10,000 demonstrate in Tabriz despite severe repression

According to reports from Iran over 10,000 people demonstrated on Wednesday in Tabriz, provincial capital of East Azerbaijan, despite undeclared marshal law.
02 June 2006 [12:23]

Armenians break cease-fire for 150 times, Azerbaijan lose platoon of soldiers in the past five months

The Armenian Armed Forces violated the cease-fire from different directions of the front line for ten times in May this year.
02 June 2006 [12:20]

European Union attaches great importance to NK conflict's settlement

The European Union (EU) supports OSCE Minsk Group activity in Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement.
02 June 2006 [10:12]

China tells Iran it supports negotiations on nukes

China's foreign minister spoke with his Iranian counterpart by telephone on Friday, telling him that Beijing supports all efforts to resolve the Iran nuclear issue through diplomatic negotiations, state media reported.
02 June 2006 [10:07]

Turkish, Russian FMs discusses Nagorno Karabakh conflict

Turkish FM Abdullah Gul asked his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov that Russia supports Turkey in its fight against terrorism.
02 June 2006 [09:58]

President Aliyev hails Azerbaijan-Russia ties

Azerbaijani President Ilkham Aliyev hailed on Thursday relations between Azerbaijan and Russia, citing them as a role model in relations between a big and a smaller country, which used to be part of the former Soviet Union.
02 June 2006 [09:10]

President Aliyev says no to 'second Armenian state'

President Ilham Aliyev has said Azerbaijan will never come to terms with the loss of its lands and with the establishment of the second Armenian state on its territory.
01 June 2006 [19:43]

Zardusht Alizade: "Some revolutionaries forget that Iran is led by an ethnic Azeri"

Azeri political expert Zardusht Alizade's inrerview to Regnum news agency.
01 June 2006 [19:36]

Anti-government demonstrations continue in Iran's northwestern provinces

Despite brutal suppression of people in Azeri provinces and the dispatch of anti-riot commando units, demonstrations and clashes in various cities in that region continue.
01 June 2006 [19:28]

Iranian UAV buzzes USS Ronald Reagan

An Iranian unmanned aerial vehicle purportedly buzzed a U.S. carrier in the Persian Gulf for 25 minutes before safely returning to its base.
01 June 2006 [19:22]

US urges Iran to take time to study offer of talks

The White House urged Iran on Thursday to take several days to carefully consider a U.S. offer of talks on its nuclear program, despite Tehran's rejection of a U.S. condition it stop enriching uranium first.
01 June 2006 [19:17]

U.S. Senator Sam Brownback seeks regime change in Iran

Senator Sam Brownback, a Republican from Kansas, Senator Ron Wyman, a Democrat from Oregon, and the senior Democrat on the House International Relations Committee, Tom Lantos of California, issued a statement to the effect that "in the global war on terror, our next strategic, surgical focus needs to be Iran."
01 June 2006 [19:14]

75 Euro MPs seek to ban Ahmadinejad from World Cup tournament

Seventy-five members of the European parliament on Thursday signed a petition demanding that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad be banned from European soil and not allowed to attend matches played by the Iranian national football team at the World Cup which kicks off in Germany on 9 June.
01 June 2006 [19:09]

Armenian parliament elects new speaker

Armenia's parliament, the National Assembly, elected a new speaker Thursday following the resignation of the previous incumbent in May.
01 June 2006 [18:47]

Armenians burn houses in five occupied villages of Aghdam

Armenians are burning Yusifjanli, Novruzlu, Baghmanlar, Sarijali and Saybali villages of Azerbaijan's region of Aghdam they have occupied.
01 June 2006 [18:45]

Iranian Turkmens: "We consider the insult to Azeri people as done to us"

Iranian Turkmens' secret Turkmensahra Liberation Organization issued a statement protesting against mass murder and arrest of Azerbaijani demonstrators in Tabriz, Iran.
01 June 2006 [18:38]

Azerbaijan, Tajikistan seal defence cooperation deal

Azerbaijan and Tajikistan have signed an agreement on military cooperation.
01 June 2006 [18:30]

Armenian Ambassador to Iran proposed to use Armenian special forces to stop actions in South Azerbaijan

Armenia Ambassador to Iran Gegam Garibjanian holding secret talks with government of Iran proposed bringing of military force from his country to stop the actions in South Azerbaijan.
01 June 2006 [17:15]

European Azerbaijanis hold rally in Brussels in support of protests in Iran

Azerbaijanis living in Europe hold a rally in the Belgian capital, Brussels, in support of Azerbaijani demonstrators in Iran.
01 June 2006 [15:10]

Azerbaijani delegation to raise question for co-rapporteurs insulting authorities

The Azerbaijani delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) will raise a question at PACE related to the Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs on Azerbaijan Andreas Gross and Andres Herkel making insulting statements on the Azerbaijani authorities.
01 June 2006 [15:04]

Agreement signed between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan on military cooperation

Today a contract between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan on cooperation in military field has been signed.
01 June 2006 [13:48]

President receives CIS executive secretary Vladimir Rushailo

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on 1 June at Presidential Palace received the Chairman of Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Executive Secretary Vladimir Rushailo.
01 June 2006 [13:43]

Ilham Aliyev sent message of congratulation to President of Italy

President of Azerbaijan congratulated the President of the Republic of Italy Giorgio Napolitano on the country's national holiday - Day of Republic.
01 June 2006 [13:05]

Iran rejects US conditions for nuclear talks

Iran has rejected US conditions for groundbreaking talks on its disputed nuclear programme, saying that it was ready for negotiations with its arch-enemy but was not prepared to freeze its enrichment of uranium.
01 June 2006 [12:55]

EU-UNDP conduct regional seminar in Tbilisi

Fourth phase of the European Union and UNDP financed regional Southern Caucasus Anti-Drug Program (SCAD) is being realized.
01 June 2006 [12:48]

Commander of Internal troops to visit China

Deputy Interior Minister of Azerbaijan Republic, Commander of the Internal Troops general-lieutenant Zakir Hasanov on 4 June will pay an official visit to the People's Republic of China on the invitation of his counterpart.
01 June 2006 [12:27]

Delegation of Saudi Arabia visits Heydar Aliyev Foundation

Deputy chief of the Main Department on Youth, the Prince of Saudi Arabia Emir Navvaf ibn Feisal ibn Fahd ibn Abdel Aziz and his retinue on 31 May have visited the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.
01 June 2006 [12:19]

Turkish Daily News: "Iranian minority groups seeking US help to topple regime"

Iranian Kurd parties say they want a federal Iran, not secession.
01 June 2006 [12:15]

AlterNet: "Cheney starts new Cold War over oil"

An article by Mark Ames, editor of the Moscow English alt weekly, The eXile.
01 June 2006 [12:08]

Constitutional Court to ratify repeat parliamentary elections results

Azerbaijan's Constitutional Court (CC) will ratify the results of the 13 May partial re-run of the parliamentary elections on 5 June.