
30 November 2005 [04:26]

Mammadyarov visits South Korea

Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov paid an official visit to Southern Korea yesterday evening.
30 November 2005 [04:22]

Azeri and Iranian Presidents will meet in Nakhchivan during a ceremony on implementation of a gas project

Natural gas is delivered to the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan through Iran starting early November of this year.
30 November 2005 [04:15]

Azerbaijan and Turkey refuse to grant visa to leader of South Azerbaijan National Revival Movement

Azerbaijan and Turkey refuse to issue a visa to leader of South Azerbaijan National Revival Movement (SANRM) Mahmoudali Chohraganli.
30 November 2005 [03:52]

KLO plans to hold picket in front of embassy of one of OSCE Minsk group countries

Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) plans to hold today a picket in front of an embassy of one of the OSCE Minsk Group member states.
30 November 2005 [03:45]

OSCE disclosed agenda of its Foreign Ministers meeting in Lublana

The 13 sitting of the OSCE Foreign Ministers Council will be held in Lublana, Slovenia on December 5-6.
30 November 2005 [03:33]

Chairman of Entrepreneurs Council plans to make changes in council's structure

Vice-chairman of the Entrepreneurs Council Gudrat Kerimov who at the moment acts as its chairman told APA correspondent that the council is about to pass reforms in its structure.
30 November 2005 [03:21]

PACE President calls opposition and authorities to stay calm

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly President Rene van der Linden expressed his concern on violent dispersement of a peaceful opposition demonstration in Baku on November 26.
29 November 2005 [23:15]

Herkel, Gross and Platvoet will visit Baku on December 2

Parliamentary Elections conducted in Azerbaijan on November 6 will be discussed again at the next sitting of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe on December 15 in Paris.
29 November 2005 [22:20]

Mominat Omarova is elected deputy chairman of CE Committee on Gender Equality

Deputy chairman of the State Committee on female problems of Azerbaijan Mominat Omarova has been elected deputy head of the Council of Europe Committee on gender equality (CDEG), Trend reports.
29 November 2005 [22:13]

Azeri delegation takes part in conference organized by International Organization for Migration

Representatives of the Azerbaijani embassy in Switzerland participate in two-day discussions by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) that started in Geneva on Tuesday.
29 November 2005 [22:11]

Abiyev left Baku for Moscow to attend meeting of CIS Defense Ministers

"On Tuesday, Safar Abiyev the Azerbaijani Defense Minister, left for Moscow with business visit," Ramiz Malikov, the head of the press service of the Minsitry, told Trend.
29 November 2005 [13:50]

Azadliq will discuss with NGOs its plans for farther mass protest actions on Wednesday

Board chairmen of "Azadlig" bloc held a meeting yesterday where they discussed the results of the November 26 rally and assessed them to be positive.
29 November 2005 [12:59]

Greek Cyprus delegation acknowledged deep concern over relationships of Azerbaijan and Turkish Cyprus

The consultations conducted between Azerbaijan and Greek Cyprus in Baku last week were useful for the both sides," said Khalaf Khalafov deputy of the Foreign Minister who held a press conference yesterday.
29 November 2005 [12:49]

Opposition was not permitted to hold protest picket in front of Constitutional Court

Fuzuli regional organization of Musavat Party applied to Baku Mayor’s Office for holding a protest action in front of constitutional Court on November 29 as a sign of protest to the results of elections held in Constituency Election commission #84.
29 November 2005 [10:39]

Maurizio Pavesi expressed his deep concern over the Saturday violance

BAKU, 28 November 2005 - The Head of the OSCE Office in Baku has expressed his deep concern over police violence against demonstrators, after the authorised opposition rally on 26 November, and has urged all political forces in the country to avoid a new season of confrontation.
28 November 2005 [20:01]

Police chief tosses responsibility for Saturday violance from police onto opposition

"Seems that some people have planned to cause confrontation in such extreme way. It seems, that reports on such things taking place were not groundless. Ali Karimli and others were indifferent to the legal requirements of the police," said the head of the Main Police Department of Baku (MPDB), lieutenant-general Maharram Aliyev in an exclusive interview with correspondent of APA.
28 November 2005 [19:56]

Newly elected Supreme Assembly of NAR held today its first meeting

Newly elected Supreme Assembly of Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan held today its first meeting.
28 November 2005 [19:52]

OSCE schedules monitoring of front line between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces for tomorrow

The next OSCE monitoring will be held on Tuesday at the contact line of the Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces in Garakhanbayli village of Fuzuli district.
28 November 2005 [19:06]

Azerbaijan speaks for continuation of talks on the Caspian Sea status

"We advocate continuation of the talks between Azerbaijan and Iran on the status of the Caspian Sea in both two-sided and five-sided format," said Deputy Foreign Minister, head of the Azerbaijani delegation on defining legal status of the Caspian Sea Khalaf Khalafov.
28 November 2005 [18:56]

Azeri and Iranian Foreign Ministers hold a joint press conference

"Azerbaijan and Iran can be compared with a spirit inside of two bodies," said Manuchekhr Mottaky, the Iranian Foreign Minister, at a news conference on the results of the negotiations with his Azerbaijani counterpart Elmar Mammadyarov.
28 November 2005 [18:45]

January meeting of Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia is not confirmed yet

"There is no reply from Azerbaijan and Armenia on a proposal of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen, particularly, on organization of the next meeting of the Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents in January," said Yuriy Merzlyakov, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairman from Russia in an exclusive interview with Trend.
28 November 2005 [18:17]

Azeri military representatives will attend several international training courses

"The representatives of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces participate in several military trainings," the press service of the Defense Ministry told Trend.
28 November 2005 [12:42]

Iranian Foreign Minister is on a day-visit to Azerbaijan

Manuchohr Mottaki, the Iranian Foreign Minister, paid a day-visit to Baku on Monday. The visit started with a tribute at the Cemetery of Martyrs, Trend reports.
28 November 2005 [12:01]

Ukraine is ready to facilitate meeting of the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia

"Official Kiev is interested in the regulation of Karabakh conflict," said the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Boris Tarasyuk during a meeting with, chairman of Armenian Parliament, Artur Bagdasaryan visiting Kiev.
28 November 2005 [11:47]

Rauf Arifoglu plans to appeal to Constitutional Court against decision of Court of Appeals and against its judge

On November 26 the Court of Appeals reviewed a complaint of Rauf Arifoglu, Musavat Party deputy chief, candidate for deputy from Sabunchu election constituency III #26.
28 November 2005 [11:27]

KLO plans to dispatch its followers out on the streets of Baku starting this week

The Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) is planning to start this week demonstrations against steps of international organizations and some countries that provide Karabakh separatists legal grounds.
26 November 2005 [21:05]

US Embassy released a statement condemning police actions against opposition on November 26

Embassy of the United States of America to Azerbaijan condemned police actions against the protest action of the opposition on November 26.
26 November 2005 [19:58]

President sets objective for Cabinet of Ministers to allocate 70 billion manats for road development program in Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijani President, Ilham Aliyev, signed a decree on measures for construction and repair of motor ways. The decree notes that Azerbaijan takes wide-ranging measures aimed at speeding-up social-economic development of the country, the integral part of which is restoration, renovation and development of road infrastructure.
26 November 2005 [19:26]

CEC reviewed and discarded several complaints today

Today the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan discussed complaints for Khatai constituency N33, the second Nizami constituency N25 and the third Binagadi constituency N10 and som other finding that they are baseless and thus made a decision to discard them.
26 November 2005 [19:03]

Azeri expert was elected a member of one of Council of Europe expert committees

Jahar Musayev, the representative of the Azerbaijani Foreign Affairs Ministry, was elected member of Council of Europe Expert Committee Bureau on Legal Aspects of Territorial Refuge, Refugees and Apartheid.
26 November 2005 [18:55]

CE helps Azerbaijan to facilitate exams for judges

"There will be judges of a new level and quality in Azerbaijan," said a special representative of the Council of Europe Secretary General Matts Lindberg, who observed testing of candidates for judge positions.
26 November 2005 [18:40]

Statements of Armenian Foreign Minister may complicate peace talks

The head of the media and information policy department of the Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry Tair Tagizade made a statement-response to the Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan who few days ago stated that:"Karabakh is an integral part of Armenia, which will never pass to Azerbaijan".
26 November 2005 [18:32]

Azerbaijan signed almost all economic documents at the CIS meeting in Moscow

"Azerbaijan signed all documents, submitted for consideration by the meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CISP) Council of Prime Ministers in Moscow, excluding baseless documents," Abbas Abbasov, the Azerbaijani First Deputy Prime Minister, said at a joint news conference in Moscow.
26 November 2005 [18:20]

Police dispersed opposition rally in Baku- UPDATED

After the permitted by Baku Mayor Office time ran out, demonstrants refused to leave in spite of police chief insistance. Police used force to disperse the oppositionists.
26 November 2005 [12:46]

"Azadliq" decided to hold another rally on December 3

Yesterday the leadership of "Azadliq" bloc gathered to discuss the bloc's actions on December 26.
26 November 2005 [12:31]

Agjabedi authorities permitted opposition to hold rally of protest on November 27

The leaders of Agjabedi department of "Azadliq" bloc were called to the Executive Power of district at 4 p.m. after the regional organization went on hunger-strike.
26 November 2005 [12:21]

Azadliq plans to take Baku Mayor Office to court

"Azadliq" bloc is preparing to sue Baku City Executive Power.
26 November 2005 [12:05]

Rolan Blatman states that French mayors are not subordinate to the French government

French ambassador to Azerbaijan Rolan Blatman responded today to the letter of Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) sent few days ago.
26 November 2005 [11:36]

Platvoed positively assessed Parliamentary Elections in Azerbaijan in his speech at PACE meeting

The sitting of the members of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe Permanent Committee was held today.
26 November 2005 [11:26]

President signed a law on application of law on precious metals and stones

President Ilham Aliyev today issued decree on application of the law "On precious metals and precious stones".
25 November 2005 [19:13]

Ilyas Ismaylov allegedly will resign from chairmanship of "Adalet" party

Ilyas Ismayilov will resign from chairmanship of Adalet Party at the second congress of the party.
25 November 2005 [18:59]

Asim Mollazade has met with Lithuanian President

Chairman of the Party of Democratic Reforms (PDR) Asim Mollazade is currently visiting the Lithuanian capital Vilnius for participation in the conference "Common and distinctive features of the post-soviet space countries," PDR told Trend.
25 November 2005 [18:34]

Azeri authorities acknowledged their satisfaction with OSCE/ODIHR preliminary assessment of November 6 elections.

"The authorities of Azerbaijan are satisfied by the preliminary assessment of the OSCE/ODIHR observation mission on the elections to the Milli Mejlis," stated today the head of the socio-political department of the president's executive office Ali Hasanov.
25 November 2005 [18:26]

Azeri Ombudsman visted meeting of European human rights experts in Paris

Azerbaijani Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova is currently attending a meeting of experts of the National Institutes on Human Rights of European countries that started in Paris on November 25.
25 November 2005 [18:13]

Oppositionists in Agjabedi went on hunger strike demanding nullification of election results

Ten members of "Azadlig" member parties in Agjabedi have started a hunger strike at 10 a.m. yesterday.
25 November 2005 [13:23]

President signs decree on 2006 budget of Social Security State Fund

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on ensuring the law on the 2006 budget of the State Fund of Social Security (SFSS), Trend reports.
25 November 2005 [13:16]

National minorities' rights in Azerbaijan come into focus of Council of Europe

A seminar dedicated to the protection of rights of national minorities will be held on December 19.
25 November 2005 [13:02]

In spite of "Azadliq" insistence some oppositionists refuse to withdraw their mandates

The Musavat party members Nasib Nasibli and Iltizam Akbarli did not sign the joint declaration of the oppositionists who won the elections rejecting their mandates.
25 November 2005 [12:53]

Lenkoranian farmers bid on tea plantations

Lenkoran farmers enlarge areas under tea plantations. Family of an agronomist Ilyas Aliyev completed planting green tea in 3.5 hectare field in Vilvan village of region.
25 November 2005 [11:45]

Opposition gets ready to act after Constitutional Court confirms results of November 6 elections

After the Central Election Commission announced its decision to send the final parliamentary elections protocol to the Constitutional Court for confirmation leaders of "Azadliq" bloc held a meeting to determine their next steps.
25 November 2005 [11:40]

Gambar meets British Ambassador to Azerbaijan

Leader of the Musavat party Isa Gambar met yesterday with Laurie Bristow, ambassador of Great Britain to our country.
25 November 2005 [11:29]

EC mission will check Southern Caucasus states capabilities for cooperation with EU

European Commission is preparing to send its technical mission to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.
25 November 2005 [10:52]

Vakil Aliyev released from prison after agreeing to bear testimony

Former director of the extra-budgetary Medical Service Department Vakil Abbasov was set free from jail.
24 November 2005 [20:06]

Azerbaijan considers BSECO recommendation on opening of Kars-Gumri railway invalid

"The Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs studies recommendation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (PABSECO) on opening of the Kars (Turkey)-Gumri (Armenia) railway line," said Mahmud Mammadguliyev, deputy of the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan.
24 November 2005 [19:19]

Opposition is allowed to stage a rally on November 26

The Baku executive power positively responded to the opposition request to authorize a march-rally, however, changing the date from the scheduled for November 27 to November 26.
24 November 2005 [18:55]

Oppositionists in Bilasuvar are hunger striking fifth day

Oppositionists hunger striking against election results in Bilasuvar decided to start marching towards Baku on November 27.
24 November 2005 [18:41]

After elections the parliament renewed its composition only by 65 percent

"The principle of inheritance in the parliament should always be preserved. It is delighting that this principle was preserved in the latest parliamentary elections since 19 of the candidates winning these elections are the members of the first parliament," said parliament member Hadi Rajabli.
24 November 2005 [18:34]

Official position of PACE on Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan will be revealed on Novermber 25

"The official judgment of the Council of Europe (CE) on elections held in Azerbaijan will be revealed at the meeting of the permanent committee of the organization in Bucharest on November 25," said Samad Seyidov, head of Azerbaijani delegation in the Council of Europe.
24 November 2005 [12:30]

ASDP protested against results in election constituency # 45

Yesterday a group of members of the Azerbaijan Social Democratic Party (ASDP) placed a picket in front of the Central Election Commission (CEC) since they did not agree with results of the Apsheron election constituency # 45.
24 November 2005 [11:10]

New minister implements wide structural changes in the Ministry of Economic Development

The steamroller of structural reforms rolled over few departments in the Ministry of Economic Development and continues its triumphal way.
24 November 2005 [10:57]

ANIP passes through controversy over post of its secretary general

Tensions are rising high inside of the Azerbaijan National Independence Party (ANIP) after a statment of its chief Ali Aliyev saying that the post of general secretary of the party is vacant.
24 November 2005 [10:47]

KLO sent denouncing letter to US and French embassies in Azerbaijan

Today Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) forwarded a letter to the US and France embassies condemning the steps taken in both countries on recognition of the separatist "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic".
23 November 2005 [22:23]

Opposition declares that it was betrayed by the West

The "Azadliq", "Yeni Siyaset" ["YeS"] blocs, National Unity Movement and several NGO representatives held today a press-conference where they accused international organizations and the special representative of the European Union on Southern Caucasus Heike Talvitie of conforming with election falsifications.
23 November 2005 [22:16]

Mammayarov discussed with Beshuashvili mutual ties of Azerbaijan and Georgia

The Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammayarov, taking part in celebrations of the anniversary of the "rose revolution" in Georgia met on November 23 with his Georgian counterpart Gela Beshuashvili.
23 November 2005 [21:26]

CEC submitted summary election protocols to Constitutional Court

Three CEC members Vidadi Mahmudlu, Enver Aliyev and Mansum Bayramov spoke against submitting the summary protocols to the Constitutional Court (CC) arguing that there were violations of the law during the parliamentary elections.
23 November 2005 [20:42]

Sabina Freiser: I call on the opposition to use all legal ways to remove falsifications

The latest report of the International Crisis Group (ICG) on the situation in Azerbaijan is based on the results of 2003 (presidential), 2004 (municipal) and 2005 (parliamentary) elections, the ICG project director for Caucasus Sabina Freiser stated during a news conference today.
23 November 2005 [19:33]

PACE discussed situation in Azerbaijan

The first part of the sitting of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) Monitoring Committee has finished today.
23 November 2005 [19:27]

Herkel and Gross will visit Azerbaijan again in December

PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs on Azerbaijan Andreas Gross and Andres Herkel will visit Azerbaijan in early December to familiarize with the after-election situation in the country.
23 November 2005 [19:09]

Minister of Industry and Energy left for Istanbul to join international conference

II meeting of Ministers of Industry of International Economic Cooperation Organization started its work in Istanbul on November 21.
23 November 2005 [18:53]

CEC is finalizing election protocols in order to submit them to Constitutional Court

Central Election Committee (CEC) of Azerbaijan has met today to discuss the issues of drawing final protocols on the general results of the elections and their submission to the Constitutional Court.
23 November 2005 [12:04]

Azerbaijan authorities are familiar with report of ICG and not going to comment on it

"Azerbaijani authorities do not express opinion officially to the reports of the public organizations," said the head of socio-political department of President’s Office Ali Hasanov regarding the latest report on the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan by International Crisis Group.
23 November 2005 [11:17]

Heike Talvitie comments on after election period in Azerbaijan

The special representative of the European Union on Southern Caucasus Heike Talvitie held a press-conference devoted to the results of his short-term visit to Baku (APA).
23 November 2005 [10:41]

Full version of "Azerbaijan's Elections 2005" report by ICG

International Crisis Group released a full report on November 6 Elections.
22 November 2005 [21:18]

American congresswoman positively asserted steps taken by Azeri government in pre and after election period

Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a member of the U.S. Congress, gave positive appreciation to the steps taken by the Azerbaijan President, Ilham Aliyev, after the November 6 parliamentary elections.
22 November 2005 [21:08]

CEC cancels results of polling stations in some constituencies not altering however overall results

Today the Central Election Committee reviewed and cancelled results of several polling stations.