20 January 2006 [17:14]
"America is sacrificing democracy for the sake of its economic and energy interests," an Azeri politician has said.
20 January 2006 [17:06]
A meeting of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia might be held in Paris on 10 February 2006, the Russian daily "Vremya Novostey" writes.
20 January 2006 [16:30]
Azerbaijan and Armenia have completed another round of talks on settling the long-standing conflict over Nagorno Karabakh.
20 January 2006 [03:53]
"Partnership for Peace Program" conference will be held in Oberammergau (Germany) on 19-20 January and a course "European Security Sciences" in Garmish Partinkirchen (Germany) from January 20 till 13 April in the framework of "Partnership for Peace Program" of NATO.
20 January 2006 [03:32]
Defense Minister of Russia Sergei Ivanov is expected to pay a visit to Azerbaijan on 23-25 January.
20 January 2006 [03:19]
The negotiations started yesterday between Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers Elmar Mammadyarov and Vardan Oskanian in London continued today.
20 January 2006 [02:36]
"It is impossible to speak of complete resolution of the conflict at present,"- head of the armed gang of separatist regime of the occupied lands of Azerbaijan Seyran Ohanian claimed.
20 January 2006 [02:24]
Newly appointed Ambassador of Ukraine to Azerbaijan Stepan Volkovetski will arrive Baku on January 21.
20 January 2006 [01:35]
"The meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers in London aims to prepare the meeting of the Presidents, to discuss some issues concerning the meeting of the heads of state, fix the place and date of the meeting," - Novruz Mammadov, director of department for international relations of President's Office.
20 January 2006 [00:43]
Iran warned of a world oil crisis if sanctions are imposed over its nuclear program even as the United States and Europe struggled to get support for UN Security Council action.
20 January 2006 [00:35]
The US is to reduce the number of its diplomats posted to Europe, and will send more to other countries, including China, India, Nigeria and Lebanon.
20 January 2006 [00:26]
Arabic TV station al-Jazeera has broadcast an audio tape it says is by the al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden.
20 January 2006 [00:05]
The annual report of the U.S. nonprofit organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) has criticized Azerbaijan.
20 January 2006 [00:00]
Azerbaijan and Armenia held another round of talks on settling the long-standing Upper Garabagh conflict in London on Wednesday.
19 January 2006 [23:42]
The composition of the Azerbaijani parliamentary delegation to the Council of Europe, which will attend the PACE winter session from January 23 to 27, was approved yesterday.
19 January 2006 [23:30]
"?rmenia does not give up its agressor’s claims by pursuing the destructive policy," the Azerbaijan Defense Minister Safar Abiyev said in a statement on 19 January 2006 during the meeting with the Deputy Commander of the Headquarters of the U.S. European Command General Charles F. "Chuck" Wald.
19 January 2006 [23:14]
President Aliyev and General Wald discussed ANAMA activities
19 January 2006 [13:47]
Sergey Lavrov welcomes the OSCE Minsk Group proposal for the Azerbaijan and Armenia Presidents early meeting.
19 January 2006 [04:49]
"A statement of the chair of the Customs Committee of Armenia about existence of trade links between Azerbaijan and Armenia is nothing but nonsense".
19 January 2006 [04:10]
"The International Crisis Group expects Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents to achieve concrete results in their meeting due to in February" - Vise-president of the International Crisis Group Alain Deletroz issued this statement.
19 January 2006 [02:48]
One Armenian prisoner of war previously detained in Azerbaijan was repatriated under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
19 January 2006 [02:19]
Press service of Iranian embassy in Azerbaijan spread the statement concerning peaceful nuclear program of the country issued by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at press conference on January 14.
19 January 2006 [02:13]
Defense Minister of Russia Sergey Ivanov will pay an official visit to Armenia on January 25.
18 January 2006 [22:02]
The head of Russian Federal Security Service (FSS) Nikolay Patrushev in the interview to the "Russian", has expressed satisfaction with cooperation of special services of the foreign states, including Azerbaijan's.
18 January 2006 [21:24]
The members of the Azeri Panel to participate in the winter Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) have been determined.
18 January 2006 [18:03]
"The U.S. government allocated $17m for the program on mine clearing of the Azerbaijani territories over the last 7 years," Jonathan Henick, the spokesman of the U.S. embassy in Azerbaijan, told.
18 January 2006 [14:47]
Vagif Sadikhov, the Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister, is representing Azerbaijan in a burial ceremony of the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmad al-Sabah.
18 January 2006 [14:26]
General Charles F. "Chuck" Wald, the Deputy Commander of the Headquarters of the U.S. European Command in Stuttgart, Germany, arrived in Azerbaijan on Wednesday for meetings and discussions at the Ministry of Defense.
18 January 2006 [14:24]
Ceasefire breach was fixed in the Armenian-Azerbaijani frontline on Tuesday.
18 January 2006 [14:15]
On Tuesday the Turkish prime minister Rejep Tayyub Erdogan received a delegation of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party headed by Ali Ahmadov, the Executive Secretary of the party, who is currently visiting Ankara at the invitation of the ruling party of Turkey – the Party of Justice and Development.
18 January 2006 [04:26]
Works concerning establishment of the representations of the Ministry of Economic Development in embassies of Azerbaijan in the foreign states have been started.
18 January 2006 [04:05]
Leader of Azerbaijan National Union Movement (ANUM), elected candidate from Yasamal ConEC 3 #17 Lala Shovkhat Hajiyeva made her step on refusing the deputy mandate official.
18 January 2006 [03:50]
The report on the 6 November parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan drawn up by OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) located in Warsaw, capital of Poland will be announced in several weeks.
18 January 2006 [03:15]
"Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko is going to pay an official visit to Azerbaijan. This visit is of great importance for both Ukraine and Azerbaijan" Ukrainian charge d'affaires in Azerbaijan Igor Kizima told.
18 January 2006 [02:52]
"Everybody should try for quick resolution of Nagorno Karabakh Conflict. Because martial law continues on the frontline and young people are killed".
18 January 2006 [02:16]
The newly formed delegation of Milli Majlis will attend the winter session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe due on 23 January.
18 January 2006 [02:12]
Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, deputy minister, special representative of the president on regulation of Nagorno Karabakh conflict Araz Azimov are leaving for London, the capital of Great Britain, tonight.
18 January 2006 [01:58]
President Ilham Aliyev who started his leave in early days of the New Year will end it by 20 January.
17 January 2006 [22:17]
Azeri Ambassador to Tehran Abbasali Hassanov said here Tuesday that the media of both countries should make effort to develop close bonds between the two nations by not giving coverage to issues likely to sow the seed of discord.
17 January 2006 [22:11]
Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan announced competition for new job positions.
17 January 2006 [21:57]
Delegation led by Avaz Alakbarov held fruitful meetings in New Dehli.
17 January 2006 [21:48]
First trial in Ramil Safarov's second case held in Budapest.
17 January 2006 [18:01]
The Turkish foreign policy is aimed at "acquiring friends among adjacent states. Ankara is deeply interested in the territorial integrity of the neighboring countries," the Turkish Prime Minister Redjep Tayyib Erdogan said in a statement on 17 January 2006.
17 January 2006 [15:07]
Valeh Alaskarov, the Deputy Chairman of Milli Majlis will participate in the celebration of 10th anniversary of the Kazakh parliament.
17 January 2006 [13:53]
OSCE chairman-in-office Karel de Gucht to hold exchange of opinions on Nagorno Karabakh conflict in Baku.
17 January 2006 [11:43]
The opposition Musavat Party executives next month will discuss the participation of the party members, who gained deputy mandates at the November 6 parliament poll, in the work of the Milli Majlis.
17 January 2006 [06:13]
European countries offer imposing of economic sanctions on Iran for its conducting nuclear researches.
17 January 2006 [05:14]
Delegation of Yeni Azerbaijan Party led by executive secretary Ali Ahmadov left for Turkey on the invitation of incumbent Justice and Development Party of Turkey (JDP).
17 January 2006 [04:54]
300 candidates gained less than 3% in recent parliamentary elections have been taken to court because of not having repaid the money they got from the state budget.
17 January 2006 [04:38]
24 citizens have taken signature sheets from Constituency Election Commissions in order to join reelections yet.
17 January 2006 [04:30]
European Union (EU) supports the statement of the new OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Belgian Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht on attempts will continue for solving the conflicts.
16 January 2006 [21:33]
Vice-chairman of Milli Majlis Valeh Alaskarov on January 10-15 has visited Moscow and held working meetings at the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russia and the State Duma.
16 January 2006 [21:14]
"Azerbaijani-Iranian diplomatic channels determine new date of the official visit of Gulamali Haddad Adil, the chairman of the Iranian Parliament, to Azerbaijan," said Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Afshar Suleymani.
16 January 2006 [21:08]
"Yet the Armenian side also perceives inevitableness of Nagorno Karabakh problem’s resolution", said Siyavush Novruzov, who returned back from the meeting of the Parliament Initiative Group of the Southern Caucasus, held in Georgia.
16 January 2006 [21:01]
Ilham Aliyev, the Azerbaijani President, was declared the laureate of the international elite platinum Grand Prix "Caspian Energy Integration Award-2006" in the main nomination "The Politician of Year in CIS And Baltic Countries".
16 January 2006 [20:55]
There is changes in the policy of the official Yerevan after Prague Process on regulation of Nagorno Karabakh conflict launched, said Sabina Fraizer, special representative of the International Crisis Group on the Southern Caucasus.
16 January 2006 [20:47]
As Trend reports, the draft agreement on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict will not be discussed at the London meeting of the Azerbaijan and Armenia Foreign Ministries heads, as well as the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairman from Russia Yuri Merzlyakov told.
16 January 2006 [18:37]
“NATO accepts the occupation fact of Azerbaijani lands.” said the Conference organized by the Press Club for Friends of Army on “Azerbaijan-NATO Relations: Realities and Perspectives” held in Baku with participation of PMs, representatives of the Defense Ministry, and the Embassy of Turkey to Azerbaijan.
16 January 2006 [18:22]
The Milli Mejlis chairman Ogtay Asadov met on 16 January 2006 with the Ambassador of Greece to Azerbaijan Temistokles Dimidis.
16 January 2006 [16:09]
A military workshop on the subject “Command and staff exercises” started in Baku on 16 January.
16 January 2006 [13:39]
“The relationships with Russia remain priority in Azerbaijan’s foreign policy. I’d even call them the strategic partnership,” the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, Elmar Mammadyarov said.
16 January 2006 [12:00]
Turkish president Ahmet Necdet Sezer will pay an official visit to Azerbaijan till the end of January.
15 January 2006 [16:58]
Two-day gathering of Parliament Initiative Group of Southern Caucasus countries started in Tbilisi yesterday.
15 January 2006 [16:36]
20th gathering of working group on preparation of convention concerning the status of Caspian Sea will be held in first term of this year in Moscow.
14 January 2006 [21:17]
Discussions of the 2-nd and 3-d periodic reports of the Azerbaijan government on the UNO “Convention on Children’ Rights” will take place on 19 January 2006 in the framework of the 41st session of the UNO Committee on children’s rights.
14 January 2006 [20:57]
14 January 2006 [20:44]
"No secret prisons of US CIA exist in Azerbaijan." Said Leo Platfoet, rapporteur of PACE Monitoring Group.
14 January 2006 [13:50]
Spanish King Juan Carlos I received the diplomatic corps accredited in Madrid.
14 January 2006 [13:43]
14 January 2006 [03:16]
Congress of World Azerbaijani (CWA) will appeal to Council of Europe, UNO, France, Germany and Great Britain on repressions against Southern Azerbaijani Turks by Iranian Government.
14 January 2006 [03:13]
Nasimi District court has elongated arrest time of ex-ministers Farhad Aliyev and Ali Insanov for four more months.
14 January 2006 [02:52]
Opposition MPs say they aren’t going call like-minded colleagues to join the Parliament sessions. They say it’s personal position.
14 January 2006 [02:47]
The results of the 6 November parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan might be discussed in winter session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) due on 23 January.
14 January 2006 [02:35]
The agenda of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) winter session was announced.
14 January 2006 [02:06]
Musavat Party has not selected its representative to the Central Election Commission yet.