TODAY.AZ / Politics

International Crisis Group: "War might break out in Karabakh at any time"

19 January 2006 [04:10] - TODAY.AZ
"The International Crisis Group expects Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents to achieve concrete results in their meeting due to in February" - Vise-president of the International Crisis Group Alain Deletroz issued this statement.

As APA reports, stating the compromise is inevitable for the solution of the conflict, the vise-president said of both sides to consider themselves right: "However, it should be born in mind that without a compromise no peace can be achieved".

A.Deletroz said that media has to do much in this case. According to him, the mass media of Azerbaijan and Armenia should enlighten the people and get them ready to making compromise: "When the heads of the two countries are close to compromise they face serious dissatisfaction of the community. Levon Ter-Petrosyan resigned for that reason mainly".

The ICR vise-president welcomed the positions of Russia, the US and West to this problem: "They do right by stressing the necessity for the conflict sides to reach a consensus". He also stressed the importance of Russia's influence to the region and drew the attention to another issue: "Minsk Group member countries-the US, Russia and France cannot send peacekeeping force to the conflict zone after agreement on the resolution of the conflict is achieved. However, Russia should agree to the sending of peacekeeping contingent to the conflict zone by other countries".

A.Deletroz also stated that, the Nagorno Karabakh problem is the only conflict in the CIS region that all the big states are interested in the solution: "The existence of the conflict is not useful for the US, Russia or Europe".

Disagreeing to the opinion that Nagorno Karabakh conflict is one of the "frozen conflicts", the vise-president underlined that, there were more death cases in Karabakh in comparison with Abkhazia and Southern Osetia: "Armenian Defense Minister reported 40 soldiers died in the borderline last year. Though Azerbaijani side has not announced concrete figures, taking into consideration that the opposite side have lost approximately the same number of soldiers, it makes 80 soldiers in a year. Since about 80 soldiers die on the front every year, it cannot be regarded as "frozen conflict".

According to A.Deletroz, war might break out in Karabakh at any time. He particularly stressed that the outbreak of the war is harmful for both sides.

The vise-president of ICR also noted that, Armenia and Azerbaijan have to realize that Nagorno Karabakh will live like that for 5-10 years only. A referendum is needed to be held there after that: "Both sides should come to an agreement on recognizing the results of the referendum".


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