
29 December 2008 [16:30]

Gudrat Hasanquliyev's party calls on Azerbaijani authorities to start dialogue with opposition

The next session of the Single Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan was held on Monday, reports Day.Az with reference to the press service for the party.
29 December 2008 [15:11]

Azerenerji: "Azerbaijani regions will not face problems with energy supply on holidays"

"On the Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year holiday the population of Azerbaijani regions will not face problems with energy supply", said the press service of Azerenerji.
29 December 2008 [14:36]

Actions of protest to be held in front of Iranian and Israeli embassies to Baku

The Union for Democracy will hold protests near the embassies of Iran and Israel on December 31, said chairman of the Classical Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan Mirmahmood Miralioghlu.
29 December 2008 [13:40]

New Indian ambassador arrives in Azerbaijan

Newly appointed ambassador of India to Azerbaijan Debnat Show arrived in Baku for fulfillment of his diplomatic mission on December 28, said the press service for the Indian embassy to Azerbaijan, according to Novosti-Azerbaijan.
29 December 2008 [11:37]

Eldeniz Guliyev: "Turkey loses much more from strengthening relations with Armenia"

"The strengthening of relations between Turkey and Armenia is of negative nature", said chairman of the Azerbaijan Intellectuals Movement Eldeniz Guliyev.
29 December 2008 [11:30]

Member of youth organization of Musavat party beaten in Baku

Member of the Youth Organization of the Musavat Party Murad Kerimov was beaten in Baku at about 18.30 on December 26, reports Day.Az with references to sources in the organization.
29 December 2008 [11:15]

Armenians violate ceasefire in four regions

Armenian armed forces locating in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan violated ceasefire on December 28.
29 December 2008 [10:52]

President of Azerbaijan receives head of Russian presidential administration

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Narishkin on December 29.
29 December 2008 [10:41]

Plan of cooperation between Azerbaijani and Russian Defense Ministers confirmed for 2009

Russian Defense Minister Anatoli Serdyukov and his Azerbaijani counterpart Safar Abiyev ratified a plan of cooperation between the defense ministries of the two countries for 2009, according to spokesman for Russian Defense Minister Alexei Kuznetsov.
27 December 2008 [10:37]

Armenians violate ceasefire in Agdam

Armenian armed forces locating in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan violated ceasefire on December 26 and 27.
27 December 2008 [10:02]

Azerbaijani-Americans for Democracy (AZAD) organization releases a petition in protest against removal of term limits on presidency in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani-Americans for Democracy (AZAD) organization has released a petition in protest against the removal of term limits on presidency in Azerbaijan, report sources from this organization.
26 December 2008 [18:30]

Azerbaijan receives the last shipment of metro carriages from Russia

Under an agreement between Baku Metro and Russian Metrovagonmash, 36 metro rail carriages have been delivered to Azerbaijan this year.
26 December 2008 [18:15]

Armenian economist: "Russia decided to frustrate Nabucco gas pipeline construction and promised Baku its support in the Karabakh issue"

The year of 2008 was force maj?ur in the Karabakh process, an Armenian expert said.
26 December 2008 [16:55]

Armenian expert: "Turkey, Azerbaijan’s main goal total extermination of Armenians"

It’s not a secret that the main goal of Turkey and Azerbaijan is total extermination of Armenian ethno-political entity in the Caucasus, an Armenian expert said.
26 December 2008 [16:15]

Isa Qambar meets with IRI representative

On December 26 head of Musavat party Isa Qambar received head of the International Republicans Institute Jake Johns, reports Day.Az with reference to the press service for the party.
26 December 2008 [13:28]

MM deputy: "Campaign on apologizing to Armenians by Turks causes regret"

"The campaign held by representatives of Turkish intellectuals for apologizing to Armenians for 1915 events in Osman Turkey causes just regret", said chairman of the Great Creation party Fazil Gazanfaroghlu.
26 December 2008 [10:51]

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev congratulates the people on Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis

President Ilham Aliyev congratulated the Azerbaijani People on December 31, the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day.
26 December 2008 [10:43]

Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan: "Turks should not apologize to Armenians, it is we that expect Armenians to apologize to us"

"Turks should not apologize to Armenians, it is we that expect Armenians to apologize to us", said Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic at a press conference yesterday.
26 December 2008 [10:26]

Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan: "An agreement on Caucasus security and cooperation platform, offered by Turkey, can be signed in 2009"

"An agreement on the basis of Turkey's Caucasus Security and Cooperation Platform Initiative might be signed in 2009", said Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic at a press conference yesterday.
26 December 2008 [10:04]

Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan: "The statements of some mass medias that Turkey will turn its back to Azerbaijan in the issue of Nagorno Karabakh should not be trusted"

The process of the Karabakh conflict resolution has lasted for 15 years and Turkey does not want it to last for another 15 tears, said Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic at a press conference yesterday.
25 December 2008 [18:00]

Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan puts of session for 2009

The Azerbaijan Popular Front Party has put off the session for January of 2009, reports deputy chairman of the party Hasan Kerimov.
25 December 2008 [17:13]

Kazakh diplomat: "Territorial integrity, right of nations to self-determination equal principles for Kazakhstan"

Kazakhstan’s presence in OSCE Troika in 2009 and its chairmanship in the Organization should be a manifestation of the country’s amicable and balanced policy, a Kazakh diplomat said.
25 December 2008 [15:45]

Liberal-Democratic Party of Azerbaijan finds office

The final session of the party was held under the leadership of chairman of the Liberal-Democratic Party of Azerbaijan Fuad Aliyev, reports Day.Az with reference to the press service for the party.
25 December 2008 [15:23]

Conference of Dalga youth movement frustrated in Lenkoran

Local powers prohibited to the local organization of Dalga movement to hold a conference.
25 December 2008 [12:53]

Chingiz Demiroghlu: "Azerbaijani people will define their future in the issue of referendum"

"Holding a referendum about elimination of restrictions on election of one and the same person as a president for more than twice must be perceived positively", said Tereggi party chairman Chingiz Demiroghlu.
25 December 2008 [11:52]

Azerbaijan and Turkish Presidents have phone talk

On December 24, Turkey`s President Abdullah Gul phoned Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.
25 December 2008 [11:43]

Turkish FM: "Turkey attaches great importance to consultations with Azerbaijan on regional political issues"

Turkey attaches great importance to consultations with Azerbaijan on regional political issues, the Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said.
25 December 2008 [11:30]

Opposition parties of Azerbaijan to continue actions of protest against referendum

The Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan, Musavat party and a number of other opposition parties are holding discussions on conduction of a protest, said deputy chairman of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan Hasan Kerimov.
25 December 2008 [10:53]

Armenians violate ceasefire in Geranboy

Armenian armed forces locating in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan violated ceasefire on December 24.
25 December 2008 [10:22]

President of European movement in Armenia: "If Azerbaijan is interesting for the western countries as oil supplier, Armenia attracts them as a leader of democracy in the region"

"Europe does not apply double standards to Armenia", considers president of the European movement in Armenia Viktor Yengibaryan.
24 December 2008 [18:50]

Eduard Shevarnadze: "To speak of peace in the Caucasus, it is necessary to establish relations of Azerbaijan and Armenia"

Turkish initiative of Caucasian Platform is untimely, ex-president of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze says in an interview with iamik.ru.
24 December 2008 [16:10]

Action of opposition parties near Constitutional Court dispersed in Baku - UPDATED

The opposition parties of Azerbaijan have made an attempt to hold a protest near the building of the Constitutional Court.
24 December 2008 [16:03]

Gulamhuseyn Alibeyli's party applies for registration

On Wednesday the Aydinlar party, chaired by Gulamhuseyn Alibeyli applied for registration in the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan, said first deputy chairman Gorkhmaz Ibrahimli.
24 December 2008 [14:35]

Armenians refute information about killing of Azerbaijani civilian

Armenians refute information of Azerbaijani mass media according to which the Armenian armed forces killed an Azerbaijani civilian.
24 December 2008 [14:10]

Constitutional court reacts positively to draft act of referendum "On amendments and alterations to the Constitution of Azerbaijan"

The Constitutional Court has positively assessed the draft act of referendum "On amendments and alterations to the Constitution of Azerbaijan", according to sources from the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan.
24 December 2008 [13:00]

Ali Hasanov: "The main decision in the issue of the referendum must be made by Azerbaijani people"

Chief of public policy department of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan considers that the final decision in the issue of referendum is to be made by the Azerbaijani people.
24 December 2008 [12:20]

Green Parties of Azerbaijan and Georgia urge to stop militarization of South Caucasus

The Green Parties of Azerbaijan and Georgia have released a joint statement, reports Day.Az with reference to the press service for the party.
24 December 2008 [12:01]

Armenians violate ceasefire

Armenian armed forces locating in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan violated ceasefire on December 23 and 24.
24 December 2008 [11:04]

President of Azerbaijan marks his 47th birthday

President of Azerbaijan is marking his 47th birthday today.
24 December 2008 [10:53]

Diplomatic source in Armenia: "EU, Armenian stand on Karabakh conflict resolution coincide"

The statements by Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, accord with the position of Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, a diplomatic source told PanARMENIAN.Net.
24 December 2008 [10:48]

Azerbaijani Defense Minister meets deputy chief of Turkish general staff

Azerbaijani Minister of Defense Industry Yaver Jamalov met Tuesday with a delegation of the Turkish Armed Forces led by Deputy Chief of General Staff, Army General Hasan Igsiz, reports Day.Az with reference to AzerTac.
24 December 2008 [10:46]

Peter Semneby: "We hope that the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia will meet to continue productive talks"

The Moscow declaration signed by Presidents of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia, encouraged the negotiation process on Nagorno Karabakh conflict, said EU special representative on South Caucasus Peter Semneby.
24 December 2008 [10:22]

Peter Semneby: "The countries will be proposed documents on Eastern Partnership program in the next three months"

The Eastern Partnership initiative, voiced by the European commission, is just a proposal and not an adopted decision, said EU special representative on South Caucasus states Peter Semneby.
24 December 2008 [10:11]

Azerbaijani FM meets EU special representative for South Caucasus

On December 23 Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mamedyarov met with EU special representative for South Caucasus Peter Semneby, paying a one day visit to Baku on December 23.
23 December 2008 [18:50]

Congress of World Azerbaijanis starts collection of signatures to condemn Armenians' actions

The Congress of World Azerbaijanis has launched a campaign to collect signatures against crimes, committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis, reports Day.Az with reference to the press service for the congress.
23 December 2008 [18:20]

Abu Bakr mosque not to open

23 December 2008 [17:35]

Turkish FM Babacan says disputes between Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan never been so close to resolution

The disputes between Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan, which have been continuing since World War One, have never been so close to their resolution, Turkey's foreign minister told Hurriyet daily on Monday.
23 December 2008 [17:16]

Israeli deputy, supporting pro-Azerbaijani position, distances from the politics

Russian-speaking deputy of the Israeli Knesset (parliament) Josef Shagal, chairman of the interparliamentary group Israel-Azerbaijan intends to quit politics.
23 December 2008 [17:01]

Progressive-Socialistic party of Azerbaijan supports idea of conduction of referendum on amendments to Constitution

A regular session of the Temporary central executive committee of the Progressive-socialistic party of Aezrbaijan was held, according to the press service for the party.
23 December 2008 [16:13]

Lala Shevket meets with EU delegation

23 December 2008 [15:53]

Kazakh expert: "Kazakhstan not ready to spoil relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey for Armenia’s sake"

Armenia has nothing to offer Kazakhstan except for brandy and stone working machines, transportation of which is rather problematic over the blockade, a Kazakh expert said.
23 December 2008 [15:18]

President of Azerbaijan receives EU special representative for South Caucasus

President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan today received the European Union special representative for South Caucasus Peter Semneby.
23 December 2008 [13:17]

Azerbaijan deputy Foreign Minister discusses delimitation of Azerbaijani-Russian border in Moscow

On December 22 deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Khalaf Khalafov visited Moscow, said the press service for the Azerbaijani FM, said the press service for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry.
23 December 2008 [12:35]

Isa Qambar: "I do not know who will be the new leader of the Musavat party"

My decision to resign from the position of the Musavat party bashqan is not connected with today's political events, said bashqan of Musavat party Isa Qambar.
23 December 2008 [12:13]

Azerbaijani Prime Minister receives Georgian FM

On December 22 Azerbaijani Prime Minister Artur Rasizade received Foreign Minister of Georgia Grigol Vashadze, visiting Baku, said the press service for the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan.
23 December 2008 [11:28]

EU special representative on South Caucasus Peter Semneby arrives in Baku

EU special representative on South Caucasus Peter Semneby arrived on a one day visit to Baku, said official of the European Commission's Azerbaijan office Parvana Persiani.