TODAY.AZ / Politics

Armenia deceives world community: political expert

05 August 2009 [16:38] - TODAY.AZ
The last phase of talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia showed that Armenia does not agree with the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, Azerbaijani political expert Mubariz Ahmadoglu said.

“All this time Armenia has deceived co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group as well as international community,” he said.

He said statement about Yerevan's readiness to resolve the conflict is nothing but a lie by the Armenian government.

“The following fact testifies to this deception. Prior to Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents’ meeting Moscow, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan addressed the public in the town of Spitak. Replying to a question on the resolution of the Karabakh problem, he said “Calm down! Nothing will be signed.”

Ahmadoglu said the document proposed in the negotiations was not in favor of Armenia and Sargsyan made clear that Armenia does not intend to accept it.

/Novosti Azerbaijan/

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