
27 February 2009 [10:05]

Yuri Merzlyakov: "The aim of the visit is to study opinions of the Karabakh conflict parties and develop a new proposal" - UPDATED

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs Yuri Merzlyakov of Russia and Bernard Fassier of France arrived on a visit to Azerbaijan today.
27 February 2009 [09:54]

New Russian ambassador appointed to Azerbaijan

Vladimir Dorokhin was appointed Russia's new ambassador to Azerbaijan, the Foreign Ministry of Russia said on Feb. 26, according to Trend.Az.
26 February 2009 [18:48]

OSCE chairman-in-office to visit Azerbaijan

Greek FM and OSCE chairman-in-office Dora Bakoyanis will soon visit Azerbaijan, said Greek ambassador to Azerbaijan Johannes Metaxas, according to AzerTac.
26 February 2009 [18:15]

Activist of movement for rights of South Azerbaijanis released in Iran

Activist of movement for rights of South Azerbaijanis, professor of the Tehran university Shahid Rajai Abdulla Abbasi Javan was released in Iran, according to the World Azerbaijanis Congress.
26 February 2009 [17:54]

Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Ukraine praise level of bilateral relations

Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mamedyarov discussed development of bilateral relations with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vladimir Ogrizko, according to the official website of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.
26 February 2009 [17:12]

Russian Foreign Minister to visit Azerbaijan

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is expected to visit Azerbaijan on March 11-12.
26 February 2009 [16:12]

OSCE monitoring along contact line interrupted

Monitoring along the contact line between the Azerbaijani and Armenian armies near the Fuzuli-Horadiz Highway was interrupted, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry's press service told Trend News.
26 February 2009 [15:56]

Presentation of documentary about Azerbaijani soldier, brutally killed in Armenian captivity, held in Azerbaijan cinema

The presentation of the "Azerbaijan is Karabakh" documentary about Azerbaijani soldier Farhad Atakishiyev, tortured to death in Armenian captivity.
26 February 2009 [14:59]

Protest on Khojaly genocide held in Stockholm

Azerbaijani diaspora organizations of Sweden held a protest in memory of victims of the Khojaly genocide, according to the press service for the state committee for work with diaspora.
26 February 2009 [14:30]

Information about completion of diplomatic mission of Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan confirmed

Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Russia to Azerbaijan Vasili Istratov will soon leave the country due to the completion of the diplomatic mission, said the ambassador, according to Novosti-Azerbaijan.
26 February 2009 [13:25]

Azerbaijan, Russia hold consultations between foreign ministries

The Foreign Ministries of Azerbaijan and Russia held consultations on consulate issues.
26 February 2009 [13:12]

Turkey's ruling party makes statement on Khojaly genocide

Turkey`s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) released a statement on the 17th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide.
26 February 2009 [12:45]

Activists of movement for rights of South Azerbaijanis undergo trial in Iran

A verdict was passed on two activists of the movement for rights of South Azerbaijanis, according to the website of the Congress of World Azerbaijanis.
26 February 2009 [12:31]

OSCE to hold monitoring on contact line of Azerbaijani and Armenian armed forces

A monitoring will be held on the contact line of the armed forces of Azerbaijan and Armenia, said the press service for the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan.
26 February 2009 [12:14]

Armenians violate ceasefire in four regions

Armenian armed forces locating in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan violated ceasefire in Aghdam, Terter, Fizuli and Khojavend directions.
26 February 2009 [10:53]

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to visit Armenia

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs on Karabakh conflict Bernard Fassier of France, Matthew Bryza of the United States and Yuri Merzlyakov of Russia will pay a visit to Armenia on February 27.
26 February 2009 [10:43]

Russia, Azerbaijan to discuss cooperation

Russian Presidential Administration head Sergey Narishkin will visit Azerbaijan on Feb. 26, the Russian Embassy in Azerbaijan told Trend News on Feb. 25.
18 February 2009 [15:26]

OSCE Baku office supports idea of holding forums on amendments and alterations to Azerbaijani Constitution

The OSCE Baku office supports idea of holding forums, aimed to inform the public about the essence of proposed amendments and alterations to the Azerbaijani Constitution.
18 February 2009 [14:24]

Armenian FM: "Azerbaijan-launched arm racing hinders the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict actions should be given international assessment"

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian visiting Warsaw, met with his Polish counterpart Radoslaw Sikorski to discuss the Armenian-Polish relations, regional and international issues, economic and cultural cooperation, the RA MFA press office reports.
18 February 2009 [13:15]

Greek Prime Minister: "Greece will be the first European country to import natural gas directly from Azerbaijan"

Greece intends to purchase gas in Azerbaijan but not to damage joint energy projects to Russia, said Prime Minister of Greece Kostas Karamanlis after the meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in the Athens on Tuesday, according to RIA-Novosti.
18 February 2009 [11:52]

Representative of Azerbaijani Consulate General in Los Angeles meets with members of Hawaiian House of Representatives

Azerbaijani consul in Los Angeles Elman Abdullayev while visiting Hawaii held a meeting with members of House of representatives of the state.
18 February 2009 [11:32]

Panah Huseyn: "If oil price has dropped three times, the fees for energy sources for the population must be reduced"

"The issue of reducing prices on energy sources was first raised in the Azerbaijani parliamentary by the deputy group of the Musavat party", said Milli Medjlis deputy Panah Huseyn.
18 February 2009 [10:48]

President of Azerbaijan ends state Athens visit

Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev completed his state visit to Greece, and headed home, according to AzerTac.
18 February 2009 [10:38]

Turkish Parliament to hold hearing on Khojali Genocide

Turkish Parliament will hold hearing on Khojali Genocide, Member of the Parliament and Head of the Turkey-Azerbaijan Friendship group Mustafa Kabakci told APA.
18 February 2009 [10:30]

Turkish deputy: "It is impossible that we retracted the demand for withdrawal of Armenian invaders from the Azerbaijani lands"

"There are no changes in the Turkey’s policy regarding Azerbaijan, it is impossible", said Mustafa Kabakci, member of Turkish Parliament and head of the Turkey-Azerbaijan friendship group, in his exclusive interview with APA.
18 February 2009 [10:20]

President of Azerbaijan awarded with the gold medal of the Hellenic Parliament - UPDATED

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev continues his visit to Greece.
18 February 2009 [10:11]

"Reporters without borders" render financial aid to families of imprisoned Azerbaijani journalists

The international nongovernmental organization "Reporters without borders" has rendered financial aid to the families of four Azerbaijani journalists, serving in prison.
17 February 2009 [15:51]

Sumato Energy purchases 600,000 oil barrels from Supsa port from Azerbaijan

SOCAR department of marketing and economic operations has declared Sumato Energy Group Limited (New Zealand) the purchaser of 600,000 Azeri Light oil barrels, according to the press service for SOCAR.
17 February 2009 [15:26]

Rasul Guliyev's party not to partake in referendum on amendments to Azerbaijani Constitution

The Open Society Party has decided not to take part in a referendum on amendments to the Azerbaijani Constitution, said deputy chairman of the party Yagub Abbasov.
17 February 2009 [14:04]

Matthew Bryza: "All Minsk group member-states recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan"

"There are three basic principles around the Nagorno Karabakh conflict that must be balanced to satisfy both parties", said US co-chair of OSCE Minsk group Matthew Bryza in his interview to Capital newspaper.
17 February 2009 [13:24]

American professor of Armenian origin considering Nagorno Karabakh the historical land of Azerbaijanis

An online petition organized by a group of disgruntled Armenian university students against what they call "Falsifiers of Armenian History," alleging that there is a concerted effort to falsify Armenian history within Armenian studies programs across the US.
17 February 2009 [12:15]

Turkish Foreign Ministry urges Armenia to abstain from statements that may cause damage to resolution of Nagorno Karabakh problem

Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan expressed need to abstain from commenting on the negotiation process between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
17 February 2009 [11:51]

Matthew Bryza: "The confidentiality of presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan must be respected"

"Year of 2009 can really be decisive", said US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza in his exclusive interview to the Capital newspaper, responding to the question about the final resolution of the Karabakh conflict.
17 February 2009 [11:03]

Armenians violate ceasefire in four regions

Armenians violated ceasefire in Aghdam, Tovuz, Fizuli and Khojavend directions, according to the press service for the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.
17 February 2009 [10:15]

Musavat party: "Azerbaijani and Turkish Foreign Ministries should clarify the issue of strengthening ties between Turkey and Armenia"

The Divan of the Musavat party held its regular session on Monday, according to the press service for the party.
17 February 2009 [09:56]

Minsk Group co-chairs plan to visit South Caucasus region

French co-chair Bernard Fassier said that the co-chairs might visit the region later February, according to ANS TV.
16 February 2009 [18:17]

President of Azerbaijan ratifies amendments to Electoral Code of Azerbaijan

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed a regulation on application of the law "On amendments and alterations to the Electoral Code of Azerbaijan", reports AzerTac.
16 February 2009 [17:14]

Iranian Foreign Minister to visit Azerbaijan

An expert group of the Azerbaijani-Iranian intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation will launch operation in Baku Tuesday, said the press service for the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan.
16 February 2009 [16:44]

The Russian-led military alliance: A real counterweight to NATO?

By Alexander Jackson, Caucasian Review of International Affairs (www.cria-online.org), Caucasus Update No. 22, Feb. 16, 2009.
16 February 2009 [15:28]

Azerbaijan National Independence Party not to cooperate with oppositional agitation groups

Under the decision of the political council, the Azerbaijan National Independence Party will not cooperate with any agitation oppositional groups, said spokesman for the party Ali Orujev.
16 February 2009 [13:02]

Action of protest near Iranian embassy to Baku put off

The youth organization of the Civil Solidarity Party has put off the action of protest, planned to be held near the Iranian embassy to Baku on February 17, said head of the steering committee of the party Samir Asadly.
16 February 2009 [11:26]

Iranian ambassador to Azerbaijan: "Iranian scientific technologies on launching artificial satellite into the space is for peaceful means"

Iranian scientific technologies on launching the artificial satellite to the aerospace orbit are for peaceful means, said Iranian ambassador to Azerbaijan Nasir Hamidi Zare in his interview to ANS TV channel.
16 February 2009 [10:53]

Armenians violate ceasefire in three regions

Armenian armed forces locating in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan violated ceasefire in Aghdam, Cebrail and Fizuli.
16 February 2009 [09:53]

President of Azerbaijan heads to Greece for state visit

Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev headed yesterday to Greece for a state visit.
16 February 2009 [09:38]

Russian expert: "Karabakh problem not urgent for Turkish-Armenian relations"

The Nagorno Karabakh problem was probably discussed during the Russian-Turkish presidential talks in Moscow but it was not among priorities, a Russian expert said.
14 February 2009 [14:01]

President of Azerbaijan congratulates his Lithuanian counterpart on country's Independence Day

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev sent a letter of congratulation to his Lithuanian counterpart Valdas Adamkus on the country`s national holiday – the Day of Re-establishment of the State of Lithuania.
14 February 2009 [13:54]

Vafa Guluzade: "Friendship with Russia deprives Turkey of the great interest in the resolution of the Karabakh problem"

Turkey is not too interested in the resolution of the Karabakh problem, said Azerbaijani political scientist and former state adviser of Azerbaijan on external political issues Vafa Guluzade.
14 February 2009 [12:48]

Ammunitions found in three regions of Azerbaijan

Police found ammunitions in Shemkir, Geygel and Naftalan regions of Azerbaijan, according to the press service for the Interior Ministry of Azerbaijan.
14 February 2009 [12:30]

Boris Berezovski: "Before crisis Vladimir Putin's fortune made at least $40 bln"

Day.Az interview with famous Russian enterpreneur and political figure Boris Berezovski.
14 February 2009 [11:30]

Armenians violate ceasefire in Khojavend and Terter

Armenians violated ceasefire on the occupied lands of Azerbaijan on February 13, according to the press service for the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.
14 February 2009 [11:14]

President of Azerbaijan meets Czech Premier Topolanek

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has met here today with visiting Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mirek Topolanek.
14 February 2009 [10:56]

Azerbaijani FM: "Eastern Partnership" promotes expansion of cooperation between Azerbaijan and EU"

Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mamedyarov received Friday Director general of the political department of the office on external ties and commonwealth of Great Britain Mark Justin Layll Grant, reports Day.Az with reference to the press service for the Foreign ministry of Azerbaijan.
14 February 2009 [10:42]

Turkish Prime Minister: "We spare no efforts for the resolution of problems between Azerbaijan and Armenia"

Turkey as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council spares no efforts for the resolution of problems between Azerbaijan and Armenia, said Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to Turkish Cihan.
13 February 2009 [18:54]

Representative of Netherlands Foreign Ministry: "Netherlands recognize the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan"

The government of Netherlands recognize the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, said general director on political issues of Netherlands Foreign Minister Peter de Haer during the meeting with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov.
13 February 2009 [18:30]

President of Azerbaijan presents condolences to US president due to aircraft crash

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev voiced condolences to US president Barack Obama on the aircrash near Buffalo city, which led to numerous victims.