
10 July 2009 [17:07]

Azerbaijan, Turkey are the most influential countries in region: Azerbaijani MP

Azerbaijan and Turkey are the most influential countries in the region, the member of the Azerbaijani parliament said.
10 July 2009 [16:52]

Statement on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict issued by OSCE MG co-chair countries at G8 summit is very positive fact: political expert

“The joint statement on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict issued by presidents of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries at the G8 summit is very positive fact."
10 July 2009 [16:36]

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict's resolution to become positive factor for entire region: Azerbaijani MP

Russia's desire to take a more active part in changing the conflict situation in the South Caucasus has opened up good opportunities to continue a peace process, the Member of the Azerbaijani Parliament Asim Mollazadeh said.
10 July 2009 [16:14]

Super powers’ interest in soonest resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is a good sign: political expert

“Super powers’ interest in resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict any time soon is a very good sign."
10 July 2009 [15:43]

Caucasus Muslims Clerical Office head: Every Muslim can pray in Tezepir mosque

"Every Muslim can pray in Tezepir mosque," Caucasus Muslims Clerical Office head Allahshukur Pashazade said.
10 July 2009 [15:32]

OSCE MG Group co-chair countries issue joint statement on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict at G8 summit

The United States, France and Russia called mutually Friday for the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan to settle a long-running dispute over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, AP reported.
10 July 2009 [15:23]

Azerbaijani, Armenian presidents' Moscow meeting to enable to enter finish line: OSCE MG Russian co-chair

The Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents' Moscow meeting will help to reach finish line of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement, the Russian Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, Yuriy Merzlyakov, said at a news conference in Baku on July 10.
10 July 2009 [14:17]

U.S. first deputy secretary of state to visit Baku

The U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg, will discuss proposals of Azerbaijani-U.S cooperation in Baku.
10 July 2009 [13:15]

Turkey's stance on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement important for Azerbaijan: top state official

The head of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration's External Relations Department believes the position of Turkey as a powerful country in the region is important in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement.
10 July 2009 [12:32]

Former U.S. adviser: I belive in possibility of creating new realities in Karabakh talks

Former adviser on national security at the U.S. President Jimmy Carter's administration believes in possibility of creating new realities in the negotiations on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
10 July 2009 [11:30]

U.S. congressman: It is wrong to give money to Azerbaijan's terriitory occupied by Armenia

Co-chair of the US Congress working group on Azerbaijan and Congressman from Pennsylvania Bill Shuster spoke in an exclusive interview with APA.
10 July 2009 [09:32]

Turkey should demonstrate activity towards events in China: Turkish analyst

The Turkish Government does not demonstrate activity towards events in China unlike Gaza events, former MP from Saadet party, analyst Mehmet Bekaroglu said.
10 July 2009 [09:23]

Azerbaijani political expert: Presidents’ Moscow meeting may end up with framework agreement

“I believe presidents’ Moscow meeting may end with framework agreement on liberation of occupied lands surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh, political expert Fikrat Sadigov said.
10 July 2009 [09:10]

Azerbaijani President receives UAE foreign minister

On July 9, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev received the delegation led by UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed al-Nahyan, who is on an official visit to Azerbaijan.
10 July 2009 [08:59]

Islamic world must not be indifferent to Chinese events: Turkish minister of religion

Islamic world and world community must not remain indifferent to Chinese events, Turkish minister of religion Ali Bardakoglu said.
09 July 2009 [17:46]

Azerbaijani president receives UAE foreign minister

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev received a delegation led by the United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan on July 9.
09 July 2009 [17:30]

Azerbaijani ruling party deputy chairman receives delegation of Turkish ruling party

The Deputy Chairman of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party (NAP Ali Ahmadov received the delegation of the youth organization of the Turkish ruling Justice and Development Party (JDP).
09 July 2009 [15:38]

Russian president’s aide: Russia’s efforts as OSCE MG co-chair turned out to be necessary

Russian, Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents will meet in Moscow in mid-July to discuss the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Russian president’s aide Sergey Prikhodko said.
09 July 2009 [14:37]

Azerbaijani MP: World community accepts Azerbaijan’s arguments due to country’s decisive position

Despite considerable support for Armenia worldwide, international community accepts Azerbaijan’s arguments due to country’s decisive position.
09 July 2009 [14:25]

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs arrive in Azerbaijan

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs Matthew Bryza, Bernard Fassier and Yuriy Merzlyakov and Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Andrzej Kasprzyk arrived in Azerbaijan today.
09 July 2009 [13:41]

Azerbaijani defense minister receives U.S. mayor general

The meeting with the commander of Oklahoma National Guards focused on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
09 July 2009 [13:21]

Azerbaijani MP: Azerbaijani government oversees migration issues

The Azerbaijani state oversees the migration issues in the country.
09 July 2009 [12:41]

Brussels to host NATO-Azerbaijan meeting in 27+1 format

On July 15, Brussels will host the NATO-Azerbaijan meeting in a 27+1 format, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov told journalists on July 9.
09 July 2009 [12:32]

Moscow meeting to show possibility of advance in Karabakh settlement: FM

The Moscow meeting will show weather it is possible to advance in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, Elmar Mammadyarov told journalists on July 9.
09 July 2009 [12:26]

Museum of Azerbaijani diplomacy established

Azerbaijan has launched a museum at the Foreign Ministry.
09 July 2009 [12:10]

Minsk Group U.S. co-chair: Nagorno-Karabakh conflict lacks military way of resolution

“Nagorno-Karabakh conflict lacks military way of resolution,” OSCE Minsk Group U.S. Co-Chair Matthew Bryza said.
09 July 2009 [11:55]

Azerbaijan-NATO cooperation not targeted against anybody: representative to alliance

Azerbaijan-NATO cooperation is not targeted against any third country, Azerbaijan’s representative to the alliance Kamil Khasiyev said.
09 July 2009 [11:38]

Azerbaijani Ambassador to Russia: If Armenians don’t accept hands extended, don’t understand this gesture, different methods will be used

“If Armenians don’t accept hands extended and don’t understand this gesture, different methods will be used.”
09 July 2009 [11:12]

European commission postpones meeting between Armenian, Azerbaijani representatives

The meeting between representatives of Armenian and Azerbaijani civil society set for July 16 in Brussels has been postponed.
09 July 2009 [10:58]

OSCE secretary general to visit Azerbaijan

OSCE Secretary General Mark Perrin De Brishambaut will visit Azerbaijan on July 15-17.
09 July 2009 [10:48]

Azerbaijani parliament’s working groups cooperate with 73 legislative bodies worldwide: MP

Azerbaijani parliament’s working groups cooperate with legislative bodies of 73 countries.
09 July 2009 [10:36]

Minsk Group Russian co-chair: Withdrawal of snipers from front line to contribute to security at contact line in Karabakh conflict zone

“Withdrawal of snipers front line by the parties to the conflict will contribute to stability and security at the contact line in the zone of the Karabakh conflict.”
09 July 2009 [10:27]

Russian, U.S., French leaders can issue statement on Nagorno-Karabakh: Russian President's aide

Leaders of Russia, the United States and France can adopt a statement on the Nagorno-Karabakh at the G8 summit at L'Aquila.
09 July 2009 [10:17]

French co-chair: Armenia-Turkey relations, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict being resolved simultaneously, but separately

“Resolution of the Armenia-Turkey ties and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is a difficult task.”
09 July 2009 [09:53]

Minsk Group U.S. co-chair: signing accord on non-use of force in Karabakh conflict possible

U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Mathew Bryza says it is possible to sign an accord on non-use of force in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
09 July 2009 [09:43]

Azerbaijan-Pakistan ties to be discussed in Baku: ambassador

Meeting of Azerbaijani-Pakistani intergovernmental commission will be held in Baku in September.
09 July 2009 [09:36]

Turkey's key goal is EU membership: analyst

Turkish analyst says although the policy in the Caucasus and the Middle East is a priority for Turkey, country's main goal in foreign policy is membership to the European Union.
09 July 2009 [09:14]

G-8 condemns North Korea's nuclear test

Group of Eight leaders have condemned "in the strongest terms" North Korea's nuclear test and ballistic missile launches, Associated Press reported.
09 July 2009 [09:03]

Matthew Bryza dismisses reports on appointment as US ambassador to Azerbaijan

OSCE Minsk Group’s American Co-Chair Matthew Bryza has dismissed reports on his appointment to the post of the US ambassador to Azerbaijan.
09 July 2009 [08:50]

Netherlands to open embassy in Azerbaijan

Netherlands' Cabinet of Ministers has decided to set up the embassy in Baku.
08 July 2009 [17:58]

Iranian ambassador returns to Azerbaijan

Iran’s ambassador to Azerbaijan Mahammadbagir Bahrami has returned to Baku, Iranian Embassy in Baku said.
08 July 2009 [17:48]

Azerbaijani political expert: I expect Azerbaijani, Armenian presidents’ Moscow meeting to be fruitful

“It is difficult to say something about results of the Moscow meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sargsyan scheduled for mid-July. But I expect this meeting to be fruitful."
08 July 2009 [17:36]

Azerbaijani ruling party deputy chairman meets with Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan

Deputy chairman of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party Ali Ahmadov met with Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan Vladimir Dorokhin on July 8.
08 July 2009 [17:17]

Azerbaijani central election commission spesifies voters' lists

Azerbaijani central election commission has set down to specify voters' lists.
08 July 2009 [15:42]

Armenian president receives OSCE Minsk group co-chairs

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan received OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs Matthew Bryza, Bernard Fassier and Yuri Merzlyakov on July 8.
08 July 2009 [15:18]

Considerable progress in Russia-U.S. understanding on security: political scientist

Progress in the talks of U.S. and Russian Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitriy Medvedev was not reached, as it was expected, but a considerable change for the better took place in the two countries' understanding concerning the tasks on the Strategic Offensive Arms (START) and details of a future treaty were approved.
08 July 2009 [13:26]

Mail.Ru keeps on ignoring Azerbaijan’s interests

Mail.Ru, one of the biggest portals in Russia, whose has monthly audience of more than 52 million users, continues to ignore the interests of Azerbaijan and to engage in a double game.
08 July 2009 [13:06]

UAE foreign minister to visit Azerbaijan

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayid Al Nahyan will pay an official visit to Azerbaijan.
08 July 2009 [12:49]

U.S. gov't can issue $10mln in aid to Azerbaijani refugees: ambassador to U.S.

The U.S. House of Representatives discusses the issue of allocating $10 million to the Azerbaijani refugees affected by the territorial conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
08 July 2009 [12:38]

Azerbaijan interested in Jewish lobby's experience: ambassador to U.S.

Azerbaijani Ambassador to the United States Yashar Aliyev expressed his desire that the Jewish lobby will strengthen its aid to Azerbaijan in foreign policy.
08 July 2009 [12:24]

Czech finance, defense ministers, Senate chairman will visit Azerbaijan: ambassador

“Czech Republic–Azerbaijan relations have left behind stage of constructive cooperation."
08 July 2009 [12:02]

Azerbaijan hopes delimitation of borders with Russia will be adressed by late 2009: deputy minister

Azerbaijan believes the process of delimitation of the Azerbaijani-Russian borders will finish by late 2009.
08 July 2009 [11:31]

20-percent principle on status, delimitation of Caspian Sea is not debated at all: Azerbaijani deputy FM

Preparations are underway to hold conference of the Caspian littoral states in Baku.
08 July 2009 [11:23]

Washington to host Azerbaijan-U.S. military consultations: ambassador

Washington will host the Azerbaijan-U.S. military consultations in late July, Azerbaijani Ambassador to U.S. Yashar Aliyev said.
08 July 2009 [11:16]

OSCE MG co-chairs arrive in Yerevan

OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs onsettlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict arrived in Yerevan today.
08 July 2009 [11:11]

Success of Azerbaijan’s foreign policy is country’s appropriate policy line: presidential administration official

Azerbaijan’s foreign policy sets example for many countries in the region at the moment.
08 July 2009 [11:03]

Turkey not to open borders with Armenia: former FM

Turkey will not open borders with Armenian without the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement, Turkish former Foreign Minister Hikmet Chetin said.
08 July 2009 [10:53]

Senator Sam Brownback: We shouldn’t take actions which are hurtful towards Azerbaijan

U.S. Senator Sam Brownback spoke in an exclusive interview with APA. Samuel Dale Brownback is the senior United States Senator from the U.S. state of Kansas. He developed Silk Road Staretgy in 1999 while being a chairman of the Subcommittee on Middle East and South Asia of the Senate Committee for Foreign Relations and played important role in the adoption of this strategy, which deepened relations of the United States with Azerbaijan and other countries.
08 July 2009 [10:50]

Azerbaijani presidential administration official: Azerbaijan is going to the presidents’ Moscow meeting with its previous unchanged position

Azerbaijan is going to the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents’ Moscow meeting with its previous unchanged position, said chief of the International Relations Department of the Presidential Administration Novruz Mammadov.
08 July 2009 [10:18]

Date set for Latvian president’s visit to Azerbaijan

Priorities of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Latvia will be discussed during Latvian president Valdis Zatlers’ visit to Baku in August, Azerbaijani ambassador to Latvia Tofig Zulfugarov said.
08 July 2009 [10:07]

Azerbaijan not to maintain existing status quo: FM

Azerbaijan will not allow the current situation on the Nagorno-Karabakh to continue, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said at the conference on the 90th anniversary of Azerbaijani diplomacy.
08 July 2009 [09:57]

Azerbaijani representative to UN: Azerbaijan may present new resolution on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to UN

Azerbaijan is keeping on working on resolution that the country has presented to the UN related to the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
08 July 2009 [09:44]

Azerbaijani president’s visit to India being prepared: ambassador

“Azerbaijani president’s visit to India is being prepared,” Azerbaijani ambassador to India Tamerlan Garayev said.
08 July 2009 [09:38]

Belgian FM to become new EU commissioner for humanitarian affairs

Belgian Foreign Minister Karel de Guchtwill be next EU commissioner for humanitarian affairs. He will replace Belgian Luis Michel, RTL-TVI reported Belgian Foreign Ministry as saying.
08 July 2009 [08:25]

Azerbaijani MP: Law on Political Parties needs to be revised

“There is a need to revise and adopt a new law on political parties,” Azerbaijani member of parliament and vice speaker BaharMuradova said.
07 July 2009 [17:54]

Turkish ruling part representatives to trip to Baku

Youth delegation of the Turkish ruling Justice and Development Party will trip to Azerbaijan upon the invitation of the Azerbaijani ruling New Azerbaijan Party youth movement, Azerbaijani ruling party Web site reported.
07 July 2009 [17:43]

Azerbaijani president receives Belarus PM

Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev received Belarus Prime Minister Sergey Sidorski on July 7.
07 July 2009 [17:26]

Turkish PM: No document proves 1915 events to be genocide

“There no any document that can prove the 1915 events to be genocide."
07 July 2009 [17:04]

Russian FM: U.S. President promised to get Jackson-Vanik amendment canceled

Cancelling Jackson-Venik amendments will be one of priorities of the Obama Administration, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.
07 July 2009 [16:36]

No ethnic incompatibility between Azerbaijanis, Armenians: Azerbaijani MP

A group of Azerbaijani and Armenian public figures, intellectuals and politicians tripped to Khankandi, Yerevan and Baku earlier last week.
07 July 2009 [16:15]

Russian President’s aide: Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will be discussed at G8 summit

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will be discussed at the G8 summit in Italy on July 8-10, aide to Russian President Arkadiy Dvorkovich told APA correspondent in Moscow.