
02 March 2006 [10:25]

Azad Rahimov: "Mortgage loans must be provided to young families with 9% per annum"

"Young families to obtain mortgage credits must repay loans with 9% per annum and initial payment must form 15-20% of apartment's price. Our proposals might be accepted".
02 March 2006 [09:42]

AFFA offers Turkish national team to play in Baku

Azerbaijan Football Federation Association (AFFA) president Ramiz Mirzayev addressed a letter to the President of Turkish Football Federation Haluk Ulusoy.
02 March 2006 [09:10]

Jalal Aliyev blames Fatma Abdullazade for problems in science, education and culture

"Milli Majlis Education Commission chief has been filling press and TVs with various information that postgraduate course will allegedly be abolished. Laws are adopting by Milli Majlis but not by a commission chief," MP Jalal Aliyev said yesterday at a session of Milli Majlis.
01 March 2006 [14:07]

Islamic Conference held in Baku

The International Conference on the subject "Islam and Youth: Education, Science and Enlightment" began today in Baku. The conference organizers are the Azerbaiajan Education Ministry, Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the Ministry of State Foundations and Islamic Affairs of Kuwait.
01 March 2006 [12:54]

Azeri Ombudsman takes part in international workshop in Russia

Elmira Suleymanova, the Azerbaijani Ombudsman, took part in an international workshop on "Dialogue, tolerance and education: joint activities of the Council of Europe and religious confessions", held in Kazan.
01 March 2006 [12:44]

Azay Guliyev: "Allegations on NGOs sound true"

The allegations that the non-governmental organizations conceal the amount of grants from state structures sound true.
01 March 2006 [10:32]

Documentary "European Union and Azerbaijan" will be presented

A 25-minute documentary has been shot about European Union (EU), its history, organizations and its cooperation programs.
01 March 2006 [09:34]

Bird flu in Gakh

Some wild ducks thought to be infected with Bird flu were found in Gakh region of Azerbaijan.
01 March 2006 [09:26]

National Security Ministry making statements

"All possible measures are being taken against threats to Azerbaijan national security and interests and everything is under control," National Security Ministry Public Affairs Officer Arif Babayev told.
28 February 2006 [17:43]

About 20 Iranian citizens to be extradited

"Around 20 Iranian citizens, serving their sentence in Azerbaijan, will be extradited in early March," said Zafar Gafarov, the head of the International Legal Cooperation Department of the Azerbaijani Justice Minsitry.
28 February 2006 [11:54]

Fred Asif Development Foundation set up

Foundation named after Azerbaijani National Hero Asif Maharramov (Fred Asif).
28 February 2006 [11:21]

Bird Flu found in Gilezi Poultry Farm

The Bird Flu State Commission told that the virus was found in the samples taken from Gilezi Poultry Farm.
28 February 2006 [11:10]

"Karabakh is under discussion" book presented

"Karabakh is under discussion" book was presented today by the support of Humanitarian Investigation Society.
28 February 2006 [10:37]

Council of Europe will hold seminar for journalists

The Council of Europe Information Office in Azerbaijan organizes Seminar Workshops for Journalists on the Structure, Standards and Activities of the Council of Europe.
28 February 2006 [10:02]

Arif Babayev: "Investigation on Haji Mammadov case is over"

The investigation on all the members of the criminal gang, led by the ex-director of Crime Investigation Department, Interior Ministry, Haji Mammadov, is over.
28 February 2006 [09:57]

Education Ministry submits schools to be built

Education Ministry told that they worked out the list of schools planned to be built by the support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation.
28 February 2006 [09:39]

Ali Insanov is hospitalized

Ex-health minister Ali Insanov's lawyer Togrul Babayev told that Ali Insanov's health suddenly deteriorated on February 25.
28 February 2006 [09:32]

Azeris dead and injured in Moscow market collapse - UPDATED

The roof of a Moscow market collapsed early Thursday, killing at least 65 people and 29 are injured. Unknown number of people are still trapped under the wreckage.
28 February 2006 [09:04]

Vaccination against measles and German measles started

Yesterday national campaign of vaccination against measles and German measles was launched.
28 February 2006 [01:27]

President approved program on Baku villages development

The program of measures on acceleration of Baku villages socio-economic development has been approved today by the Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev.
27 February 2006 [14:28]

6 of 744 applicants passed 1st level of Foreign Ministry exams

6 of 744 applicants passed to the second round of employment tests held last Sunday at the Foreign Ministry.
27 February 2006 [13:07]

Mstislav Rostropovich visits school#21 and house he lived in

Mstislav Rostropovich and his daughter Yelena visited Leopold and Mstislav Rostropoviches musical school No21 on February 26.
27 February 2006 [12:31]

Ziyad Samadzade elected vice-president of International Economists Union

The chair of the economic policy standing commission of Milli Majlis, Ziyad Samadzade was elected the vice-president of the International Economists Union at the XV meeting of the Union held in New-York with the support of the UN Economic and Social Council.
27 February 2006 [12:29]

Group of Akhiskha Turks to visit their historical homeland

A delegation of Akhiskha Turks is expected to visit Georgia.
27 February 2006 [12:25]

Azeris in Canada commemorated Khojaly genocide

An event on 14th anniversary of the Khojaly tragedy was held at the Mariott hotel in Montreal city of Canada.
27 February 2006 [12:23]

Students burned Armenian and Swiss flags in center of Baku

About 100 Azerbaijani and Turkish students studying in Azerbaijan held a peaceful action on 14th anniversary of the Khojaly tragedy in Nizami Street today.
27 February 2006 [12:21]

Vitims' bodies from Moscow brought to Ganja airport

Dead bodies of 43 our compatriots died in the result of roof collapse in the Basman market of Moscow were brought to the Ganja Airport by aircraft from February 25 to 26.
25 February 2006 [20:17]

Azeri religious leader blames politics for Iraq war

Allakhshukur Pashazade, head of Caucasian Muslim Religious Department, strongly condemned the bombing of mosques and recent violence in Iraq.
25 February 2006 [19:52]

Attorney General: "Materials on Khojali genocide to be submitted to international court"

"Materials on Khojali genocide investigation are ready for submission to the international court," Zakir Garalov, the Attorney General, said to journalists.
25 February 2006 [15:30]

Two officials from McDermott Caspian Contractors, Inc. fired and deported

President of McDermott Caspian Contractors, Inc. Ben Houser apologized for the incident.
25 February 2006 [10:28]

Police intends to arrest 30 more Marneuli residents

Two arrested villagers of Damya Gorarkhi village of Marneuli region are expected to be set free.
25 February 2006 [10:03]

Caucasus Muslims Office will move from "Taza Pir" mosque

The sheikh of all Caucasus, Haji Allahshukur Pashazadeh, told journalists that the Office of Caucasian Muslims would move from "Taza Pir" mosque due to beginning of repair works.
25 February 2006 [09:02]

Traffic to be restricted on commemorative events of Khojali genocide

The Khojali genocide of Azerbaijanis will be commemorated in front of monument "The Khojali genocide" in the capital on February 25.
24 February 2006 [17:51]

Turkish TRT to broadcast program about Khojaly tragedy

Khojaly tragedy to be broadcasted in 5 continents of world through Turkish TRT.
24 February 2006 [17:48]

Delegates from 50 countries to participate in the World Azerbaijanis' 2nd Congress

"The Second Congress of World Azerbaijanis will be held in Baku on 16 March 2006 with participation of state and governmental officials, ministers and MPs from approximately 50 world countries," said Nazim Ibrahimov, the chairman of the State Committee on Azerbaijanis residing abroad.
24 February 2006 [11:51]

Conference on secularization to be held in France Culture Center

Anatolia French Research Institute branch in Baku, State Committee for Religious Organizations, French Embassy in Baku and Baku France Cultural Center will hold a conference on secularization in Azerbaijan and France on March 6.
24 February 2006 [09:53]

Extradition of Ramil Safarov could be discussed

"Azerbaijani Justice Ministry may appeal to Hungary for extradition of Ramil Safarov after the verdict," the Head of International Affairs department at the Ministry of Justice Zaver Gafarov stated.
24 February 2006 [09:48]

Teimour Radjabov defeats Veselin Topalov

The first round of the "Linares-2006" chess tournament of XX category is held in Morelia, Mexico.
23 February 2006 [16:54]

14 Azeris arrested in Georgia

The State Committee on affairs of Azerbaijanis living abroad is interested with a picket arranged by residents of Damya Gerarkhi village of Marneuli district on Wednesday as a sign of protest.
23 February 2006 [12:12]

Health Ministry closes down 12 drug-stores

The Center of Innovations and Supply of the Azerbaijani Health Ministry ceased the activities of 12 drug-stores.
23 February 2006 [11:19]

European Court to deal with three cases from Azerbaijan

European Court of Human Rights decision-making bureau received 238 applications from Azerbaijan in 2003.
23 February 2006 [10:51]

700 wild birds die a day, total number reaches 9,000

Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry press service stated that 700 more wild birds died in our country today.
23 February 2006 [10:15]

Azeri protest dispersed by Georgian special forces

Georgian Special Forces dispersed protest demonstration of Azerbaijanis by force in Demya Goraraki village, Marneuli, who were protesting about their land problems.
23 February 2006 [10:07]

Azerbaijani residents blocked Marneuli-Sadakhli highway

Azerbaijani villagers of Damya Gorarkhy village of Marneuli region staged a protest action again.
23 February 2006 [08:42]

20 new schools to be built in Astara

20 new schools will be built in Astara region this year.
22 February 2006 [15:17]

IT data on Azerbaijan to be published in March

It will be done during the scheduled presentation in March, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies (MCIT) said.
22 February 2006 [15:04]

Second hearings in Ramil Safarov's trial

On Tuesday the Pesht Central Court of Hungary held second hearings on the second process over Ramil Safarov.
22 February 2006 [11:09]

UAE Red Crescent Society delegation visits Azerbaijan

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Red Crescent Society (RCS) delegation led by Saleh Muhammad al-Mullah, RCS Deputy Secretary on Donation projects, is on visit to Azerbaijan.
22 February 2006 [09:54]

Russia allows 25 Azerbaijani ships to navigate in its inland waters in 2006

Russia gave the Caspian Shipping Company (CSC) permission for 25 Azerbaijani ships to navigate in Russian inland waters in 2006.
22 February 2006 [09:04]

Pardon decree might be issued by Novruz holiday

"We do not know exactly whether any pardon decree will be issued on the eve of Novruz holiday", member of Pardon Commission, MP Azay Guliyev told.
21 February 2006 [21:02]

Lawsuit by chairman of AIP to be considered on 24 Feb

The Sabail district court held a legal proceeding on consideration of the lawsuit by Hajiaga Nuri, the chairman of the Azerbaijan Islamic Party (AIP), against the Central Election Committee (CEC) on Tuesday.
21 February 2006 [20:49]

Health Ministry denies 2 children's death of Bird Flu

The Azerbaijani Health Ministry denied information, spread by media, of 2 Azerbaijani children died of Bird flu on Pirallahy Peninsula.
21 February 2006 [20:44]

Russia's National Reserve Corporation's office to be opened in Baku

"Opening of the Russia's National Reserve Corporation's representative office will take place in Baku, the head of the National Reserve Bank of Russia," Yuri Kudimov said today.
21 February 2006 [16:32]

China bans Azeri poultry products

China imposed ban on import of poultry and poultry products from Azerbaijan and some countries.
21 February 2006 [13:09]

No Bird flu discovered

State Commission for Bird Flu, that controls activities of all relevant structures in the Republic of Azerbaijan told of measures plan and given appropriate instructions to ministries, organizations and region executive powers.
21 February 2006 [10:39]

Supreme Court will not apply to Hungarian Court

Supreme Court will not apply to Hungarian court for Ramil Safarov's case.
21 February 2006 [10:27]

Headquarters to control Bird Flu in Lenkeran

Lenkeran Deputy Mayor Ilham Huseynov states that local authorities, law enforcement bodies, relevant departments and organizations joined their activities to prevent Bird Flu in Lenkeran.
21 February 2006 [10:15]

"Golden voice of Belarus" back to Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani singer of Belarus Gunesh Abbasova could not get a license to participate in "Eurovision" contest.
21 February 2006 [09:54]

SSPF distributes plastic cards to pensioners in rural zones

The State Social Protection Fund (SSPF) started distribution of plastic cards to pensioners in rural zones.
21 February 2006 [09:05]

Health Ministry revealed toxic medicines

Health Ministry (HM) Press informs that the Ministry has disclosed new medicines not suitable for usage.
21 February 2006 [08:55]

Die out at Aghdam private poultry farm

Mass die out has been registered in private poultry farms of Aghdam.
20 February 2006 [18:22]

Ramiz Rzayev: "16 from 24 judges violated laws in 2005 are punished"

"16 from 24 judges, violated the laws in 2005, were punished in appropriate order," Ramiz Rzayev, the chairman of the Azerbaijani Supreme Court, said to journalists.
20 February 2006 [18:19]

Dmitri Shostakovitch festival to start in Baku

Music festival opens on Monday in Baku.
20 February 2006 [18:10]

Russia's Year in Azerbaijan to be opened at the Heydar Aliyev Palace

The solemn party will be held at the Heydar Aliyev palace on Tuesday on opening of the Russia's Year in Azerbaijan.
20 February 2006 [18:04]

Novruz Mammadov: "Russian-Azerbaijani relationship develops comprehensively"

"The bilateral relationship between Azerbaijan and Russia develops comprehensively," stated Novruz Mammadov, the Head of the Department for Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijani President's Office.
20 February 2006 [15:25]

Gender problems discussed at the seminar

The Gender Research Center of the Western University in partnership with The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has conducted gender seminar.
20 February 2006 [09:38]

"Russkoe radio" will be broadcasted in Baku

One of the biggest radio channels of Russia "Russkoe radio" (Russian Radio) will be broadcasted in Baku in late February - early in March.
20 February 2006 [09:33]

German plane made forced landing in Azerbaijan

German plane "Sesna-C501", that previously disappeared in Iraq air, made a technical landing in Azerbaijan.
20 February 2006 [09:12]

State Traffic Police Department appealed to drivers

The State Traffic Police Department (STPD) of the Baku City Main Board of Police (BCMBP) appealed to drivers and owners of vehicles.
20 February 2006 [09:00]

Azerbaijani students to study in USA

The IREX Office in Baku informs of 31 Azerbaijani students to study at Colleges and Universities in US this summer.
20 February 2006 [08:49]

None died of Bird flu in Lenkeran

On February 18 at 08.00 a.m Shahlar Intigam Madatov, freshman student of Economy Faculty of Lenkeran State University, born in Changamiran village of Lerik region in 1988, died while having breakfast meal.
18 February 2006 [14:28]

British Ambassador: "We are glad that none of British newspapers published cartoons"

"We are glad that none of British newspapers published cartoons of Prophet Muhammad," Lory Bristow, the British Ambassador to Azerbaijan, stated at a meeting with Rafig Aliyev, the chairman of the State Committee for Religious Organizations.
18 February 2006 [09:48]

Bird Flu discovered in Beylagan

Ecology and Natural Resources Minister Huseyngulu Bagirov told: "Sick or dead birds have not been found in Ag Gol National Park. After the information spread that Bird flu was found, I instructed to review the territory of the preserve. Just one sick or dead bird was not found in territory of preserve".
18 February 2006 [09:24]

Baku Mayor's Office gave KLO advice, not permission

The Mayor's Office of Baku has not allowed the Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) to hold a commemoration ceremony in front of "Cry of Khojali" monument on the anniversary of the Khojali Genocide on February 26.
18 February 2006 [09:20]

German aircarft en route Munich-Baku-Kirkuk disappeared

Plane en route to Iraq from Germany via Azerbaijan disappeared from the radar screens yesterday.