
16 June 2006 [11:51]

Regional security to be discussed at II CICA summit

Regional security is going to be discussed at the II CICA summit.
15 June 2006 [16:04]

Putin says Iran must allay world's nuclear concerns

Iran has the right to develop nuclear energy programs if the international community's concerns are allayed, Russia's president said at a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Thursday.
15 June 2006 [15:51]

Matthew Bryza to be U.S. Co-Chair of OSCE Minsk Group

Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian said on Thursday that Matthew J. Bryza, U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs, will co-chair the OSCE Minsk Group that mediates between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno Karabakh.
15 June 2006 [13:45]

Prospects of Azerbaijan's military doctrine: problems and goals

Regnum's interview with Director of the Peace, Democracy and Culture Research Analytical Center Rauf Rajabov.
15 June 2006 [13:39]

PACE calls for Azeri-Armenian co-op on POWs

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) rapporteur on migration, refugees and population has called on Azerbaijan and Armenia to cooperate on prisoners of war, hostages and missing persons.
15 June 2006 [02:04]

EU receives first reaction to Iran nuclear offer

EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana said today he held phone talks with Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani.
15 June 2006 [01:58]

Peter Semneby: "EU Action Plans for Caucasus few months away"

The EU special representative for the South Caucasus, Peter Semneby, told on Wednesday that European Neighborhood Policy Action Plans with Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan will be signed "in a couple of months' time."
15 June 2006 [01:32]

First Azeri Ambassador appointed to Morocco

Azerbaijani Aliyev signed order on appointing Sabir Aghabeyov Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Morocco.
15 June 2006 [01:21]

Ali Ahmadov: "Opposition parties are in crisis situation"

"We do not wish any international organizations and foreign forces to be initiator of the dialogue within Azerbaijan.
15 June 2006 [00:50]

Azerbaijani human rights activists present two lists of political prisoners to Ago Group

Azerbaijani human rights defenders met with the delegation of the Ago Group from the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers led by Roland Wegener in Baku today. Rights defenders Mirvari Gahramanli, Eldar Zeynalov, Saida Gojamanli, Fuad Hasanov and Arif Yunus discussed the current social-political situation in the country as well as political prisoner issue with the Ago Group.
14 June 2006 [20:46]

Iran lifts ban on newspaper after insulting cartoon

Iran's judiciary has lifted a ban on a state-run newspaper, which sparked violent protests last month by publishing a cartoon considered insulting by Iran's Azeri minority, a judiciary official said on Wednesday.
14 June 2006 [20:41]

NAMSA: "Azerbaijan 'betrays' ethnic cause in Iran"

The alleged deportation from Azerbaijan of an ethnic Azeri Iranian dissident leader was an "unforgiveable betrayal" by the government, the dissident's supporters charged.
14 June 2006 [19:14]

Armenians torching occupied areas in Azerbaijan's Terter and Aghdere regions

At least 10 mines exploded in the neutral zone as a result of Armenians setting fire to the occupied Shurabad, Namirli and Chiragli villages of Aghdam region of Azerbaijan.
14 June 2006 [19:06]

Baku to notify UN of Armenians torching occupied Azerbaijani territories

Azerbaijan's State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (SCRIDP) will appeal to the relevant instances on the basis of materials on Armenians setting fire to villages in Azerbaijan's region of Aghdam.
14 June 2006 [17:04]

Shirak Torosyan: "Turkish military contingent can be displaced to Akhalkalak"

"The withdrawal of the Russian military base from Akhalkalak has a psychological motive for the Armenians of the region," Shirak Torosyan, head of "Javakhk" Public Association.
14 June 2006 [14:50]

Mikhail Saakashvili and Vladimir Putin fail to solve problems between their countries

Georgian and Russian Presidents, Mikhail Saakashvili and Vladimir Putin had a one-one meeting in the Konstantinov Palace, St.Petersburg, Russia.
14 June 2006 [14:35]

IJU demanded official Tehran to release Azerbaijani imprisoned

Today Iran Journalists Unity (IJU) held a press conference dedicated to humiliation of Azerbaijanis in the country press. Editor of "Leaf" newspaper, Seid Muganli stated.
14 June 2006 [14:19]

Azerbaijan and Armenian FMs agreed to continue talks on conflict regulation

June 13 Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers Elmar Mammadyarov and Vardan Oskanian held the next round of talks on regulation of Nagorno Karabakh, within "Prague process".
14 June 2006 [14:07]

Iranian Azerbaijani MPs demand not to prevent marching to Babek castle

Azerbaijani members of the Iranian parliament appealed to the government for not preventing Azerbaijanis' march to the Babek castle.
14 June 2006 [13:43]

Steven Mann to co-chair OSCE Minsk Group for two or three more weeks

Steven Man will continue to co-chair the OSCE Minsk Group for certain time.
14 June 2006 [13:19]

Afhsar Suleymani: "My cousin is not journalist but my aunt's grandchild"

"My cousin is not journalist but my aunt's grandchild and he has not been imprisoned," the Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran to Azerbaijan, Afhshar Suleimani.
14 June 2006 [12:44]

President to visit Kazakhstan

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev will pay a visit to Kazakhstan on June 16 to attend the second summit of the member states of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA).
14 June 2006 [09:44]

Ago Group members meet Azerbaijani opposition activists

The Ago Monitoring Group from the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers met with pro-opposition party leaders in Azerbaijan.
14 June 2006 [09:40]

Azerbaijan-Poland intergovernmental commission to hold meeting in Warsaw

The Azerbaijan-Poland intergovernmental commission will hold its first meeting in Warsaw in September, Polish Sejm member Karol Karski told Azerbaijani journalists.
14 June 2006 [09:35]

Karol Karski: "If Azerbaijan presents us materials on Khojali genocide, we can discuss and adopt document on that"

Polish Parliament's European Affairs Commission head Karol Karski and parliamentarian Malgojata Sadurskaya held press conference on their visit to Azerbaijan.
14 June 2006 [09:23]

President appointed Interior Ministry officials to foreign states and international organizations

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed order on appointing of Interior Ministry representatives to foreign states and international organizations.
14 June 2006 [08:28]

Daniel Fried: "US will never consent to the second state in Cyprus"

"If Turkey wants to enter the European Union, it should declare its seaports and airports open to Cyprus," said Daniel Fried, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.
14 June 2006 [08:23]

Ali Ahmadov: "Mahmudali Chohraganli visited and left Baku on his own will"

"Mahmudali Chohraganli visited Baku on his own will and left Baku for the statement he sounded. There is a need to make precise the information said related to him," Yeni Azerbaijan Party (YAP) executive secretary Ali Ahmadov stated.
14 June 2006 [08:16]

ANIP Congress to be held

The congress of Azerbaijan National Independence Party (ANIP) will be held June 25 at Hyatt Regency hotel.
14 June 2006 [08:02]

Lebanon deputy FM visits Azerbaijan

Grand Lebanon Arabic People Socialist State deputy Foreign Minister Mohammed Al Berani will arrive in Baku June 19.
14 June 2006 [01:15]

Turkey urges EU to help UN to resolve Cyprus problem

Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul has called on the European Union to aid United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan to resolve the Cyprus problem.
14 June 2006 [01:06]

Freedom House: "Azerbaijan: Some democratization slippage"

A study released June 13 by Freedom House focuses attention on a "governance gap" in energy-rich states in the Caucasus and Central Asia.
13 June 2006 [21:31]

Armenian Defense Minister gears up for presidency

Armenia's second most powerful official, Defense Minister Serge Sarkisian, is eliminating the last remaining doubts about his intention to succeed President Robert Kocharian after the latter completes a second five-year term in office in 2008.
13 June 2006 [21:22]

State Committee for Azerbaijanis Living Abroad holds press conference

Head of the State Committee for Azerbaijanis Living Abroad Nazim Ibrahimov held press conference today on the conclusions of the World Azerbaijanis Intellectuals' Forum.
13 June 2006 [21:00]

President Aliyev receives delegation of AGO Group

On June 13, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received at the Presidential Palace delegation of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers' Ago Group led by Roland Wegener.
13 June 2006 [15:31]

Azerbaijani and Armenian FMs to meet in Paris without American co-chair

Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers will meet in Paris today.
13 June 2006 [14:45]

Musa Guliyev: "Ogtay Asadov did not address any congratulation letter to Tigran Torosyan"

"Not any congratulation letter by Ogtay Asadov to Tigran Torosyan, was sounded in the measure held in Armenia. Spread of these kinds of information is aimed to create tension in Azerbaijan society."
13 June 2006 [14:27]

OSCE Secretary General visits Azerbaijan

OSCE Secretary General Mark Perren de Brishambo, will pay two-day visit to Azerbaijan June 19.
13 June 2006 [13:53]

Bulgarian MPs to visit Baku

Delegation headed by Solomon Isaac Pasi, the Chairman of the foreign policy committee of the Bulgarian Parliament will visit Azerbaijan June 16.
13 June 2006 [13:05]

Parliamentarians visited front line

Today parliamentarians—Sabir Rustemkhanli, Igbal Agazade, and Genire Pashayeva, have visited the front line to investigate the fact of burning the occupied lands of Azerbaijan by Armenians.
13 June 2006 [09:40]

Azerbaijani parliament speaker receives Polish Sejm's European Union Affairs Commission head

Azerbaijan's parliament speaker Ogtay Asadov received Polish Sejm's European Union Affairs Commission head Karol Karski.
13 June 2006 [09:38]

Elmar Mammadyarov: "Azerbaijan gives preference to Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement through peaceful way"

Foreign affairs minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov has received the delegation of South Africa Foreign Ministry Center and South Asia Office associates headed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of South African Republic to Kazakhstan, Beki Gila.
13 June 2006 [09:33]

Azeri FM received BSEC Organization Secreatry General Leonidas Khrisantopulas

Azerbaijani foreign minister Elmar Mammadyarov received Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Organization Secretary General Leonidas Khrisantopulas.
13 June 2006 [08:37]

Mahmud Khagani: "Iran is interested in hydrocarbon resources of Caspian moot areas"

Iran is interested in joint operation of hydrocarbon resources, as well as Reservoir Alov (Flame), in moot areas of the Caspian Sea. Mahmud Khagani, Caspian Region officer of the Ministry of Energetics of Iran, stated.
12 June 2006 [22:24]

Iran answer sought on atom offer as UN watchdog meets

Pressure grew on Iran on Monday to reply to a big power offer to defuse a stand-off over its nuclear programme, as Washington hoped a meeting of the U.N. atomic watchdog would garner world support for the initiative.
12 June 2006 [21:55]

Swiss FM Calmy-Rey commemorates "victims of Armenian genocide"

She also laid a wreath at a memorial for the "victims of the genocide" by troops of the former Ottoman Empire 90 years ago.
12 June 2006 [21:34]

Tigran Torosyan: "Ogtay Asadov congratulated me"

"Azerbaijani delegates really read the congratulation addressed to me by speaker Ogtay Asadov," Armenian Parliament speaker Tigran Torosyan told journalists.
12 June 2006 [20:59]

Afshar Suleymani's cousin arrested among Azerbaijani journalists in Iran

Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Afshar Suleymani's cousin, member of "Araz" newspaper, journalist Behzad Khosrovani was detained by Iranian government forces being accused of activity against the state in Aradabil, contributor to the banned newspaper "Shamsi-Tabrizi" in Iran, Ali Suleymani informs.
12 June 2006 [19:21]

NATO and GUAM countries hold firm at CFE treaty review conference

The OSCE's Conference to Review the Operation of the Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) ended on June 2 in Vienna with a tactical success for the West.
12 June 2006 [17:05]

EU agrees first step in Turkey membership talks

EU foreign ministers have given a hard-fought green light to the opening of the first chapter in Turkey's accession talks, following hours of last-minute opposition by the Cypriot delegation.
12 June 2006 [16:59]

President receives ex-chief of George Bush Administration

President Ilham Aliyev on 12 June received former New Hampshire governor, ex-chief of the staff of George Bush Administration John Sununu.
12 June 2006 [16:57]

Namig Aliyev: "Georgia has to provide firm guarantees to attract Azeri capital"

The Georgian Times interviews Azeri Ambassador to Georgia Namig Aliyev.
12 June 2006 [16:55]

President receives BSEC Secretary General

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on 12 June at President Palace received Secretary General of the Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos.
12 June 2006 [15:36]

CE Secretary General special representative on Azerbaijan takes up his duty

Special representative of Council of Europe General Secretariat appointed on Azerbaijan, Denis Bribosia, arrives in Baku tonight.
12 June 2006 [15:17]

Leaders of 9 states to take part in CICMA Summit

Heads of nine states will gather at the 2nd Summit of Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building in Asia (CICMA) on June 17 in Almaty, an official spokesperson of Kazakhstan MFA Yerzhan Ashikbayev has briefed today in Astana.
12 June 2006 [14:27]

US company invests $1 500 000 into Azerbaijani territories under Armenian occupation

Foreign companies continue to invest capital to Azerbaijan's territories under Armenian occupation to exploit natural resources there.
12 June 2006 [13:46]

Javad Derachti: "Turkey failed to protect Mahmoudali Chohraganli"

"Turkey is a great and powerful state. Therefore, Turkish authorities should have protected the leader of the South Azerbaijan National Awakening Movement, Mahmoudali Chohraganli for the sake of Turk-loving."
12 June 2006 [13:39]

Ynetnews: "Israel-Azerbaijan strategic alliance in cards?"

National infrastructure minister hints in speech Israel interested in strategic cooperation with Muslim country that borders with Iran.
12 June 2006 [12:53]

Polish Parliamentary delagation arrives in Baku

The parliamentary delegation of Poland led by Chairman of the Seym’s (Parliament) European Union Affairs Committee Karol Karski, arrived in Azerbaijan on June 11 to discuss prospects of inter-parliamentary links and other areas of bilateral relations, according to press service of the Milli Majlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan.
12 June 2006 [12:20]

Chohraganli deported to New York

Leader of the South Azerbaijan National Awakening Movement (SANAM) Mahmoudali Chohraganli was deported from Baku by the local secret services.
12 June 2006 [12:15]

Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers to meet in Paris

Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers are due to meet in Paris tomorrow, Armenian FM Vardan Oskanyan told journalists.
12 June 2006 [08:33]

Azerbaijani Ombudsman takes part in meeting in Vienna

Elmira Suleymanova, Ombudsman of Azerbaijan, has left for Vienna in order to take part in the meeting of European Ombudsmen in Vienna, the capital of Austria, June 11-13.
12 June 2006 [08:22]

Defense Minister attends NATO meeting

The North Atlantic Council (NAC) at the level of defence ministers met at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.
11 June 2006 [22:29]

Turkish FM threatens boycott of EU meeting

Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul says he will not attend a European Union meeting Monday on EU accession, unless the 25-member bloc first resolves the latest dispute over the divided island of Cyprus.
11 June 2006 [22:26]

'Azadlig' to boycott municipal election

'Azadlig bloc' will boycott municipal elections which will be held on October 6 for 1942 places in 604 municipality.
11 June 2006 [19:11]

Ali Larijani: "Iran sees problems in atomic offer from six powers"

Iran on Sunday gave its most negative assessment of proposals offered by six world powers aimed at persuading Tehran to give up sensitive nuclear work that the West fears is being used to make bombs.
11 June 2006 [19:01]

NATO PA President to visit Azerbaijan upcoming autumn

An official visit by the President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) Pierre Lellouche to Azerbaijan was postponed until September or October, said Ziyafat Asgarov, First Deputy Chairman of Parliament of Azerbaijan, head of the Azerbaijani delegation to NATO PA.
11 June 2006 [18:42]

PACE's summer session to start June 26

The summer session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will kick off June 26 in Strasbourg, according to press service of the Azerbaijani Parliament's standing commission on international relations and inter-parliamentary ties.
11 June 2006 [12:52]

Iran finds some atomic incentives unacceptable

Iran's Foreign Ministry rejected some proposals from six world powers trying to persuade it to stop its atomic fuel work and said Tehran will offer its own amendments, a ministry official said on Sunday.
11 June 2006 [12:39]

President Aliyev congratulates Queen Elizabeth II

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev sent a message of felicitations to the Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the people of her country on the occasion of the national holiday, the Queen's Birthday.
11 June 2006 [12:34]

Iran to offer its own terms on uranium

Iran's foreign minister said Saturday that the government would issue a counteroffer to an incentive proposal by Europe, China and the United States to get Iran to give up enriching uranium in the short term.
11 June 2006 [12:27]

4th sitting of Azerbaijan-Pakistan Intergovernmental Commision to be held in Islamabad

The 4th sitting of Azerbaijan-Pakistan intergovernmental commission will be held in September this year in Islamabad and Azerbaijan delegation will be headed by Yagub Eyyubov, the first deputy Prime Minister.
11 June 2006 [12:17]

Fire continues in occupied territories

Fires set on by Armenian armed forces in the occupied territories still continue.
11 June 2006 [12:14]

President Aliyev congratulates President Putin on Russia's Day

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev sent a message of congratulations to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on the occasion of the Day of Russia.
11 June 2006 [12:11]

Justice Minister meets Lithuanian State Secretary of Justice

Justice Minister of Azerbaijan Fikrat Mammadov met June 9 with Paulius Koverovas, State Secretary of the Lithuanian Ministry of Justice.