Arts & Entertainment

28 March 2011 [17:37] reviews "Wonder"

26 March 2011 [15:00]

BBC Music reviews Emin Agalarov's album

An enjoyably varied, highly accomplished album from the Azerbaijan-born singer.
19 March 2011 [12:52]

Baku hosts “Jazz music party”

01 March 2011 [12:46]

Moscow applauds Azeri musicians

05 February 2011 [13:46]

American film demonstrated in Baku

“Black Swan”, an American film was screened Friday in Baku for the first time among the CIS countries.
02 February 2011 [18:35]

Personal exhibition of Azerbaijani artist opened in Florence

Personal exhibition of Azerbaijani artist Vafa Efendizade has opened in Florence, Italy.
28 January 2011 [14:43]

Azerbaijani, Turkish rappers to record a duet

Famous Azerbaijani rapper Uran and Turkish rapper Ceza wil record a duet, the Azerbaijani singer said.