
19 August 2009 [12:12]

Experts not believe in quick solution of Caspian Sea status

Experts says issue of defining a legal status of the Caspian Sea will not be solved any time soon.
19 August 2009 [10:54]

Russian politicians comment on possible appointment to post of new OSCE MG Russian co-chair

In an interview with Day.Az, Russian political experts commented on Russia’s intention to replace country’s co-chair in the OSCE Minsk Group.
19 August 2009 [10:19]

Former Council of Europe secretary general calls Baku and Yerevan for compromised resolution to Karabakh conflict

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict can only be resolved on basis of compromise, Former Council of Europe Secretary General Walter Schwimmer said.
19 August 2009 [09:59]

Armenian expert: Great part of hacker attacks were carried out by Armenians under guise of Azerbaijanis

“It is very easy to be an Azerbaijani hacker in Armenia. It benefits everyone – both hackers and so-called experts."
19 August 2009 [08:59]

Azerbaijani-Czech business forum to be held in Baku

A business forum is expected to be held within the expected visit of Chairman of the Senate of the Czech Republic Premysl Sobotka to Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani ambassador to the Czech Republic Tahir Tagizade said.
19 August 2009 [08:47]

Suicide bomber attacks NATO convoy in Afghanistan

Up to 10 people including Nato staff were killed in a suicide bomb attack on a convoy near a military base outside Kabul on August 18.
18 August 2009 [17:33]

Ahmadinejad to reveal new Cabinet on Wednesday

As the Iranian president faces a deadline to introduce his new ministers, reports indicate that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will submit the new Cabinet line-up to Parliament on Wednesday.
18 August 2009 [17:14]

Georgia's withdrawal from CIS not to affect cooperation with Azerbaijan

After Georgia's withdrawal from the CIS, relations between Baku and Tbilisi will be based on bilateral agreements, as well as international agreements within other organizations, the Georgian Embassy in Azerbaijan reported on Aug. 18.
18 August 2009 [16:42]

Adviser to Georgian president accuses Armenians of telling a lie

Akhali Taoba newspaper reports that Armenians living in Georgia have sent a letter to Armenian government with a request “to help them to protect against Georgians and Azerbaijanis living in Georgia."
18 August 2009 [16:22]

Leaders of Caspian littoral states to meet in Aktau

Leaders of the Caspian littoral states will meet in Aktau, Kazakhstan to discuss legal status of the Caspian Sea.
18 August 2009 [15:58]

Neighboring countries can not wait for Russia’s reaction forever

Azerbaijan-based Lider TV expert Tofiq Abbasov spoke in an interview with Day.Az.
18 August 2009 [15:23]

Border checkpoints in northern Azerbaijan toughen security

Border checkpoints in northern Azerbaijan have toughened security.
18 August 2009 [15:09]

"Justice for Khojaly" civil awareness campaign presented in Brazil

Signature collection campaign to support the declaration of "Justice for Khojaly" civil awareness campaign initiated by OIC Youth Forum took place as a part of the international event of Global Young Greens in Sao Paolo, Brazil on August 15.
18 August 2009 [14:51]

Turkmenistan makes inappropriate claims: political expert

“Russian president’s statement on Caspian Sea status is just recommendation,” Azerbaijani political expert Rasim Musabayov said commenting on Dmitry Medvedev’s order to design a convention on Caspian Sea legal status.
18 August 2009 [14:21]

It is inappropriate to give advise to independent states: Azerbaijani MP

“I think it is inappropriate to advise independent states how to live and to build domestic and foreign policy,” Azerbaijani member of parliament Aydin Mirzazade said commenting in Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s statement.
18 August 2009 [14:03]

President of Kazakhstan to trip to Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan will discuss prospects of bilateral relations in Baku in October.
18 August 2009 [13:46]

Georgian Foreign Ministry issues information on country's withdrawal from CIS

The Foreign Ministry of Georgia has issued an information on country's withdrawal from the Commonwealth of Independent States.
18 August 2009 [13:34]

Georgia quits CIS

With year-long formal procedures required for quitting Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) finalized, Georgia formally quit the organization on August 18.
18 August 2009 [12:37]

Azerbaijan considers Georgia's proposals on cooperation outside CIS: Foreign Ministry

Several months ago Georgia applied to CIS member countries through the CIS Secretariat to preserve its participation in several multilateral agreements, especially with Azerbaijan, the spokesman for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Elkhan Polukhov said.
18 August 2009 [11:31]

Azerbaijani president sends Independence Day greetings to Afghan counterpart

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today sent a letter of felicitation to President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai on the occasion of the country`s holiday, Independence Day.
18 August 2009 [10:59]

Azerbaijan’s communist party not to join unions prior to municipal elections

Azerbaijan’s Communist Party is not going to join any union or bloc prior to the municipal elections set for December 2009, ACP Chairman Rauf Gurbanov said.
18 August 2009 [10:29]

Staff changes in OSCE MG not to destabilize Karabakh talks: expert

The staff changes in the OSCE Minsk Group will not become a factor which could destabilise the negotiating process, British Political Scientist of Azerbaijani origin Teymur Huseynov said.
18 August 2009 [10:16]

Two Azerbaijani political parties intend to unite

The Left Democratic Party of Azerbaijan (LDPA) and the People's Socialist Party (PSP) intend to unite prior to the municipal elections.
18 August 2009 [09:57]

Moscow offers to create road map to determine Caspian Sea status

Russian Regional Development Minister Viktor Basargin offers to consider a series of measures to revive Caspian littoral cooperation.
18 August 2009 [09:33]

Moscow clarifies position on prospective of trans-Caspian pipelines

Any decision on the trans-pipeline projects should be considered on the basis of the consent of the five Caspian littoral states, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters.
18 August 2009 [09:22]

By quitting CIS Georgia does not lose anything economically, but gains politically: state minister

Georgia will not suffer economic damage after quitting the CIS, Georgian State Minister for Reintegration Temur Yakobashvili said.
18 August 2009 [08:53]

Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry extends list of countries not recommended for travel

Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry warned the citizens of the situation in Indonesia, Nigeria, Honduras and Somali, the official Web site of Foreign Ministry said.
17 August 2009 [17:42]

Azerbaijan’s ruling party assesses opposition’s chances in coming municipal elections

New Azerbaijan Party has began large-scale preparations for the coming municipal elections.
17 August 2009 [17:21]

CIS can not remain in current form it exists: political expert

Political expert Rasim Agayev spoke in an interview with Day.Az.
17 August 2009 [16:23]

Caucasian Review of International Affairs included in world’s largest scientific database

Caucasian Review of International Affairs has been included in world’s largest scientific database.
17 August 2009 [16:11]

Platform of World Young Turkic Leaders to be established

The Platform of World Turkish Young Political Leaders will be established at the Union of World Turkic Youth.
17 August 2009 [15:54]

The situation is not as desperate as before: Russian political expert

Editor-in-chief of “Russia in global policy” magazine and political expert Fedor Lukyanov spoke in an exclusive interview with Day.Az.
17 August 2009 [15:21]

Azerbaijan’s Popular Socialist Party holds territorial meetings

Azerbaijan’s Popular Socialist Party (APSP) chaired by Rovshan Huseynov held a founding conference of its office in the south-eastern region of the country today, the party said.
17 August 2009 [13:32]

Israeli ambassador to Azerbaijan commented on continued Baku-Tel-Aviv flight

Continuation of air flights Baku-Tel-Aviv is beneficial for both countries as there is not only commercial interest, Israeli ambassador to Azerbaijan Michael Lavon-Lotem said.
17 August 2009 [12:29]

Unstable situation in North Caucasus can have negative impact on Azerbaijan: expert

Unstable situation in the North Caucasus can have a negative impact on Azerbaijan and trade and economic ties with Russia, Azerbaijani political expert Rasim Musabayov said.
17 August 2009 [11:41]

Azerbaijani, Armenian youth to meet in Finland

Representatives of Azerbaijani and Armenian youth will hold a meeting in Mariengham in Finland from August 17 to 23.
17 August 2009 [10:48]

Venezuelan president warns of possible war with U.S.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez warned Monday that "winds of war" were blowing across Latin America because of Colombia's decision to allow the United States use of seven military bases.
17 August 2009 [10:29]

Georgia to fully withdraw from CIS

Georgia will officially and finally withdraw from the Commonwealth of Independent States on August 18, 2009 after it completes judicial procedures that started on August 12, 2008, Russian "Vremya Novostey" newspaper reported.
17 August 2009 [09:55]

Azerbaijan’s pro-opposition party not to join unions

Azerbaijan’s pro-opposition Muasir Musavar party plans to get actively involved with the municipal elections to be held in December 2009, party chainman Hafiz Hajiyev said.
17 August 2009 [09:41]

Jew elected to Fatah Party council

A former Israeli Jew was elected to the Palestinian Fatah Party's governing body.
17 August 2009 [09:25]

NKorea puts troops on alert over military drill

North Korea Monday ordered its army and people on special alert as US and South Korean troops began a joint exercise, and vowed to respond to any military provocation with a nuclear attack.
17 August 2009 [09:14]

Armenia is a weak state: Washington Times

“If the Turkish border reopened, landlocked Armenia would have greater access to trade through ports on the Mediterranean and Black seas, and would be less dependent on transit through Russia,” Washington Times said in comments on Armenia-Turkey relations.
17 August 2009 [08:59]

Azerbaijani, Georgian left parties to integrate into international organization

The Azerbaijani People's Socialist Party (APSP) and the Georgian Labor Party will work together to integrate into the International Socialist Organization.
17 August 2009 [08:53]

N.Korea makes nuclear threat to U.S.

North Korea denounced upcoming joint South Korean and U.S. military drills and said it would "wipe out" the countries with nuclear weapons if they threatened the communist state, its KCNA news agency said on Sunday, Reuters reported.
17 August 2009 [08:42]

Iranian president nominates three women ministers

ran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he would name at least two women ministers for his new cabinet, the state IRIB TV reported Sunday.
15 August 2009 [12:08]

Azerbaijani senior official commented on bloggers' arrest

"Unfortunately, the West exaggerates events regarding the arrest of bloggers."
15 August 2009 [11:53]

Peacekeepers to be deployed to Karabakh must be from neutral states: expert

“I think it would be inappropriate to involve OSCE Minsk Group member states with peacekeeping contingent in Karabakh,” Azerbaijani political expert Fikrat Sadigov said while commenting on Baku’s stance which favors deployment of European and U.S. peacekeepers in Karabakh.
15 August 2009 [11:42]

Azerbaijani embassy in Islamabad commented on reports about Azerbaijanis arrested in Pakistan

Azerbaijan embassy in Pakistan has not received information about arrest of 11 Azerbaijanis suspected of links with Al Qaeda in Pishavar province, adviser in Azerbaijani embassy in Islamabad Sabir Rzayev said.
15 August 2009 [10:59]

Baku discloses what peacekeeping forces it wants to see in Karabakh

There are still certain differences in the conceptions of the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides regarding settlement of the Karabakh conflict, Head of International Relations Department of Azerbaijani Presidential Administration Novruz Mammadov said in an interview with Turan news agency.
15 August 2009 [10:41]

U.S. to deploy new military bases to Colombia

Colombia says it has completed talks with Washington on allowing U.S. troops to use seven of its military bases, BBC reported.
15 August 2009 [09:44]

Disagreements over Iran's new cabinet of ministers is inevitable: expert

The new staff of the Cabinet of Ministers presented by Ahmadinejad to the Parliament for approval will spur a new wave of disagreement between the ruling elite and the opposition, and amongst supporters of President Ahmadinejad, a well-known Russian political scientist and orientalist said.
15 August 2009 [09:13]

Int’l festival of pianists starts in Gabala region of Azerbaijan with support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation

With support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the International Musical Festival and Competition of Pianists started in Gabala region of Azerbaijan.
15 August 2009 [09:08]

Azerbaijani MP commented on replacement of OSCE MG U.S. co-chair

Senior official of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party (NAP)and member of parliament Mubariz Gurbanli says replacing the U.S co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group does not mean change in Washington's attitude towards the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
15 August 2009 [08:45]

European Movement International intends to closely cooperate with Azerbaijan

Secretary General of European Movement International Diogo Pinto ends his visit to Azerbaijan.
14 August 2009 [17:54]

Turkey is in safe hands: Turkish prime minister

Turkey is in safe hands, CNN Turk quoted Turkish Prime Minister Rejeb Tayyib Erdogan as saying at a meeting of the ruling Justice and Development Party.
14 August 2009 [17:20]

Ukraine’s euro-integration can prompt Russia to escalate tension in country: Ukrainian MP

Member of Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada) from NUNS faction and member of Ukraine-Russia inter-parliamentary ties group Oles Doniy spoke in an interview with Day.Az.
14 August 2009 [16:42]

Azerbaijan’s electoral laws allow to hold democratic elections: MP

Azerbaijani member of parliament and member of Azerbaijani delegation to Venice Commission Latif Huseynov says Azerbaijan’s electoral laws allow to hold democratic elections.
14 August 2009 [16:23]

Azerbaijani parliament to discuss Law on Science in autumn session

Azerbaijani parliament will discuss Law on Education in the third reading at a special session in autumn.
14 August 2009 [16:02]

Azerbaijani foreign ministry comments on seamen's arrest on Indian coast

There is no problem with the return of Azerbaijani citizens who were arrested on the Turkish vessel on the coast of India.
14 August 2009 [15:39]

Azerbaijani foreign ministry: UK is informed about Azerbaijan’s stance

Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has informed the United Kingdom of illegal activity of The HALO Trust on-governmental organization in Azerbaijan’s occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry spokesperson Elkhan Polukhov said.
14 August 2009 [15:22]

Russian foreign ministry dismisses reports about replacement of OSCE MG co-chair

Russian Foreign Ministry dismisses reports about replacement of OSCE MG co-chair Yuri Merzlyakov, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Igor Lyakin-Frolov said.
14 August 2009 [14:22]

Outcome of Ukrainian presidential elections is of great importance for Russia: Russian expert

Director of Russia-based Center for Post-Soviet Area Studies Aleksei Vlasov spoke in an interview with Day.Az.
14 August 2009 [13:52]

Eastern Partnership not to give expected results, IEM Secretary General

The Eastern Partnership program of the European Union (EU) will not be able to give the expected results, International European Movement (IEM) Secretary General Diego Pinto told journalists in Baku on Aug.14.
14 August 2009 [13:23]

EU recognizes necessity of respecting territorial integrity of Azerbaijan: IEM Secretary General

The European Union (EU) recognized the need to respect the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and we want the conflict to be resolved peacefully, International European Movement (IEM) secretary general Diego Pinto told journalists in Baku.
14 August 2009 [11:36]

News buses require new conditions: deputy transport minister

Azerbaijani Deputy Transport Minister Musa Panahov spoke in an interview with Day.Az.
14 August 2009 [11:16]

New OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to trip to region

Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group are going to trip to the region of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict soon.
14 August 2009 [10:57]

U.S. intends to help Afghani government to be stronger: U.S special envoy in Pakistan and Afghanistan

U.S. Special Representative to Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke spoke in an interview with Trend News.