Weird / Interesting

16 September 2010 [18:15]

"Devil" appears in bathroom tile

16 September 2010 [10:10]

A look back: What happened in history on September 16th...

World has come a long way. Some people say, there's never enough history. In this case, historical facts. Let's take a look at what happened on this day, September 16th.
15 September 2010 [16:55]

Wood-eating catfish discovered in Peru

15 September 2010 [16:23]

Supernova Shrapnel found in meteorite

15 September 2010 [15:27]

Naked woman steals cab, falls asleep

13 September 2010 [17:25]

Scientists propose new test for gravity

13 September 2010 [17:03]


One man didn't cower when he came face-to-face with a shark. He punched it!
13 September 2010 [15:43]

The family who hunt ghosts together

08 September 2010 [16:30]

University of Baltimore in U.S. to teach zombie classes

Ever wanted to take a university course studying the shambling hordes of the undead? The University of Baltimore's class on zombies could be just the thing for you.
08 September 2010 [14:53]

Two asteroids to pass close to Earth today

Two small asteroids in unrelated orbits will pass within the moon's distance of the Earth on Wednesday, according to NASA.
06 September 2010 [17:40]

Carpenter ants and fossilized mind control

This is the unlikely story of a fungus in Thailand that has seemingly magical powers.
06 September 2010 [16:25]

Man recreates dead lover as a sex doll

03 September 2010 [13:55]

Ugly Asian fish looks just like Shrek

03 September 2010 [12:55]

A 43-yr-old virgin wraps barbed wire around her leg so she won't have sex

A 43-year-old virgin has revealed how she fastens a wire chain around her upper thigh every night to ensure she remains celibate.
02 September 2010 [14:45]

Woman dies stuck in her lover's chimney

A doctor in America has died stuck in her lover's chimney - and her decomposing body was only found three days later.
02 September 2010 [13:10]

Chinese lingerie company's ad featuring Princess Diana causes outrage

A Chinese lingerie company has unveiled a new range of underwear featuring a Princess of Wales lookalike model on the 13th anniversary of her death.
02 September 2010 [12:35]

Vuvuzelas kicked out of European football

Vuvuzelas have been shown a red card by European football's ruling body amid fears they could damage the game's "magic".
02 September 2010 [11:55]

Man survives jump from 39th floor by landing on a car

A man who jumped more than 400ft after leaping off a New York apartment block survived after crashing feet first into a parked car.
01 September 2010 [17:25]

Man burns himself and almost blows up bathroom chasing a spider

A husband who tried to 'save' his wife from a scary spider ended up needing treatment for burns after nearly blowing up his bathroom.
01 September 2010 [16:30]

Deep-fried beer invented in Texas

A chef in Texas has created what he claims is the world's first recipe for deep-fried beer.
31 August 2010 [13:39]

British Airways apologizes to passengers for wrong crash warning

British Airways has apologised after an automated message was accidentally played on a flight telling passengers that their plane was about to crash.
30 August 2010 [10:35]

Top eight cancer signs pinpointed

The eight unexplained symptoms most closely linked to cancer have been highlighted by researchers.
28 August 2010 [12:25]

Mom brings premature baby back to life with two hours of loving cuddles

It was a final chance to say goodbye for grieving mother Kate Ogg after doctors gave up hope of saving her premature baby.
27 August 2010 [17:35]

Swedish woman's leg trapped in grave

A Swedish woman was left trapped after her leg sunk into a grave.
27 August 2010 [16:52]

Robot taught to pair socks in U.S.

In a major breakthrough for robot technology, a team of experts from a major U.S. university have taught a robot how to pair socks. Very slowly.
27 August 2010 [13:55]

Special bridge for dormice built in Britain

Dormice will be able to cross a new bypass safely, thanks to three special bridges costing £190,000.
27 August 2010 [13:35]

Chinese man grows nails of left hand for 13 years

A man in China has been growing the nails on his left hand for 13 years - to help him control his temper.
26 August 2010 [17:10]

Pea-sized frog discovered in Borneo Jungle

One of the world's smallest frogs has been found in the jungle of Borneo.
26 August 2010 [11:35]

Multi-planet system discovered 100 light years away

Scientists said Tuesday they have identified a sun-like star with as many as seven different planets – including one that might be the smallest ever found outside the solar system.
25 August 2010 [17:25]

Britons abandon 'thank you' in favour of 'cheers'

They are the two magic words which for generations have been the cornerstone of good manners.
25 August 2010 [16:10]

A 21-year-old woman diagnosed as suffering from Bananaphobia

A 21-year-old woman with a fear of bananas has been diagnosed as suffering from Bananaphobia.
25 August 2010 [15:15]

World's longest traffic jam – 10 days and counting

The World's longest traffic jam – in China – has now reached the 10-day mark.