Meet Lei Lei, a 44-pound, 10-year-old Chinese baby boy who’s been dubbed the ‘Michelin baby’ because he resembles the mascot for tire-producer Michelin. Lei Lei wasn’t always a huge baby. In fact, he weighed only slightly less than 7 pounds at birth. However, his ferocious appetite for his Mother’s breast milk quickly led to a massive weight gain.
All was well until his Mother, Xiao Lei, took him to a local hospital to seek treatment for a fever. Doctors were immediately concerned upon citing the over-sized boy—so much so that they forwarded the story over to Redney, a local Chinese news agency.
Less than an hour later, Lei Lei went from just being a chubby little boy into a world sensation described as having cheeks like “two plumps of meat” and arms and legs like “stacked hula hoops of fate,” reports AFP.
In the meantime, he’s under watch at the Hunan Children’s Hospital, where he’s being tested in the hope of revealing further “hints about his abnormal size and weight,” reported Oddity Central.
Unfortunately, his Mother isn’t really taking the situation seriously. “Why would I need to worry?” she questioned Fox News reporters.
“I’ve never had him take any milk powder or anything that contains hormones.”
/Weird Asia News/