Weird / Interesting
10 July 2010 [13:10]
An angler was left with a nasty surprise when he caught a giant turtle in a Midlands reservoir.
10 July 2010 [12:45]
Drivers in Italy have reportedly stolen thousands of euros after a lorry carrying ?2 million (£1.67 million) overturned on a motorway in southern Italy.
10 July 2010 [12:25]
10 July 2010 [11:55]
10 July 2010 [11:35]
10 July 2010 [11:07]
Scientists have discovered two potent human antibodies that can stop more than 90% of known global HIV strains from infecting human cells in the laboratory, and have demonstrated how one of these disease-fighting proteins accomplishes this feat.
10 July 2010 [10:45]
10 July 2010 [09:55]
It has been a basic principle of evolution for more than a century that plants and animals can adapt genetically in ways that help them better survive and reproduce.
09 July 2010 [13:45]
Britain's oldest ironmongers is beaten by the recession (and B&Q) and closes after 480 years.
09 July 2010 [13:25]
It's been several months since the legislators in Taiwan's parliament got into a huge brawl with each other, but they've returned to their old ways - with two hospitalised following a punch-up over a trade pact.
09 July 2010 [12:20]
09 July 2010 [11:42]
09 July 2010 [10:55]
08 July 2010 [16:10]
Pentagon researchers are attempting to develop a military vehicle which can travel underwater like a submarine before bursting out of the waves and flying like an aeroplane.
08 July 2010 [15:25]
A wave of massive star formation appears poised to begin within a mysterious, dark cloud in the Milky Way.
08 July 2010 [14:56]
08 July 2010 [13:55]
Infrared "night vision" cameras developed by German researchers could make night driving safer.
08 July 2010 [13:27]
Fish communicate with each other in a secret language of grunts, growls, chirps and pops, researchers in New Zealand have discovered.
08 July 2010 [11:55]
An American woman has been named the luckiest lottery winner in the world after scooping her fourth multi million pound jackpot.
08 July 2010 [09:55]
08 July 2010 [09:35]
Arctic Circle rainbow really does have a 'pot of gold' at the end of it
A 'pot of gold' has been discovered at the end of an Arctic Circle rainbow - as this amazing picture shows.
07 July 2010 [15:09]
Japanese adult film star Anri Suzuki, 24, is offering free sex to Chinese students in Japan as a form of reparation for Japan’s World War II sins.
07 July 2010 [14:35]
07 July 2010 [13:38]
07 July 2010 [12:35]
An elderly American widow has been living with the corpse of her late husband for more than a decade because she found his death "hard to take".
07 July 2010 [12:16]
A woman from Essex has eaten nothing but crisps for the last 10 years.
07 July 2010 [10:40]
28 June 2010 [13:54]
Johanna Sigurdardottir, Iceland prime minister, married her long-time partner on Sunday as a new law legalising homosexual marriages came into force.
28 June 2010 [13:34]
A cat that had both its back legs severed by a combine harvester can walk again after being fitted with prosthetic limbs in a world-first operation.
28 June 2010 [12:22]
21 June 2010 [13:44]
At the age of 9, most girls are happy playing with dolls or watching their High School Musical DVDs. But, for alligator wrestler Samantha Young, nothing passes the time like grappling with a 2.4m (8ft) reptilian killing machine.
21 June 2010 [11:53]
A struggling Italian village with high unemployment and dismal prospects has had its prayers for help answered from an unexpected quarter – Libya's eccentric leader, Muammar Gaddafi.
21 June 2010 [11:23]
First-time Bollywood director Rakesh Ranjam Kumar is intent on producing a film depicting Adolf Hitler’s last ten days with his lover, Eva Braun, prior to their suicide.
18 June 2010 [13:45]
15 June 2010 [11:11]
A Turkish woman who joined the United States Army after moving to America said despite its hardships, at the end of her workday she is as free as any other woman, daily Milliyet reported Monday.
14 June 2010 [14:45]
Motorists are often accused of failing to notice cyclists - but dozens of riders stopped the traffic when they took to their bikes in the buff.
14 June 2010 [12:10]
Being relaxed could be the key to healing quickly, scientists have discovered.
14 June 2010 [10:45]
Men take a fraction of a second to decide if they are attracted to a woman or not – but they should not be called shallow because they are genetically programmed to do so, scientists say.
14 June 2010 [10:15]
Social studies teacher M. Srinivasa Acharya, 50, constructed a 16-foot-tall, 1-foot-wide brass-plated pen as a tribute to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, whose recent efforts helped pave the way for the 2010 enactment of India’s Right to Education bill.
12 June 2010 [11:07]
A Campaign entitled "Inspired by Muhammad" has been launched in Europe, especially in the United Kingdom, to improve the public understanding of Islam and Muslims.
09 June 2010 [11:53]
A poker player has reportedly beaten the world record for the longest ever stint at the table.
09 June 2010 [10:50]
Census officials in Indonesia have reportedly accepted a woman's claim to be the oldest person in history.
09 June 2010 [09:41]
Burger the size of a cow a world record?
08 June 2010 [12:56]
Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, who caricatured the Prophet Muhammad and caused outrage in the Muslim world, said Monday he is quitting because he is getting old.
04 June 2010 [14:46]
Now, we seriously doubt that you've tasted any of the ice-cream flavors listed below, yet still its nice to know such even exist, and who knows, one days you just might want to taste one.
04 June 2010 [14:15]
The large gator looks a stunning shade of blue as the bright morning sky reflects off her wet back. She appeared to change from her usual dark brown to black, grey and blue over the space of just a few minutes as the sun rose over the lake at 7am.
03 June 2010 [13:57]
More than 4,000 people committed suicide in Taiwan in 2009, averaging almost one death every two hours, the Department of Health said Thursday, DPA reported.
02 June 2010 [16:45]
A Serbian artist who has spent 700 hours staring at members of the public on Monday brought to an end the longest piece of performance art ever undertaken.
02 June 2010 [15:53]
Philippe Croizon, who lost his limbs in a freak accident, hopes to complete the 22 mile crossing in 24 hours.
02 June 2010 [14:56]
Over 150 of the web's most inadvertently amusing URLs, or 'slurls', such as therapy directory, have been listed in a hilarious new book.
02 June 2010 [14:35]
A former Army first-aider saved his dog’s life with mouth-to-nose resuscitation.
31 May 2010 [18:35]
A lion in a Russian zoo dragged a four-year-old girl through the bars of its cage and mauled her neck and arm.
31 May 2010 [17:05]
Tourists at the Eiffel Tower witnessed a rollerblader break a world record on Saturday by jumping from the French landmark onto a huge ramp.
31 May 2010 [13:40]
China has started to build a school to teach captive pandas to survive in the wild.
31 May 2010 [10:55]
Egyptian archaeologists have discovered a 3,300- year-old tomb at Saqqara, south of Cairo.
30 May 2010 [11:30]
A would-be thief got away with nothing after being confronted by an angry nun with a commanding voice.
30 May 2010 [10:10]
Cambodia's "jungle woman", who spent 18 years living in a dense forest, has fled back to the wild after struggling to adapt to society.
29 May 2010 [13:17]
An American with 95% of her body covered with body art has been named the most tattooed woman in the world by the Guinness Book of Records.
29 May 2010 [13:08]
A woman left locked alone in a plane asleep for about four hours after landing at Philadelphia International Airport is suing United Airlines.
29 May 2010 [12:35]
"They are more than an underwear to me, Mr. Farkus,” said George Constanza. “Two cups in the front, two loops in the back. How do they do it?"
29 May 2010 [11:56]
A Colombian model accused of employing pretty young women to smuggle drugs to Mexico and Europe has been arrested in Buenos Aires.
29 May 2010 [09:13]
A 60-year-old retiree has become the oldest woman in China to give birth, bearing twins after becoming pregnant via in-vitro fertilisation.
29 May 2010 [07:00]
28 May 2010 [14:18]
The US Navy says dolphins and sea lions will stand guard this year at a submarine base to detect any underwater swimmers who might approach the base on Hood Canal.
28 May 2010 [13:35]
A milkshake containing 2,010 calories -- equivalent to eating 68 strips of bacon or 30 chocolate chip cookies -- has topped a list of the 20 worst drinks in America compiled by Men's Health magazine.
28 May 2010 [12:52]
When a baby is on its way, mothers-to-be can often expect a plethora of knitted presents such as clothes and blankets.
28 May 2010 [12:23]
Wannabe bank-robbers in Germany were forced to leave empty-handed after a slight misjudgement over the amount of explosives needed meant they destroyed the whole bank - except for the thing with the money inside.
28 May 2010 [09:15]
A dinosaur park with a monster problem is giving away a huge model brontosaurus to anyone willing to carry it off.
27 May 2010 [19:06]
Beta-blockers, the blood pressure drugs, can protect patients with lung disease, according to a new study.
27 May 2010 [18:31]
A 15-month-old boy has survived being hit by a train after his pram rolled off the platform at a Melbourne railway station.
27 May 2010 [17:55]
27 May 2010 [17:12]
An army of frogs forced the closure of a key northern highway in Greece for two hours.
27 May 2010 [16:13]
It has fins that look like hands, a pair of 'feet', and an expression that looks like it's just been told some very bad news - could the mysterious fish challenge the Blobfish for the title of ugliest fish ever?
27 May 2010 [15:50]
A British scientist has become the first human to be infected with a computer virus.
27 May 2010 [14:07]
Ardi Rizal is aged just two - but the toddler has already developed a 40-cigarettes-a-day smoking habit after his father let him smoke when he was just 18 months.