TODAY.AZ / Politics

Georgian PM discusses energy, railway projects in Azerbaijan

06 July 2006 [01:59] - TODAY.AZ
Talks over purchasing additional amount of Shah-Deniz gas at a reduced price by Georgia have not yet been completed, Georgian PM Zurab Nogaideli said after meeting with the Azerbaijani leadership in Baku on July 5.

The Georgian Prime Minister met with his Azerbaijani counterpart Artur Rasizade, President Ilham Aliyev and other officials, Itar-Tass news agency reported.

Issues related with the Baku-Akhalkalaki-Kars railway project to link Azerbaijan with Turkey via Georgia were also discussed during the talks.

The Azerbaijani Prime Minister noted that Baku will spare no efforts to implement the railway project, Azeri state news agency AzerTag reported.



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