Over 150 of the web's most inadvertently amusing URLs, or 'slurls', such as therapy directory www.therapistfinder.com, have been listed in a hilarious new book.

Unfortunately for a number of companies, the dawn of the URL has converted their previously innocent names into double entendres, resulting in internet gems such as www.molestationnursery.com (The former internet home of the Mole Station Nursery).
Author Andy Geldman has created a compendium of some of the funniest 'slurls' or slur URLs in his new book Slurls: They Called Their Website What?
Geldman told the Telegraph 'In a world without spaces we mentally insert out own. And you might not stick yours where I stick mine.'
The lack of spaces certainly dealt a cruel hand to Pen Island, who currently reside at
www.penisland.net, while a group of tree surgeons working in Frace go by the moniker
Some of the funniest web addresses:Big Al's - a bowling alley in Vancouver chose
www.ilovebigals.comLa Drape, a British company selling bedding supplies opted for
www.ladrape.co.uk'Powergen' Italia - a fake website claiming to be the Italian homepage for the company is listed at
www.powergenitalia.comSpeed of Art - Art collective, or a bizarre 'Speedo Fart' contraption? Find out at
www.speedofart.comThe American Scrap Metal company settled on -