19 November 2005 [13:41]
The Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery [former Azneftyanajaq] will receive a certificate of the Turkish Institute of Standards (?SE) "TSE ISO-EN 17799" on the information security systems in early 2006, the president of the Turkish Institute of Standards Kenan Malatyaoglu told Trend.
19 November 2005 [13:32]
"Oil from Azerbaijan has crossed the Georgian-Turkish border through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline on Friday evening," stated the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey Hilmi Gyuler.
19 November 2005 [13:00]
On Friday the Azerbaijani President, Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on confirmation of the Transport Ministry as authorized body for the agreement on international North-South transport corridor, signed in St. Petersburg on 12 September 2000, Trend reports.
19 November 2005 [12:41]
The President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed on November 18 a decree shifting Gunduz Mammadov from the post of the first deputy chairman to the chairman position at the State Committee on Securities (SCC) of the Azerbaijan Republic.
17 November 2005 [16:35]
Document on transportation of oil of Kazakhstan via Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export pipeline will be signed in Baku by the end of this year.
17 November 2005 [16:21]
Passengers' problems in booking tickets to Baku from the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan and in opposite direction were solved partially.
17 November 2005 [16:14]
"Bakcell LTD" preparing a project in order to expand its activities in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (AR), submitted it to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies of Nakhchivan AR.
17 November 2005 [15:56]
Industrial product and services amounting to 35,4 trillion manats was produced and rendered in the economy of the country in January-October months of this year.
17 November 2005 [15:49]
Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies put 104.917 milliard manats investment in the telecommunication sector in Azerbaijan in January-October of current year.
16 November 2005 [20:23]
New gas lines in the length of 5 km and with 377 mm diameter are constructed in "Gizildash", "Shnagar", "Buta", "Azenes" and
"Korgoz" settlements of Baku.
16 November 2005 [19:33]
The volume at face-value of monetary incomes of the population formed 30,6 trillion manats during January-October months of this year.
16 November 2005 [14:42]
1bn 268.3 million cubic meters of gas were extracted from "Chirag-1" and "Central Azeri" fields in 10 months of the current year.
16 November 2005 [14:21]
Today Asian Development Bank presented technical aid strategy to the transportation sector at the Ministry of Transport.
15 November 2005 [20:18]
"Azercell Telecom" Joint Enterprise (JE) signed a roaming contract with "AIS" operator of Thailand.
15 November 2005 [20:03]
The chairman of the Administrative Board of the "Azerlotereya" Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) Jamil Sultanov was dismissed from his post.
15 November 2005 [17:00]
State Social Protection Fund (SCPF)informs that 1 million 176 thousand 476 persons obtain labour pension in Azerbaijan.
15 November 2005 [16:56]
Autumn inspection in the railway economy of the country was started.
15 November 2005 [13:36]
Official opening ceremony of the newly opened branch of "Bank Respublika" was held in Guba. According to the information given to APA from the bank, the opening of the branch brought together the administration of the bank, executive power of the region, representatives and the clients of the bank.
15 November 2005 [13:28]
"AzerDemiryolBank" expanded its services in money transfer sphere and launched allegedly the fastest "Shimshek" [Lightning]service for money transfer inside the country.
14 November 2005 [14:24]
Next year, at one of the largest oil-gas structure in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian sea - Guneshli, is planned to build a new platform, gas collector-transporter system of low and high pressure, drill 21 wells, and reconstruction of the existing infrastructure. On this purpose, the works of projecting and supply activities are being done.
14 November 2005 [14:19]
The "Turk Petrollari A.O" national company (TPAO) has invested 1,9 billion dollars so far in the projects implemented in the oil industry of Azerbaijan. Late in 2005, this figure will reach 2 billion.
14 November 2005 [14:16]
Azerbaijan International Operating Company informs that 55 percent of works on the Shahdeniz project have been done. This exceeds the stipulated volume.
11 November 2005 [22:16]
"The problem created by the "Azeronline" Joint Enterprise (JE) for other 21 Azeri providers has not been solved yet," said Sabir Babayev, the director of a department of "Azeurotelecom" JE - one of the providers facing difficulties because of unfair rivalry by "Azeronline".
11 November 2005 [21:03]
During 10 months of this year consumer goods worth of 18.8 trillion manats or 12.5% as much as compared to the appropriate term of last year were sold to the population.
11 November 2005 [20:46]
A grant agreement issuing 481 thousand 250 USD on preparation of the project of utilization of directional gas at the "Guneshli" oilfield between the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) and World Bank (WB) was signed yesterday.
11 November 2005 [15:01]
Placement of ordinary registered stocks belonging to the “Dekabank” Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) was started in Baku Stock Exchange (BSE).
11 November 2005 [14:56]
The "Barmek-Azerbaijan Electric Network" Limited Liability Company will put into operation two new substations in Absheron region by the end of November.
11 November 2005 [14:52]
Placement of ordinary registered stocks with the state registration AZ100100490P belonging to the "AtaHolding" Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) was held in the Baku Stock Exchange (BSE) on November 9.
11 November 2005 [14:46]
According to the State Program on increasing oil and gas production during 2005-2010, gas produced till 2010 is expected to increase by 2,5 milliard cubic meters every year.
10 November 2005 [17:41]
"We are trying to complete all work related with the Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan (BTC) till the end of the year," said the President of the State Oil Company of Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) Natig Aliyev.
10 November 2005 [14:23]
"If Russia raises the price of gas sold to Azerbaijan, we will refuse buying gas from this country," said the president of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) Natig Aliyev.
10 November 2005 [12:49]
Auction on additional placement of short-term state loans with the registration number 10201608S of the Ministry of Finance was held in the Baku Stock Exchange (BSE).
10 November 2005 [12:46]
World Bank has allocated $650 million to our country for implementation of projects so far.
09 November 2005 [20:19]
Azerbaijani delegation plans to participate at business-forum that will be held in Budapest, Hungary on November 22.
09 November 2005 [13:42]
The Ministry of Transportation informs that it plans to spend 150 billion manats on a reconstruction of roads next year.
09 November 2005 [13:37]
250 thousand insurance certificates have been brought from Turkey to be distributed among citizens working in Azerbaijan.
09 November 2005 [13:31]
Next year the Ministry of Transportation will start the renovation of Baku-Guba highway.
09 November 2005 [13:16]
New draft of law "On labor pensions" will be discussed at the first session of Milli Majlis after the elections.
09 November 2005 [13:08]
According to APA news agency on November 29 an International Currency Foundation (ICF) Mission will visit Baku.
08 November 2005 [20:10]
The government of Azerbaijan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD, a structure of the World Bank] signed a credit agreement on November 8 in Baku for implementation of the second stage of the SCADA introduction project, which will enhance reliability and the quality of the power supply and the industrial objects.
08 November 2005 [20:06]
"Russia plans to open a trade representation in Azerbaijan. The body will be established by the Economic Development Ministry," Intigam Husseynov, the head of the Azerbaijan-Russian Chamber of Business Cooperation, told Trend.
08 November 2005 [16:53]
"Azerbaijan’s oil exports are predicted to jump 61 percent up compiling 22.3 million tons in 2006," informs Baku office of BP.
08 November 2005 [13:57]
The delegation of Azerbaijan State Railway Office (ASRO) will attend the 42nd meeting of Board of Railway Transport of CIS and Baltic States that will take place in Ashgabat on November 22-24.
08 November 2005 [13:36]
"Aztelecom" Production built ATS of CDMA (wireless communication) technology to accelerate the process of providing Apsheron with telephones.
08 November 2005 [13:33]
The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic paid 261.6 billion manats of tax to the state budget instead of planned 246.5 billion manats.
05 November 2005 [13:31]
The President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Kharokhiko Kuroda starts his 8-day official tour of the Central Asia on Saturday. He will meet with the Presidents and governmental representatives to discuss the aid program of the ADB and importance of regional cooperation for further development of the Central Asian countries and poverty reduction, the Baku representation of the Bank told Trend.
05 November 2005 [13:02]
A mission of the Asian Development Bank is on the visit to Azerbaijan to discuss the East-West transport project.
04 November 2005 [16:35]
The Ministry of Taxes and Baku city Taxes Department continue with the extraordinary mobile tax inspections at facilities belonging to the "Azpetrol" group of companies. However there are known some preliminary results of the inspections that show that the company was hiding some of its profits.
04 November 2005 [12:51]
754.6 thousand tons of oil were extracted in the country last month though it was predicted to be 743.0 thousand tons.
03 November 2005 [16:53]
The press service of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies informs that in the period from January to September of 2005 income in the communications sphere increased by 32,9%.
03 November 2005 [16:49]
Two new electronic automatic telephone stations for 512 and 256 telephone numbers have been opened in Gakhbash and Ilisu villages of Gakh district.
03 November 2005 [14:57]
"Barmek-Azerbaijan Electricity Distribution" LLC is implementing necessary measures to avoid possible electricity problems during the November 6 parliamentary elections.
02 November 2005 [18:30]
A number of proposals from the Azerbaijan's Leasing Companies Association are reflected in the country's Tax Code.
02 November 2005 [15:49]
The Association of Geophysics and Engineering Geology of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan published results of its recent researches.
02 November 2005 [15:37]
The State Customs Committee (SCC) superfluously fulfilled prognosis of ten months of the current year.
02 November 2005 [15:22]
Oil supplies at Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli are bigger than they were predicted by earlier explorations.
02 November 2005 [15:14]
In the period from January to October 2005 Gasexport ltd, a branch company of Gasprom, has delivered 3.78 billions cubic meters of gas to Azerbaijan against 3.93 billion cubic meters over 10 month of 2004, Azeriqaz JSC told Trend.
02 November 2005 [15:04]
The 11-th International Exhibition «Healthcare -BIHE 2005” started on 2 November at the Heydar Aliyev Sports and Exhibition complex.
01 November 2005 [15:15]
Communication establishments in the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan rendered services to the enterprises and organizations, as well as the population in the volume of 8189.1 millions manats for the last nine months of this year and it is 20.9% more in comparison with the corresponding period of the last year.
01 November 2005 [15:10]
More than 3.5 millions barrels of oil were loaded into the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and one third of it has been filled with oil.
01 November 2005 [14:09]
The volume of the money supply in circulation was 4193.7 billions manats on October 1 of the current year.
01 November 2005 [14:05]
The "Aztelekom" Production Union of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies has brought a suit against 776 juridical and physical persons during this year.
31 October 2005 [18:50]
From 24 to 28 October URAL(EX-NOVO) average price, sold by Azerbaijan in Novorossiysk port, was $52.91 per barrel or dropped $0.47 barrel, or 0.9%, as compared the last week.
31 October 2005 [18:40]
Connection of the national post operator of Azerbaijan to the international electron money orders system (STEFI) with the assistance of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies is yielding its successful results.
31 October 2005 [14:15]
The "Bakcell" Company in the frame of the “Let us change and develop” campaign is implementing works on expansion of its service coverage area in districts of Azerbaijan .
31 October 2005 [14:06]
New 8th well was put into operation in the Central Azeri field.
31 October 2005 [14:02]
Nakhchivan AR representation in Baku stated that for the last nine months 4946.7 thousands tons of freight and 30070.7 thousands passengers were transported by physical persons working in transportation sphere in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
31 October 2005 [14:01]
"Azeri light" oil’s price went up for 1.70 dollars and became 61.30 dollars per barrel on the world market.
31 October 2005 [12:38]
"The new “A-319” airplane brought to Baku on October 29 will be firstly used for flights to Dubai and Kiev," informed the deputy of general director of "AZAL" State Company, chairman of Coordination and Foreign Relations Office Arif Mammadov.
29 October 2005 [18:15]
"The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies plans to lower tariffs for usage of fiber optical communications that were installed in the Republic within the Trans-Asia-Europe project," informed the Minister of Communication Ali Abbasov.
29 October 2005 [14:59]
The ceremony of the second A-319 airbus commissioning that arrived in Azerbaijan took place at the Heydar Aliyev international airport in Baku on 29 October 2005.
29 October 2005 [11:42]
The general volume of assets of Bank Standard formed 479 milliard 4 million manats during last 9 months. This is 93 milliard 266 million manats or 24 % more in comparison with the same period of the previous year. APA was informed about it from the Bank Standard.
29 October 2005 [11:36]
The auction on secondary placement of T-bills with the state registration number 10601508S will be held in Baku Stock Exchange (BSE) on from 11.00 till 12.30 on November 1, in accordance with the contract signed between the BSE and Finance Ministry.
29 October 2005 [11:34]
"Azercell Telecom" JE concluded a roaming contract with the "Nawras" operator of Oman.
28 October 2005 [23:20]
In late 2005 the shareholders of the project on development of D-222 bloc in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea will hold a meeting to discuss the further plan and work schedule informs Trend news agency.