US Congressman James Moran (D-VA) sent a letter to the Azerbaijani Diaspora members concerning their campaign about Armenia’s Metsamor nuclear power facility.
"The dramatic events at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant following the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami have highlighted the risks of nuclear energy the world over. The Metsamor facility, which provides some 40% of the electricity consumed in Armenia, dates from the Soviet era and is clearly not up to contemporary standards of safety", said Congressman Moran in his letter provided to APA’s Washington DC correspondent by Azeri Diaspora.
"That is why", says the Congressman "the United States, in partnership with the European Union, Russia and international bodies have contributed to an upgrade of the facility’s safety standards".
"Our work on Metsamor is critically important, and I am monitoring progress closely", he ensured.
The Congressman also promised to keep Azeri Diaspora’s campaign in mind as Congress considers US foreign assistance and nuclear policy in the region.