A seminar on the progress of democratization in Azerbaijan was held by the OSCE Office in Baku on 17 and 18 May.
APA was informed from the Information Office of OSCE in Baku. The event, entitled Politics into the Future - Democracy in Azerbaijan, brought together members of ten political parties, representing both the Government and the opposition.
"Discussing the basic values of democracy is an important step forward to a normal political life based on a dialogue and mutual respect among all political forces," said Ambassador Maurizio Pavesi, Head of the OSCE Office in Baku.
"I hope that such a dialogue, which started at the initiative of the Yeni Azerbaijan Party, can continue with or without the OSCE support and help in solving some of the problems of the Azerbaijani political system. Our Office is ready to provide all necessary support in order to facilitate this dialogue and to develop the progress made".
During the seminar, Friedhelm Frischensehlager, a former Austrian parliamentarian and minister, introduced the prerequisites of a functioning democratic system and the definition of fundamental rules of democracy. Mart Nutt, a parliamentarian from Estonia, spoke about his country's experience in the difficult transitional period from communist rule to democratic practice in political party life.
A nine point framework for the conduct of political parties was achieved by consensus by the participants.