TODAY.AZ / Business

Number of people traveling to Azerbaijan by air increases

07 September 2024 [17:35] - TODAY.AZ

From January to August of this year, 2,335,130 people traveled to Azerbaijan by air from 39 countries, Azernews reports.

This represents an increase of 7 countries (21.8%) and 526,485 people (35.2%) compared to the same period last year.

During these eight months, the highest number of passengers came from Russia, totaling 639,458, marking a 30.2% increase from the previous year.

From Turkey, 577,254 people traveled to Azerbaijan, an 18.7% increase year-on-year.

The United Arab Emirates also made it into the top three with 298,614 passengers (+47.5%).

Following this, Georgia had 149,842 passengers (+40.5%), Saudi Arabia 86,030 passengers (+14.8%), Kazakhstan 71,233 passengers (+31.1%), India 71,582 passengers (+6.6 times), Italy 40,599 passengers (+2 times), Uzbekistan 38,041 passengers (-16%), Kuwait 36,746 passengers (+33.1%), and Qatar 36,186 passengers (+75.8%).

The top ten now includes India and Italy, with Israel (29,034 passengers, -4.5%) and Germany (21,803 passengers, -6.3%) being removed from the list.

In August alone, 378,248 passengers traveled to Azerbaijan, representing a 27.6% increase compared to the same month last year.

Additionally, last month saw 106,044 passengers arriving from Turkey, an 8% increase compared to August of the previous year.


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