TODAY.AZ / Politics

Regional security to be discussed at II CICA summit

16 June 2006 [11:51] - TODAY.AZ
Regional security is going to be discussed at the II CICA summit.

"The central themes of the summit will include regional security and stability, joint efforts in combating new challenges and threats, definition of optimal modalities for the practical implementation of the confidence building measures in military, political, economic, environmental, and humanitarian dimensions," Mikhail Kamynin, official spokesperson for Russian MFA, told journalists responding their questions related with the second CICA summit due to take place June 17 in Almaty, Kazakhstan Today reports citing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

According to Mr. Kamynin, a declaration is going to be passed after the meeting. "The Foreign Ministers and authorised representatives of the member states will sign an agreement on the CICA secretariat that must become a working body of the forum that will carry out everyday practical work on provision of administrative and technical support for the CICA events, collection and distribution of information on the practical implementation of the confidence building measures," he said.

The organisation currently includes Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Palestine, Russia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan. Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam, UN organizations, the OSCE, and the League of Arab States have observer statuses in the organisation.

The initiative of the CICA convocation belongs to Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan. The first CICA summit took place in June 2002 in Almaty.

Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Thailand, and Uzbekistan have confirmed their participation in the second CICA summit. Israel, Mongolia, and will be presented by Vice Premiers, India - by a Prime Minister's Special Envoy. Besides, a UN Deputy Secretary General and the Secretary General of the League of Arab States will participate.



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