TODAY.AZ / Politics

Head of JC Public Relations Research: Baku thinks pragmatically and is ready to consider a variety of foreign policy alternatives

01 June 2009 [09:55] - TODAY.AZ
Day.Az Interview with Lev Spievak, director of the institute "JC Public Relations Research".
- I would like to know your opinion about the Prague meeting of President of Azerbaijan with Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman of Israel? By the way, in the result of this meeting, the intention of the Israeli president to visit Azerbaijan in summer was made public...

- It is important that the meeting took place and the content of Ilham Aliyev's talk with Avigdor Lieberman and the agreements reached during it were not made public, which undoubtedly reflects the extreme importance of the issues discussed.

Certainly, skeptics from both your and our sides could say that the contents of the Prague meeting and the issues it raised were not made public as there was nothing to be made public. Let this be left for journalist's conscience.

Immediately after the meeting, Azerbaijan reiterated its readiness to receive Israeli President Shimon Peres this fall in the format of the official visit at the highest level.

In my opinion, this is not only an extremely important political step, it can also be viewed as a veiled message from Azerbaijan to its geographical neighbors, the essence of which is very clear: official Baku thinks pragmatically and is ready to consider a variety of foreign policy alternatives.

- How do you view the peacemaking efforts of Turkey in the Caucasus?

- I view it as a step intended solely for the external effect rather than for attaining real results, a diplomatic move, pursuing multiple goals. First, in response to the continuing unwillingness of the EU to open doors to Turkey to join the European community, Ankara thus is thus demonstrating itself as a leading player in the region. Second, Turkey is thus demonstrating its interest in meeting the interests of its new regional friends. And third, the very fact of the peacekeeping efforts of Turkey is an additional lever of pressure on Azerbaijan ...

In this situation, it would be timely to ask three questions. First: whether Turkey is interested in solving the Azerbaijan-Armenian conflict? Second: whether Turkey is able to settle the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict, considering the polarity of the positions of the parties in the issue over the future of Nagorno-Karabakh? And the third question: whether the United States, Russia, the OSCE or Iran are ready to hand over the mandate of a major peacemaker to Turkey on a goodwill basis?

- What is your opinion on the prospect of recognition of the Armenian "genocide" by the Knesset?

- Considering the unambiguous "thaw" in relations between Armenia and Turkey, as well as the fact that Turkey really discusses the adoption of the law on "genocide" in the parliament, the probability of adopting such a law in Israel is becoming quite high.

At the same time, I think that this will not happen. And if more accurately, this will not happen unless Lieberman is a Foreign Minister. I have made this conclusion for several reasons: first, the lack of differences in the Cabinet about the critical importance of a strategic alliance of Israel and Azerbaijan, second, personal, and seemingly trusty relations between President of Azerbaijan Aliyev and Israel's Foreign Minister Lieberman and third, even after his departure from the Knesset, Yosef Shagal remains an influential member of the party and his position on this issue remains unchanged and is well known.


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