TODAY.AZ / Politics

Sabbath of "revanchists": further proof of correctness of Azerbaijan's demands

03 September 2024 [12:42] - TODAY.AZ
By Akbar Hasanov,

It is necessary to demonstrate everything that is happening and sounding today in Armenia to the various "advocates" of this state. Those who actively support it politically and economically, while actively arming it. Those who are trying to turn everything upside down, trying to accuse Azerbaijan of "lack of desire to sign a peace treaty with Armenia."

In the neighboring country, with the tacit consent of its leadership, including Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the so-called "Independence Day" of "Artsakh" was celebrated. It makes sense to recall here that on August 30, 1991, the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR adopted the Declaration "On the Restoration of the State Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan". Literally a couple of days later, on September 2, 1991, a joint session of the Nagorno-Karabakh Regional and Shahumyan District Councils of People's Deputies proclaimed the formation of the so-called "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic" within the borders of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region (NKAO) and the Shahumyan District of the Azerbaijan SSR.

This was an open provocation directed against Azerbaijan. But it was part of the general line of the world Armenians, who perceived Mikhail Gorbachev's rise to power in the USSR as a signal to begin implementing plans to seize Azerbaijani lands. It is no coincidence that it was Gorbachev's adviser, academician Abel Aganbegyan, who gave a provocative interview to the newspaper "L'Humanite" in Paris in 1987, during which he declared his desire "to see the NKAO as part of Armenia", which was assessed in Armenia as M. Gorbachev's consent to the annexation of Karabakh to Armenia.

As a result, rallies began in the neighboring republic, where calls were made for "miatsum", that is, for the "unification" of Armenia and the NKAO AR. Then everything went, as they say, according to a pre-written scenario. Thus, on February 20, 1988, an extraordinary session of people's deputies of the NKAO addressed the Supreme Soviets of the Armenian SSR, the Azerbaijan SSR and the USSR with a request to consider and positively resolve the issue of transferring the NKAO from Azerbaijan to Armenia.

As British journalist Tom de Waal notes in his book "The Black Garden", it was from that day that "the slow slide towards armed conflict began". And what happened 33 years ago was just another act of this Armenian provocation. The Armenian Apostolic Church took an active part in it. Let us recall in this regard the Catholicos of All Armenians Vazgen I, who on February 25, 1988 sent an open letter to Mikhail Gorbachev demanding the annexation of Karabakh to Armenia.

Yes, the AAC has played and continues to play the role of the main force fueling Armenian nationalism. Evidence of this is the fact that today the current Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II has made a provocative statement. He claims that "Karabakh is not the past, it is the historical Motherland." As we see, the names of the Catholicoses of All Armenians change, but their provocative rhetoric directed against Azerbaijan remains.

But that was not all. The former Karabakh separatist, the third president of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, tried to remind people of himself. He said that "the issue of "Artsakh" should return to the agenda of international relations." In addition, the last leader of the Karabakh junta, Samvel Shakhramanyan, and his gang visited the military pantheon "Yerablur." He also gave another provocative speech.

“Returning to Artsakh is our right and it cannot become an obstacle or contradict the state interests of Armenia,” he said.

That is, the last leader of the Karabakh junta once again voiced territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Moreover, he tried to justify in a peculiar way the document on self-dissolution that he himself signed.

"This document, which we were forced to sign, made it possible to safely move the civilian population to Armenia," Shakhramanyan dodged.

Of course, he lies and "twists his ears." But it is precisely these "maneuvers" of his that prove the correctness of official Baku, which regularly reminds us that Armenian revanchism is leading the region to new wars and tragedies.

This is also evidenced by the speeches of Archbishop Bagrat Srbazan, whom the “Karabakh clan” has put forward as the main striking force in the confrontation with the current Armenian government.

"We must have a liberated Armenia and a liberated "Artsakh". Today we have gathered not to remember, but to remind that the "Artsakh" issue is not closed, and in all its manifestations and scales it constitutes the core of the Armenian agenda," Srbazan said.

There is a fairly long list of those who made provocative statements today. And they all shout that Azerbaijan in its demands to amend the Constitution of Armenia, removing from there everything that speaks of territorial claims to our country. Because, as we see, the "revanchists" in Armenia will question everything that was signed between Baku and Yerevan. They see the only way to return to power - an open provocation that will lead to a new war. And the newly-minted and old advocates of Armenia cannot fail to understand this.

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