06 July 2006 [01:53]
Azerbaijani authorized credit institutions received 113 official appeals from the citizens about mortgage crediting within 4 months.
06 July 2006 [01:41]
1.6bn kilowatt/h of electricity was generated in energy system of Azerbaijan in June this year.
06 July 2006 [01:40]
Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan implemented the tax forecast by 104.2% in January-June and AZN 1026.7 mn was brought to the state budget against the forecast of AZN 985.6 mn.
06 July 2006 [01:38]
SOCAR sold 444 177 tons of diesel to Total Company of France in January-June in January-June.
06 July 2006 [01:37]
State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) sold 87 044 tons of gasoline to Petrofarm Company of Singapore in January-June.
06 July 2006 [01:35]
BNP Paribas Bank of France intends to join investment projects concerning improvement of infrastructure in Azerbaijan.
06 July 2006 [01:32]
Azerbaijani Improtex Marine&Sport Facilities Company plans to bring new models of Sport Bike R1, Sport Bike R6 and VMax Chopper sports motorbikes to Azerbaijan in July.
06 July 2006 [01:30]
Avtol Motors intends to bring new Cabriolet C70 model of Volvo to Azerbaijan.
05 July 2006 [20:50]
The delegation of Azerbaijan led by Minister of Finance Samir Sharifov arrived July 4 on an official visit to Turkey.
05 July 2006 [16:43]
Georgian-Azerbaijan inter-governmental economic commission will hold meeting in autumn of this year. Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizadeh told in the meeting with Prime Minister of Georgia, Zurab Nogaideli.
05 July 2006 [12:14]
French telecommunications major Alcatel plans to open a company in Azerbaijan, its Executive Vice-President Gerhard Richter has told journalists.
05 July 2006 [09:23]
Azerbaijani President signed order on increase of salaries of State Border Service military servicemen and civil associates.
05 July 2006 [09:13]
Azerbaijan Economic Development Ministry announces tender on repair-reconstruction of the administrative building of its regional departments.
05 July 2006 [08:37]
1.8mn tons of Azerbaijan oil was exported to the world market from Sangachal terminal in June this year.
05 July 2006 [08:30]
Azerbaijani Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies plans to make electronic all telephone exchanges in a year.
05 July 2006 [08:22]
Auction on placement of notes of National Bank will be held at BSE July 5.
05 July 2006 [08:19]
Azerbaijan purchased 325.6mn cubic meters of gas from Russian Gasexport Company in June this year.
04 July 2006 [21:21]
Although Barmek announced stop of its activity in Azerbaijan yesterday after unilateral cancellation of the agreement, it will continue services by giving up all works.
04 July 2006 [16:20]
A mobile plant for recycling missile fuel, commonly known as melange, was commissioned on Tuesday in the settlement of Alyaty, 80 kilometers south of capital Baku.
04 July 2006 [15:29]
State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) received about 325.6 million cubic meters of gas from Russian company "Qazeksport" in June of this year.
04 July 2006 [10:02]
Azerbaijan State Caspian Sea Shipping Company carried 7.06 mln tons of shipment through marine transport in January-June.
04 July 2006 [09:36]
According to the results of the trading sessions in the currency section of the Baku Interbank Currency Exchange (BICEX), USD/AZN average weighted rate was AZN 0.8943/$1.
04 July 2006 [09:33]
Azerbaijan State Caspian Sea Shipping Company was awarded European Quality-international prize of the Europe Business Assembly.
04 July 2006 [09:29]
Rate of Azerbaijani manat to USD rose 0.4% and exchange rate rose AZN 0.8986 to AZN 0.8950 per USD at Baku Interbank Currency Exchange (BICEX) in June.
04 July 2006 [09:25]
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimated Azerbaijan's risk level on long and medium term credits by 5 points.
04 July 2006 [08:59]
Azerbaijani Ministry of Taxes intends to complete preparation for conversion to the system of general tax declaration of the population by 2008.
03 July 2006 [22:21]
Prisoners of Gobustan detention place started hunger strike from June 26.
03 July 2006 [19:11]
Azerbaijan will start building a technology park and a university in 2007 with a joint Azerbaijani and Swedish research center, officials said Saturday.
03 July 2006 [16:09]
All property and bank accounts of Barmek-Azerbaijan Electricity Network LLC have been seized at claim raised by the Economic Court of Azerbaijan and Economic Development Ministry.
03 July 2006 [03:01]
Azerbaijan-Finland business forum will be held in autumn in Helsinki.
03 July 2006 [02:57]
Nokia plans to open new regional network in the nearest future.
02 July 2006 [18:30]
Gazprom [RTS: GAZP] plans to buy an Iran-Armenia pipeline currently under construction, a deputy chairman of the Russian energy giant said Friday.
02 July 2006 [18:23]
The ship repair plant is scheduled to be constructed in Garadagh district of Baku.
02 July 2006 [18:19]
The event aims to give insight into issues concerning the international reporting standards.
02 July 2006 [18:17]
The course on social dialogue will be conducted from July 24 to August 4 at the International Labour Organization's International Training Center in Turin, National Confederation of Employers' (Entrepreneurs) Organizations said.
02 July 2006 [18:15]
According to the State Committee for State Property Management, Azkompozit company became a winner of the investment contest for purchasing Sumgait Senaye Istehsal joint-stock company.
02 July 2006 [18:14]
Catalytic reforming unit producing high-octane gasoline was suspended for repairs at the Baku Oil-refining Plant. Repair work is scheduled to be completed July 21.
02 July 2006 [18:12]
To increase gas production in 2007, State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) will lay a new high-pressure gas pipeline to exploit the wells in the Guneshli field.
01 July 2006 [22:05]
Economic Development Minister Heydar Babayev met with Deputy Foreign Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt Mrs. Fatma al-Zakhra on June 30.
01 July 2006 [21:19]
"Mercedes-Benz" new dealer in Azerbaijan Saba Cars Company's exhibition hall opening ceremony was held.
01 July 2006 [21:06]
Bank Standard has opened one more branch office in the Azerbaijani capital of Baku.
01 July 2006 [20:57]
Iran will not be able to meet the natural gas needs in both the peace pipeline and the European Union's Nabucco project concurrently unless the demand for gas in both pipelines are lowered, said an Iranian Oil Ministry official Saturday.
01 July 2006 [10:32]
Azerbaijani Economic Development Ministry sued the Barmek-Azerbaijan Electricity Distribution LLC.
01 July 2006 [09:48]
According to the results of the trading sessions in the currency section of the Baku Interbank Currency Exchange (BICEX), USD/AZN average weighted rate was AZN 0.8950/$1.
01 July 2006 [09:41]
Analyses of the household activity of Azerbaijani population by Azerbaijani State Statistical Committee showed that 54% of people's income came from employment and self-employment, 17% from agricultural activities, 1.4% from property and leasing, 12.3% from pensions and social allowances, 15.3% from other spheres in first quarter of 2006.
01 July 2006 [09:12]
Chairman of Azerbaijan Calculation Chamber, Namig Nasrullayev, will attend VII meeting of heads of CIS countries Supreme Finance Supervisory Bodies to be held in Minsk on September 3-5.
01 July 2006 [08:52]
Armenians extract nearly 3 tons of gold from the "Soyudlu" gold deposit in the occupied Azerbaijani region of Kalbajar every year.
30 June 2006 [21:23]
Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Vagif Sadikhov held a press conference on the 33rd session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers which took place in the Azerbaijani capital of Baku from June 19 to 21, 2006.
30 June 2006 [21:16]
Azerbaijani Health Minister will suspend the Funda medical center of "Illac" LLC from July 3, 2006, Deputy Health Minister Elsevar Aghayev told.
30 June 2006 [16:01]
The Barmek-Azerbaijan Electricity Distribution LLC has officially stopped its activity in Azerbaijan from today.
30 June 2006 [13:41]
30 June 2006 [10:06]
Yesterday Azerbaijani Industry and Energy Ministry officials met with Southern Korean Industry, Trade and Energy Ministry delegation.
30 June 2006 [09:11]
President of Cisco Systems, one of the world leading IT companies, John Chambers is on his visit to Azerbaijan.
30 June 2006 [09:04]
According to the results of the trading sessions in the currency section of the Baku Interbank Currency Exchange (BICEX) yesterday, USD/AZN average weighted rate was AZN 0.8951/$1.
30 June 2006 [08:46]
Azerbaijan International Bank (AIB) plans to open its offices in Dubai, Turkey, Ukraine and Luxemburg in near future.
30 June 2006 [08:44]
Azerbaijan National Bank plans to issue short-term notes from second half of this year. These notes will be one or two week notes.
30 June 2006 [08:27]
Bulgaria and Romania will participate in transference of Caspian Sea gas to Europe.
29 June 2006 [18:59]
A Chevron-led venture developing Kazakhstan's giant Tengiz field will start exporting oil via the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline in mid-2007, Azerbaijan's Deputy Transport Minister Musa Panakhov said on Thursday.
29 June 2006 [13:17]
Azerbaijani Prosecutor's Office Deparment to Combat Corruption keeps carrying out inspections in the Barmek-Azerbaijan Electricity Distribution LLC.
29 June 2006 [09:11]
According to the results of the trading sessions held in the currency section of the Baku Interbank Currency Exchange (BICEX) yesterday, USD/AZN average weighted rate was AZN 0.8954/$1.
29 June 2006 [09:03]
June 29-30 2006 the Bond Congress of CIS and Baltic will be arranged in Riga (Latvia) by Cbonds, Russian Information Agency.
29 June 2006 [08:34]
State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan Republic (SOFAZ) has announced a tender on insurance for its employees.
29 June 2006 [08:25]
Azerbaijani government will send new proposals on mortgage policy to Milli Majlis.
29 June 2006 [08:17]
30 artesian wells are planned to be drilled in Terter region of Azerbaijan by 2008 to solve the region’s water supply problem.
29 June 2006 [08:12]
The reason of the delay in the construction of the Turkey section of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export oil pipeline has been announced.
28 June 2006 [21:25]
Ministry of Health has decided to stop the activity of Diamed private medical enterprise.
28 June 2006 [21:13]
Qafqaz Development Bank Observation Council Chairman Eldar Ismayilov was elected President of Association of Azerbaijani Banks at yesterday conference.
28 June 2006 [21:06]
Check-ups held by General Prosecutor's Office in Barmek–Azerbaijan Electricity Network Limited Liability Company has been stopped.
28 June 2006 [20:39]
Armenia's foreign minister said Wednesday that the South Caucasus country should seek to diversify its natural gas suppliers, following Georgia's example.
28 June 2006 [15:56]
Annual general meeting of Russian LUKoil OJSC took place in Moscow today.
28 June 2006 [15:03]
The official inauguration ceremony of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Main Export Oil Pipeline will take place in Ceyhan port of the Turkish province of Adana July 13, 2006.
28 June 2006 [14:35]
The end of the saga for embattled Czech-born financier Viktor Kozeny may be in sight, even though he was remanded to Her Majesty's Prison for yet another week on Tuesday.
28 June 2006 [14:30]
Representatives of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia and BP to meet on Wednesday in Baku to discuss the security of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline (BTC).
28 June 2006 [10:27]
World Bank will implement project in the amount of 20 mln dollar to cleanse oil polluted area in the territory of Absheron peninsula. Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Huseyn Bagirov has told.
28 June 2006 [10:15]
As a result of check-ups implemented by prosecutor-General of Azerbaijan it was found out that 18 enterprises of Ministry of Economic Development (MED) were privatized illegally, Prosecutor-general Zakir Garalov stated.