Syrian opposition definitely rejected President Bashar al-Assad's appeal and proposal to hold a referendum after adopting a national charter on establishing stability in the country.
The opposition stated that a representative of the regime, who has committed war crimes, can not participate in the further determination of the country's fate.
After Bashar Al-Assad's statement without a new content, Syrian Foreign Ministry made much more interesting statement, which says that Assad will take part in the presidential elections to be held in the country in 2014.
The Foreign Ministry's statement says that President Assad is ready to take an active part in any act of the transfer of power.
At first glance, Assad's steps may be considered important for restoring stability in Syria, but the authorities' inability to control the situation in the country is still obvious.
Given the fact that in 2006 close allies - Syria and Iran signed an agreement on joint defense, it is unlikely that the situation will continue to remain the same.
Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi told Fars News Agency that the military agreement between Syria and Iran is still valid, but Syria, being subject to attacks of terrorist groups, has not sought Iran's help.
However, Assad's intention to participate in the elections in 2014 can be considered just a step aimed at protection of Russia and Iran's interests in the country. Because statements made by both countries' officials mention the need for Assad to remain in power.
As for Russia's interests in Syria, which is considered an impregnable fortress of Iran in the Arab countries, there exist not only political, but also military interests. It is, above all, about the future of a naval base in Tartus city, which was founded in 1971.
Negotiations between Russia and Turkey about the future of the base are not excluded as well. One of the main topics discussed during Turkish Foreign Ministry's Adviser Firuddin Siniroglu's visit to Russia was the future of the military base in Tartus. However, as it was reported, the parties did not reach any agreement.
Of course, the naval base in Tartus is one of the most important bases of Russia in the Middle East, and its loss can reduce the possibility of Moscow's influence on the region.
The definite rejection of Syrian opposition from Moscow and Tehran's proposals on the dialogue shows that in the case of Bashar al-Assad's leave there will be no alternative in the country that will meet the interests of Russia and Iran.
Rufiz Hafizoglu /Trend/