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Mak'TAB receives UNESCO-WHITRAP's Global Award

29 July 2024 [15:33] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

The School of Restoration of Historical Monuments (Mak'TAB) has won the global award, established by the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research in Asia and the Pacific (WHITRAP) under the UNESCO auspices, Azernews reports.

Initiated by the Administration of Icherisheher State Historical-Architectural Reserve, Mak'TAB was named best in Star of Discovery category of the 2024 Global Awards for World Heritage Education Innovative Cases’ competition. Mak'TAB was selected from more than 100 nominees worldwide.

The award presentation ceremony took place at the side-event organized during UNESCO's 46th session of the World Heritage Committee in India.

Presentation on the "School of Restoration of Historical Monuments", where Mak’TAB was showcased to the audience as an "Exemplary Case", Azernews reports.

Mak'TAB was founded thanks to the efforts of the Administration of Icherisheher State Historical-Architectural Reserve, the Culture Ministry, the Ministry of Education and Science, State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, State Tourism Agency, Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University.

The main goal of the project is to support various activities and attract restorers in Azerbaijan to training programs aimed at enhancing their expertise in historical monument restoration.

Note that the National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO launched the Global Awards for World Heritage Education Innovative Cases (AWHEIC) in 2022 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention.

The competition highlights exemplary educational initiatives of global heritage significance. It also provides an international platform for heritage education professionals to collaborate and exchange experiences.


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