TODAY.AZ / Politics

New arsons on the occupied territories

10 July 2006 [20:29] - TODAY.AZ
Armenians continue massive fire in the territories of Azerbaijan.

Karabakh bureau of APA reports that, at present Seyidsular village of Terter is under fire by Armenians.

On July 9 at 15.00 the fire passed to the territory of Azerbaijan. The fire covered the pasture areas of Gapanli village. Though the fire put out as a result of efforts made by village residents, mine explosion in the territory destroyed establishments and houses nearby. On July 9 to 10, Gapanli village was fired by Armenian Armed Forces, the enemy was silenced by respond fire.

Karabakh bureau of APA reports that the fire destroyed Aghdere region territory called #3 sovkhoz forest areas beginning from 6, the fire completed on July 9 about 19.00.


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