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Parataekwondo team earns medals at Paris 2024 Summer Paralympics [PHOTOS]

04 September 2024 [12:11] - TODAY.AZ

Azerbaijan's parataekwondo team has achieved notable success at Paris 2024 Summer Paralympic Games, Azernews reports. The national team won one gold and one bronze medal in France, while Abulfaz Abuzarli (K44, 80 kg) reached the quarterfinals.

Upon returning home, the athletes were warmly welcomed at Heydar Aliyev International Airport by representatives from the National Paralympic Committee, media members, fans, and families. At this prestigious tournament, the team, composed of three skilled parataekwondo practitioners, secured an impressive total of two medals: one gold and one bronze.

Imameddin Khalilov (K44, 70 kg) made history as the first Azerbaijani parataekwondo player to win a gold medal at the Summer Paralympics.

"I am very happy to be the first Azerbaijani parataekwondo player to win a gold medal at the Summer Paralympic Games," he told journalists.

"I am proud of myself. I received many messages of support on social media. I knew I was going to be a champion. This result will be an additional incentive for other athletes in the future. I dedicate my victory to our martyrs," he added.

Sabir Zeynalov (K44 58 kg), a bronze medalist of the Paris 2024 Summer Paralympic Games also shared his thoughts with journalists.

"I aspire to earn gold medal at the next Summer Paralympic Games," the parataekwondo fighter said.

Sabir Zeynalov emphasized that he would focus on improving his performance.

"Psychologically, we were in a strong state. My aim was to achieve a gold medal, but unfortunately, I made some errors that cost me. I was penalized twice in the match, and I wasn't able to perform in the final moments. I am confident that I will bring joy to Azerbaijan at the 'Los Angeles-2028' Summer Paralympic Games," he added.

The head coach Farid Tagizade also expressed his views on the parataekwondo team's achievements.

"Medals earned by these young athletes represent a historic achievement for Azerbaijan," stated Farid Tagizade.

"I am grateful to each athlete individually. I take pride in their efforts. They were highly motivated for the competitions, and we approached every match as if it were a final," the head coach said.

The national parataekwondo team finished just behind Turkiye in the overall rankings, with Great Britain taking third place. A total of 52 nations participated in the parataekwondo events.

Note that Azerbaijan has a delegation of 18 athletes competing in 7 sports at the Paris Paralympics, which runs until September 8. Parataekwondo fighter Sabir Zeynalov has already secured a bronze medal for the national team.

The Paris 2024 Summer Paralympic Games have attracted 4,000 athletes, all eager to demonstrate their talents.

These games mark the first time Paris is hosting the Summer Paralympics and the second time that France is hosting the Paralympic Games, as Tignes and Albertville jointly hosted the 1992 Winter Paralympics.

The programme for the 2024 Summer Paralympics was announced in January 2019, with no changes to the 22 sports from the 2020 Summer Paralympics.

The IPC considered bids for golf, karate, para dance sport, and powerchair football to be added to the Paralympic programme as new sports.


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