
18 June 2009 [13:12]

Russia offers to hold meeting of OSCE, CSTO, NATO, EU, CIS on security: FM

Russia offers to hold the meeting of the OSCE, CSTO, NATO, EU and CIS to develop a cooperative approach to security issues, Russian Foreign Ministry's official Andrey Nesterenko said at a news conference in Moscow on June 18, RIA Novosti reported.
18 June 2009 [11:39]

Azerbaijan, Japan favor dialogue

18 June 2009 [11:06]

Armenian deputy FM accuses Azerbaijan of non-constructiveness

"The reason of the lack of a real progress in resolution of the Karabakh conflict lies in the non-constructive position of Azerbaijan", said deputy foreign minister of Armenia Shavarsh Kocharyan in his interview with Aravot newspaper.
18 June 2009 [10:24]

Real progress in resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was made: EU special representative for South Caucasus

There has been real progress in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict recently, Reuters quoted EU special representative for South Caucasus Peter Semneby as saying.
18 June 2009 [10:20]

Azerbaijani Islamists not believe Karabakh forum might unite opposition

The Islam-Democratic Party of Azerbaijan does not believe that the forum planned to be held by the Union for Democracy might unite opposition, said party chairman Tahir Abbasly.
18 June 2009 [10:06]

Congressman: If we will pass bill on repealing the Jackson-Vanik amendment in our Congress, it is clear to me that the president Obama would agree to sign it

Member of House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Congressman Bill Delahunt (Massachusetts) supports repealing the Jackson-Vanik amendment. Bill Delahunt told APA”s US bureau that it is really relic of the Cold War.
18 June 2009 [09:57]

Armenians violate ceasefire in two regions

Armenians violated ceasefire again on June 17.
18 June 2009 [09:44]

Azerbaijan, Armenia should demonstrate courage: US congressman

Rapprochement of Turkey and Armenia should be the catalyst in the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, Head of the U.S. Congress Subcommittee on Europe of the Committee for Foreign Policy Democrat Robert Wexler (Florida) told Trend News.
17 June 2009 [17:33]

MP: Azerbaijan though small in area will play a great role in world security

I think the joint use of Gabala radar station by the United States and Russia will be profitable for most sides, including both states and the region, in particular for Azerbaijan", said member of the parliamentary committee on security and defense of Azerbaijan Aydin Mirzazade.
17 June 2009 [16:43]

Barack Obama might discuss joint use of Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan during Moscow meetings

Washington is currently studying possible broad cooperation with Russia in frames of missile defense, said sources US assistant secretary for defense Willian Lynn in the senate commission on armed forces.
17 June 2009 [16:27]

Syrian president: Syria does not want complications in Karabakh problem

"Syria does not want complications in the Karabakh problem", said Syrian president president Bashar Asad Wednesday in Yerevan during the joint press conference with Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan.
17 June 2009 [15:46]

Vice speaker: Azerbaijan expects MG co-chairs to be more operative in Karabakh conflict settlement

"Azerbaijan expects MG co-chairs to be more operative in the resolution of the Karabakh conflict", said vice speaker, head of Azerbaijani delegation in the OSCE PA Bahar Muradova, according to the press service for the Yeni Azerbaijan party.
17 June 2009 [14:41]

State Department official voices support for Turkey's proposed historical commission

Assistant Secretary of State Phil Gordon today indicated that the Obama Administration supports the establishment of an Armenia-Turkey historical commission.
17 June 2009 [13:59]

Azerbaijan's opposition party to hold protest near Iranian embassy to Baku

The Muasir Musavat party will hold a protest near the Iranian embassy to Baku at 14:00 on June 22, according to the press service for the party.
17 June 2009 [13:17]

UN supports Azerbaijani NGOs

UN supports Azerbaijani non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
17 June 2009 [13:08]

Caucasus Muslims Clerical Office head proposes to establish advisory council of CIS Muslims

Caucasus Muslims Clerical Office head Sheik-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade proposed to establish advisory council of the CIS Muslims.
17 June 2009 [12:45]

Session on Azerbaijani-Georgian border delimitation held in Tbilisi

The Azerbaijani delegation headed by deputy FM of Azerbaijan Khalaf Khalafov is attending the session of the Azerbaijani-Georgian intergovernmental commission on delimitation and demarcation of state border, held in Tbilisi.
17 June 2009 [12:38]

Azerbaijan's opposition party condemns violence against peaceful demonstrators in Iran

The Liberal Party of Azerbaijan has made a statement condemning violence and repressions from the side of Iranian powers against peaceful demonstrators, according to the press service for the party.
17 June 2009 [12:01]

Azerbaijan's communist party: Reduction in number of municipalities would improve their work

The Communist Party of Azerbaijan supports the initiative of reducing the number of municipalities, said chairman of the party Rauf Gurbanov.
17 June 2009 [11:45]

Paata Davitaia: I do not think there is even the slightest risk of putting the Nagorno-Karabakh scenario in Javakhetia

Day.Az Interview with Vice-Speaker of Georgian Parliament, the representative of the parliamentary opposition Paata Davitaia.
17 June 2009 [11:11]

Milli Medjlis vice speaker to visit Astana

First vice speaker of Azerbaijani parliament Ziyafet Askerov will visit capital of Kazakhstan on June 25-26, according to sources in the Kazakh embassy to Azerbaijan.
17 June 2009 [11:05]

Barack Obama sees no difference between Ahmadinejad and Musavi losing elections

US president Barack Obama does not see any special differences between President of Iran, conservator Mahmud Ahmadinejad and Reformer candidate Mir Hussein Musavi, who lost the presidential elections in Iran, he said in his interview with CNBC.
17 June 2009 [10:20]

Armenian Armed Forces break ceasefire

On June 16, the Armenian Armed Forces opened fire at Azerbaijani troops in the nameless heights in the Gazakh region at 14:55-15:10.
17 June 2009 [09:08]

Azerbaijan is an important partner of the United States in region - Assistant Secretary

Azerbaijan is an important partner of the United States on regional security, especially counterterrorism, Assistant Secretary Philip Gordon said in his statement on US foreign policy.
17 June 2009 [09:05]

Iran prohibits international mass medias to highlight protest actions

The Iranian government has prohibited international mass medias to highlight protest actions held in the country following presidential elections.
16 June 2009 [17:33]

EU-Azerbaijan Sub-Committee on Trade, Economic and related legal issues to meet in Baku

The EU-Azerbaijan Sub Committee on Trade, Economic and related legal issues will take place on June 27, at the Ministry of Economic Development, said the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan.
16 June 2009 [15:48]

MP: Yeni Azerbaijan Party launches preparation to municipal elections

The Yeni Azerbaijan Party has started preparation to participation in municipal elections, said deputy executive secretary of the party, MP Siyavush Novruzov, according to the press service for the party.
16 June 2009 [15:18]

Organization for Liberation of Karabakh urges to reject cooperation with OSCE Minsk Group

A session of the Supreme Medjlis of the Organization for Liberation of Karabakh was held according to the press service for the organization.
16 June 2009 [14:21]

Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends inoculation to the people traveling to or from Azerbaijan

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan recommends to the people traveling to or from Azerbaijan to be inoculated.
16 June 2009 [14:02]

President of Syria to visit Azerbaijan

President of Syria Bashar al-Assad will pay an official visit to Azerbaijan.
16 June 2009 [13:14]

South Caucasus countries likely to unite in combat with drugs

Secretary of the Armenian National Security Council Artur Bagdasaryan received regional coordinator of the program on combat with drugs in the South Caucasus Gregory Connor and the delegation he heads on June 16.
16 June 2009 [12:44]

Peace in the South Caucasus is a priority of Turkey's foreign policy: ambassador

Establishment of peace and stability in the South Caucasus is among the priority directions of the foreign policy of Turkey, said Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic, according to Interfax-Azerbaijan.
16 June 2009 [11:48]

Azerbaijan is guarantee to security: NATO coordinator-officer

NATO Coordinator-Officer for South Caucasus Zbigniew Rybacki says Azerbaijan is a guarantee to security.
16 June 2009 [11:28]

Turkish diplomat: adoption of Azerbaijan's military doctrine crucial to NATO standards

Azerbaijan's adoption of the military doctrine will contribute to aligning armed forces with NATO standards to a great degree, Turkey's ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilij said at conference "Contribution of Reforms in Law Enforcement Agencies and Armed Forces to Euro-Atlantic Integration" in Baku.
16 June 2009 [11:22]

Josef Shagal: I do not think Knesset will seriously address the issue of Armenian "genocide" in the foreseeable future

I do not think in the near future the Knesset will seriously address the issue of recognition of "Armenian genocide", said Josef Shagal, president of the International association "Israel-Azerbaijan", former deputy of the Israeli Knesset.
16 June 2009 [11:03]

New office of Yeni Azerbaijan party opens in Gusary, Azerbaijan

The opening of the new administrative building of the Yeni Azerbaijan party was held in the Gusary region of Azerbaijan, according to the press service for the party.
16 June 2009 [10:39]

Azerbaijani opposition party to discuss political course

A regular session of the political board of the National Salvation Party was held, according to the press service for the party.
16 June 2009 [10:31]

Azerbaijani ambassador to Iran: There are no Azerbaijani citizens among those who suffered during demonstrations

"There are no Azerbaijani citizens among those who suffered during demonstrations", said ambassador of Azerbaijan to Iran Abbasali Hasanov.
16 June 2009 [10:04]

Azerbaijan exercises democratic control over armed forces: NATO

There is civilized and democratic control over armed forces in Azerbaijan, NATO Coordinator-Officer for the South Caucasus Zbigniew Rybacki told reporters.
16 June 2009 [09:59]

Azerbaijan President congratulates Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on re-election as president of Iran

Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev has sent a letter of congratulation to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on his re-election as President of Iran, AzerTaj state news agency reported.
16 June 2009 [09:18]

Political scientist: If negotiation process does not prove effective and the Prague round fails by autumn, the rotation of OSCE MG co-chairs will take place

"Unless intensive talks are held on the Karabakh process, I do not think the United States will re-appoint the US co-chair", said political scientist Rasim Musabeyov.
16 June 2009 [08:56]

Embassy of Azerbaijan in the United States made a statement

PR Newswire published on Monday the statement by the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the United States.
16 June 2009 [08:52]

Might Matt Bryza become US ambassador to Azerbaijan?

APA reports with reference to Foreign Policy magazine that OSCE MG co-chair from USA Matthew Bryza has been recommended for a post of the US ambassador to Azerbaijan.
16 June 2009 [08:42]

Ankara to bring up Karabakh problem for UN Security Council discussions: Turkish FM

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmad Davudoglu spoke in an exclusive interview with Trend News.
15 June 2009 [08:38]

Azerbaijan marks National Salvation Day

Today Azerbaijan is marking National Salvation Day.
13 June 2009 [11:08]

Resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict crucial for tranquilty in S.Caucasus: Turkish FM

Turkish foreign minister says progress must be reached in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to normalize situation in the South Caucasus.
13 June 2009 [10:29]

Majority of Iranian citizens living in Azerbaijan vote for Mir Hossein Mousavi

Majority of Iranian citizens living in Azerbaijan voted for presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi in the Iranian presidential poll, Iranian embassy spokesperson Abbas Isgandari told Trend News.
13 June 2009 [10:05]

Armenian Armed Forces fire on positions of Azerbaijani Army by machine and submachine guns

Armenian Armed Forces violated ceasefire again.
13 June 2009 [09:51]

Armenia's first president: Serzh Sargsyan must resign and leave the country

"Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan must resign and leave the country", said leader of oppositional Armenian National Congress, first president of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan.
13 June 2009 [09:04]

Armenian political scientist: I can hardly imagine the project which could involve both Armenia and Azerbaijan

Armenian political scientist, director of the Caucasus Institute Alexander Iskandaryan does not consider the simultaneous participation of Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Nabucco project possible.
13 June 2009 [08:52]

Azerbaijan President extends birthday greetings to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom

The President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has sent a congratulatory message to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the country's public holiday - Birthday of Queen, AzerTAj state news agency reported.
13 June 2009 [08:48]

Head of OSCE Office in Baku Ali Bilge Cankorel meets with CEC Chairman Mazahir Panahov

Head of OSCE Office in Baku Ali Bilge Cankorel met with Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Mazahir Panahov, the CEC press service told APA.
13 June 2009 [08:37]

Baku sends protest to Paris against the French parliamentarian’s visit to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani and French foreign ministries officials held consultations in Paris.
12 June 2009 [16:46]

Azerbaijani FM to pay working visit to Japan

Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mamedyarov is paying a working visit to Japan, said a press service for the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan.
12 June 2009 [16:25]

Yeni Azerbaijan party holds events in connection with National Salvation Day

The regional organizations of the Yeni Azerbaijan party are holding events on occasion of the National Salvation Day, according to the press service for the party.
12 June 2009 [16:01]

Head of Armenian delegation in PACE: Armenia is ready to voice its position on any document, presented by the Azerbaijani side in the PACE bureau

"Armenia is ready to voice its position on any document, presented by the Azerbaijani side in the PACE bureau", said head of the Armenian delegation in PACE David Arutyunyan.
12 June 2009 [15:54]

Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan: Turkey's aim is to liberate Nagorno Karabakh

Turkey wishes liberation of the occupied lands of Azerbaijan.
12 June 2009 [14:31]

Iranian embassy to Azerbaijan not invited by US Department of State

The Iranian embassy to Azerbaijan has not yet received invitation to take part in celebration of the US Independence Day, according to the press service for the embassy.
12 June 2009 [14:20]

Political scientist: Millennium challenges ceased financial support to Armenia due to resentment over Sargsyan's regime in Karabakh settlement context

"The Millenium Challenges Corporation allocates money, considering respect for human rights, democracy and good governance", said famous political scientist Rasim Musabekov, commenting on information and US corporation "Millenium Challenges" stops financing Armenia.
12 June 2009 [13:13]

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister underlines importance of Washington’s support in settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov received U.S. Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon, the ministry’s press service told APA.
12 June 2009 [12:53]

Oppositional party of Azerbaijan offers to create municipalities of big cities

The Liberal-Democratic Party of Azerbaijan, led by Fuad Aliyev, does not support reduction in the number of municipalities, according to the press service for the party.
12 June 2009 [12:46]

Russian political scientist says Turkey doomed to become one of participants of Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement strategy

Turkey's involvement into the process of the resolution of the Karabakh conflict as a fourth co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group is quite a realistic script, said Stanislav Belkovski, famous Russian political scientist and founder of the Institute of National Strategy.