TODAY.AZ / Politics

Tereqqi party creates election bloc for support of Ilham Aliyev's candidacy

01 August 2008 [15:11] - TODAY.AZ
Tereqqi party is creating an election bloc for support of Ilham Aliyev's candidacy at the presidential elections of Azerbaijan, said Tereqqi party chairman Chingiz Damiroghlu.
He said after the Yeni Azerbaijan party will hold its session, the election campaign team will start its activity.

The Tereqqi party will also appeal to the Ministry of Justice for Ata bloc, chaired by Damiroghlu, to pass registration.

"The election campaign team will be created in Baku and Ganja. I will visit the regions and propagandize Ilham Aliyev's candidacy", noted he.

It should be reminded that Tereqqi party, previously supporting opposition, decided to support Ilham Aliyev's candidacy at the elections.


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