TODAY.AZ / Politics

Ago Group presented report on its visit to South Caucasus region

22 June 2006 [09:23] - TODAY.AZ
Council of Europe Cabinet of Ministers 969th session was held.

As APA reports, at the meeting, Ago Group chairman, German Ambassador Ronald Vegener presented report on the results of its visit to South Caucasus region.

Permanent representation leader of Azerbaijan in Council of Europe, Ambassador Agshin Mehdiyev stated that, Vegener's oral report, simply bears different character.

According to Mehdiyev, before summer holiday of Cabinet of Ministers, July 12 written report will be prepared related to this issue, and presented to Committee of Representatives.

"As concerns today’s report, not any discussion was carried on this issue in the meeting of the Committee."

Vegener highly appreciated the appeal of Azerbaijani side to Venice Commission on development of election legislation in Azerbaijan. "Besides it, in the report Ronald Vegener expressed his regret for Nagorno Garabagh conflict having not any result."

According to Mehdiyev, the report bears objective character and there is not any contrast moment.

Besides the report, not any issue related to Azerbaijan was discussed in the meeting.


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