TODAY.AZ / Politics

Incompetence of Canadian top diplomat in Armenia

28 October 2023 [21:20] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Qabil Ashirov

As Russia gradually involves more in the war with Ukraine, the appetite of many countries from the West and East grow for its vassal, more precisely Armenia. After India, Iran, the USA, Belgium, and France, it is the turn of Canada to demonstrate its greediness for the Russian vassal. However, Canada's behavior causes chuckles, because many have never considered Canada as an independent country, but a puppet of the USA. It has never had any independent international policy, but a mission comprising to unconditionally implement all commands received from the USA. As the saying goes, there is only difference between Canada and any US state is the governor of state has more authority. Inasmuch as the governors of states sometimes can have independent and totally different stances than Washington, but Canada does not have such authority.

Thus, the Foreign Minister of Canada Melanie Joly has visited Armenia recently and made unfounded statements against Azerbaijan. Even, going further, she threatened Azerbaijan with imposing sanctions. It should be mentioned that the said Foreign Minister delivered hatred speeches against Azerbaijan before, as well. Besides, Jolie's threatening Azerbaijan with sanctions is hysterics. She is not the first person, and surely will not be the last one, threatening us the sanction. So to speak, we are adapted to it, and such kinds of speeches cannot astride us from our righteous struggle.

As for her accusation of Azerbaijan over "deportation," it comes from her prejudice and crusade mindset. Owing to the fact that Azerbaijan has never expelled anyone. Even today over 30,00 Armenians, including the sister of the former Defense Minister, live in Azerbaijan, but there is no single Azerbaijani lives in Armenia. In addition, Azerbaijan embraced all people regardless of their origin expelled by Armenia in the 1990s. Obviously, the Foreign Minister does not know it, Hayk expelled thousands of Muslim Kurds from their historical motherlands together with Azerbaijanis in the 1990s. To top it all off, Armenia invaded Azerbaijani territories and forced many Azerbaijani, Kurds, Russians, Meskhetians and Udis to leave the homeland. Thereupon, it kept these territories under invasion for 30 by looting the homes of locals and erasing them. However, neither she nor any other Canadian politician has ever criticized and accused Armenia of deportation. On the other hand, it is understandable, because Armenians tried to go on the trace of Melanie's forefathers. As is known, Canada is a country of invaders. A few hundred years ago, invaders from Europe stepped on North America and made it their home by mass-killing and driving local Indians out. Armenians wanted to repeat the same thing but failed. We are not as weak as Indians. So, keeping the bloody history of her country in mind, the Top Diplomat must understand the point that Canada is the last country to accuse any state of deportation, let alone Azerbaijan.

Besides, Joly's coming to a combat position on the border of Armenia with Azerbaijan and observing Azerbaijan with binoculars, shows how far she is from diplomatic behavior and norms. The behavior also confirms that she is incompetent as the head of the Foreign Ministry.

As for Canada's joining the EU mission in Armenia, it is nothing but an operation of the USA to place its "vassal" in this mission. The USA does not join the EU mission itself, but wants to control the processes through its "puppet."

To top it all off, nonsensical ideas voiced by the head of the Canadian Foreign Ministry show that the Minister does not even have the usual geographical knowledge. Otherwise, she would have understood the importance of Azerbaijan. Today, Canada supplies its uranium needs through Central Asian countries. Uranium cannot be transported by air, so it is possible to take uranium to Canada via either China or Azerbaijan. It is impossible for China to agree to this, so Canada depends on Azerbaijan in this matter. Azerbaijan can and should stop this export at any time.

Given Canada's hostile stance, Azerbaijan should speak to Canada in a language it understands. We should give Canada the necessary lessons to make it understand who is who in the Caucasus. In my opinion, first of all, we should start with Canadian companies operating in Azerbaijan and their activities should be limited. Today, Azerbaijan does not need Canada or its companies.


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