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West emboldens Pashinyan against Russia like monkey versus tiger in one cage

07 September 2023 [08:30] - TODAY.AZ

By Azernews

Abbas Ganbay

The separatists are preparing the people for yet another, straight from the propaganda factory, a sealed package of lies and disinformation. Although in Armenia the political power and its structures are held on a glued chair leg, the desire to aggravate the conflict in Garabagh does not end. Knowing that children's minds quickly absorb information surrounding us, the patrons of Armenians introduce into children's literature, both in school and before school time, hatred towards neighbors and superiority over others, which as a consequence of psychological traumas, along with others, is used in further bloody plans of the patrons of Armenians, and rituals of sacrifice. We have already seen this somewhere, which eventually led to the destruction of the Roman Empire.

What outcome awaits Armenia, when the people dissatisfied with the policy of the Prime Minister, as well as many other political cliques, create riots, rallies, nominate new ruling parties, and do not want to see Azerbaijan's peace proposals for Armenia, as well as for the inhabitants of Garabagh, the Armenian minorities. Although the people of Yerevan think that there is a way out of the situation, after the psychological traumas of their childhood, they choose the road with bread crumbs, which are planted by cunning patrons.

Varuzhan Geghamyan, who calls himself a "Turkologist", resorted to another propaganda of future war with Armenia, in the face of both Turkiye and Azerbaijan, on his Meta page. He came to this conclusion after a meeting of the Turkish government, where Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in his speech noted the provocations of the Armenian side in Garabagh and the aggravation of the situation with the signing of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Why don't they discuss the food cargo of 40 tons of flour products sent by Azerbaijan on the Aghdam-Khankendi road for the residents of Khankendi, where, due to psychological trauma in childhood, they refuse to help, shouting about the harassment of the cargo, or perhaps Armenians are holding Armenians at gunpoint? This is where the propaganda of Armenians related to the alleged road blockade and famine in Khankendi finally collapses.

I would like to remind you that for the 9th day in a row, the humanitarian cargo is standing on the Aghdam-Khankendi road, where on August 29 the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society organized the delivery of foodstuffs to meet the needs of the Armenian minority living in the Garabagh economic region of Azerbaijan. Meanwhile, some provocateurs affiliated with the separatist clique blocked the road on the Aghdam-Khankendi section and prevented the convoy from delivering food to Khankendi.

The Armenian side came up with clever solutions for the people, having started allegedly issuing bread coupons, which did not last long, as from September 6 the bread coupon distribution points in schools will cease to function! Now they have switched to pressurizing children in schools in order to propagandize anti-Azerbaijan sentiment.

While the patrons of the Armenians are preparing for another provocation, Pashinyan gives an interview to an Italian newspaper where a journalist spoils his reputation in his accusations against Russia, about its alleged imminent withdrawal from Garabagh and failure to fulfill the agreement, as well as inappropriate mention of the Holocaust in comparison with the alleged genocide against Armenians, to which the rabbis of the world harshly responded with criticism in the world media to Pashinyan's statements.

Pashinyan did not get on nerves of the World Jewish community, but also watered down all hopes of Russia with his perfidy. With a statement, Pashinyan, at a moment rejected the long-time partnership with Moscow, its only protector during the war in Azerbaijan's Garabagh. In an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Pashinyan said that in his opinion, Armenia's dependence on Russia for security was a strategic mistake, thus adding that Armenia is not an ally of Russia in its war against Ukraine. Probably, when talking about its ex-patron Pashinyan forgot to mention E-001M landmines buried in the Ukrainina soils in honor of Russia or the chips his country delivers despite West's sanctions.

This is the simplest of these Armenian lies yet. And more complexes are related to the military potential of Armenia that has long been drained in the Second Garabagh War.

Nevertheless, the Armenian Ministry of Defense announced that Armenian-American military exercises would be held in 11-20 September, and this is all following the antics and propaganda information machine of Armenia, which refused to participate in the Agile Spirit 2017 and 2023 military exercises in southern Georgia, as well as refused to participate in the CSTO exercises that were to be held on the territory of Armenia under the name "Unbreakable Brotherhood-2023". And what happened again, Pashinyan?

We clearly know that the Armenian lobbysts and those in the US Congress are the only ones that embolden Pashinyan. Only due to their support Pashinyan is as though faces up Russia like a monkey versus tiger in a cage.


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