TODAY.AZ / Politics

Treaty signed between Azerbaijan and Japan

31 May 2005 [13:29] - TODAY.AZ
Treaty on recognition of and succession by the Government of Azerbaijan of treaties and other international agreements which had been concluded between Japan and the former USSR was signed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday.
Ambassador of Japan to Azerbaijan Tadahiro Abe and Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov exchanged mutually the official documents concerned. The legal foundation in bilateral relations of Japan and Azerbaijan was established by this document. In accordance with the treaty, Azerbaijan confirms its succession on 8 documents signed during the USSR, doesn’t recognize more than 20 documents. According to Khalaf Khalafov, legal succession with a number of states was solved mechanically after the collapse of the USSR: “As the constitutional rules of Japan don’t let the solution of this matter mechanically work has been done on this document for a long time”. K.Khalafov said of this event to be memorable. He stated that, new stage of the cooperation has established after the late President Heydar Aliyev’s official visit to Japan in 1998.Stating that the relations between Azerbaijan and Japan are developing in the political, economical, humanitarian, health and educational spheres, deputy Minister touched on the investments, grants of Japan to the economy of Azerbaijan. K.Khalafov said of the document on succession to have been signed between Azerbaijan and Germany, too.

Ambsador Tadahiro Abe expressed his satisfaction on the development of the relations between his country and Azerbaijan. Stating that several big companies of Japan are functioning in Azerbaijan, ambassador said of Azerbaijan to become rich state in nearest time and expressed his hope that, this will serve the establishment of peace in the region. /APA/


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