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Year of White Rat. What stars hold for you?

30 December 2019 [17:27] - TODAY.AZ

By Azernews

By Laman Ismayilova

The Chinese Zodiac is based on a twelve-year cycle. Each year in that cycle is related to an animal sign. 

There are 12 Chinese zodiac signs: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Your sign is based on the year in which you were born.

The story of Chinese New Year is full of mystery. The centuries-old legend says that Jade Emperor wished to celebrate his birthday with a great race for all of his favorite animals. The first 12 animals to cross the finish line at the palace would become a symbol in the lunar calendar.

Chinese New Year 2020 begins on January 25, marking the Year of the White Metal Rat. It is considered the first of all zodiac animals. As legend says, the Rat tricked the Ox into giving him a ride. As they arrived at the finish line, Rat jumped down and landed ahead of Ox, becoming first. The Year of the White Metal Rat will bring us creative energy and prosperity.

Let’s take a look what the stars have in store for you next year.


For Aries, the Year of the White Rat is going to be lucky. Nothing will be able to stop Aries from accomplishing all dreams. The next year is also expected to be very fruitful in terms of love and relationships. Saturn will help you to achieve career success.


Next year, Taurus will get paid for its patience and hard work. Moreover, positive results are expected in every aspect of your life. A travel trip will help you open up to new ideas and projects. The Year of the Rat will move you outside of your comfort zone.


In 2020, Gemini will find peace of mind and satisfaction. The year 2020 will spice up your life with great changes.First of all, focus your energy to things of utmost importance. Remember that your family and friends have the utmost appreciation and respect for you and what you do. 


Next year, Cancer will get the fruits of its hard work. The year 2020 offers you a great chance to grow and succeed in life. Astrologists predict that you will learn a lot about yourself by watching what other people do. For example, you may observe children who remind you of what you were like when you were young.


In the upcoming year, you will find a lot of pleasure and joy in self-improvement and work. The stars promise good prospects in terms of your career. The single Leos will find someone with whom they can start a new relationship. Try not stressing over things unnecessarily. Be sure that your perseverance will be rewarded.


Virgo should take responsibility for its own happiness. The Year of the White Rat predicts major  changes in terms of your personality. Moreover, travel opportunities may also arise. Your fortune will also increase. The next year will be also very profitable for creative projects. Let go of any fears keeping you from living life to the fullest.


The year of White Rat is expected to be full of happiness and achievements. All your dreams will come true. Over the next year, Libra will  enjoy good career and health. Next year is also favorable to those Libras who want to change their physical appearance. Astrologists predict that  both your professional life and love life will see major chances for growth.


Scorpio’s life will definitely expand, grow, and improve during the next year. Scorpios will feel especially enthusiastic, ambitious, and motivated to improve their lives through studies and various initiatives. Next year, Scorpios will work more efficiently. Moreover, their talents are also expected to increase.


Representatives of this star sign are going to be very cooperative. There is also a chance of Sagittarius going abroad for education. The next year promises an atmosphere of love and peace in the family. New relationship, better health are waiting for you next year! Keep yourself motivated!


For Capricorns, there is a high possibility to express themselves in a positive way. The year of the White Rat is a perfect time for exploring your needs and dreams. Capricorn's confidence in yourself is also expecting to grow. The representatives of this star sign should avoid any work-related pressure.


Next year will bring Aquarius many changes in life. The year 2020 will be filled up with adventures. New partnership is also expected. Astrologists predict the best thing for your career. Just keep up your high spirit and never give up!


2020 might be an excellent year for Pisces as its life will improve and expand in all areas. The representatives of this star sign will feel more impulsive and confident. Moreover, Pisces's social life will also flourish next year. For Pisces, June is expected to be great for strengthening the love relationship.


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