Hackers from the "RedHack" group who brought down the Ankara Police Department's website and acquired secret information last week said one of the passwords of the secret police files was "123456."
A member of the socialist hacking group answered daily Radikal's questions via email in an exclusive interview by Serkan Ocak. "RedHack was founded in 1997 after deliberating on how to utilize our skills for the oppressed peoples," the member said.
The group member said the reason for targeting the Ankara Police Department was that it was the center of applications such as "E-State" and "E-Police," and the fact that it was "much more special and better protected" than other police department websites.
"One of the passwords needed to access the secret documents was '123456,'" the RedHack member said. "The question is, how serious can a police force be if they save secret files with a password like '123456’?
"They encourage people to act as informants against their neighbors or classmates and then make their password '123456.' That is not only tragicomic but also thought invoking," the hacker said.
"The Ankara police tried to defend themselves by saying that it was not a feat by the hackers but the simplicity of their passwords that lead to the hacking. I wonder what the police forces from around the world would say if they heard of this defense," the group member said.
Hurriyet Daily News/