The Mugham Theatre hosted the show of young fashion designers of Baku National Clothes House. The fashion show "Mugham and National Clothes" was organized by the Ministries of Culture and Tourism and Youth and Sport. The show presented clothes reflecting the national ornaments of 7 regions. A chief of Baku National Clothes House Konul Valibayli said, they wanted to show the beauty of Azerbaijani national clothes.
The first part of a three-part event featured a show of clothes reflecting tha national ornaments of Ganja, Garabagh, Nakhchivan, Shirvan, Gazakh, Lankaran, Sheki and Baku. The second part presented a collection of garments "The Mugham Trio". The collection involved clothes reflecting musical instruments such as tambourine, tar, kamancha.
At last the third part featured the demonstration of modern clothes with national ornaments prepared by young painters on the material and the event was closed by a demonstration of the knitted clothes of youth.