TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Sofi Marinova continues Eurovision tour

26 April 2012 [11:16] - TODAY.AZ
Last night Sofi Marinova performed her Eurovision entry `Love Unlimited` at the glamorous ceremony of the Beograd 1 and Beograd 2 Radio awards in Sofia. Although she came back from Amsterdam just a few hours before the concert, she still attended the show and performed her song whilst surrounded by huge laser lights, fire and 3D mapping graphics. The audience in Hall 1 of NDK showed their support for Sofi and gave her loud applause after her performance.

Sofia Marinova will be guest of Pink TV satellite channel. She also will meet with Serbian representative in Eurovision 2012 contest Zeljko Joksimovic. Last week Sofi Marinova managed to visit Turkey and The Netherlands and this week she continues her promo tour in Serbia.


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