Ever wanted to take a university course studying the shambling hordes of the undead? The University of Baltimore's class on zombies could be just the thing for you.

The classes - part of the English course - will involve watching 16 classic zombie films and reading zombie comics, before either writing a final research paper or scripting or storyboarding their own perfect zombie movie.
The course will be taught by zombie expert Arnold Blumberg, the author of 'Zombiemania', a book on zombie movies. Blumberg is also the curator of Geppi's Entertainment Museum, which specialises in American pop culture.
Oddly, the University of Baltimore isn't even the first academic institution in America to offer classes on the topic of zombies. Columbia College in Chicago has run classes on Zombies in popular media for years, and at Simpson College in Iowa students spent the spring semester writing a book on 'The History of the Great Zombie War.'