A quarrel between neighbours in Nakhchivan Street of Shirvan region of Azerbaijan had fatal consequences.

On July 20, 42-year-old Ali Aliyev threw a stone at his neighbor’s son Rafiq Gulaliyev. As a result, later that day Gulaliyev died in hospital. Shirvan Prosecutor’s Office said a day before the incident, on July 19, Ali Aliyev’s son squabbled with neighbor Gulaliyev. On that day, teenagers could not clear out their dispute as neighbors stopped them.
A day later a quarrel continued, so Aliyev decided to intervene. He sent his son into the yard, and to calm down Rafiq and stop the quarrel, he took a stone and threw it at the boy. Unfortunately, the boy got hit right in the head with the thrown stone, and later was taken to the hospital.
Doctors’ efforts to save him failed, and the boy passed away. Ali Aliyev was arrested by law enforcement officials. An investigation has been launched into the case.