TODAY.AZ / Society

Azerbaijan reveals number of COVID-related deaths and infections last month

02 February 2024 [13:41] - TODAY.AZ
Nigar Hasanova

The number of people who were infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and those who were vaccinated in Azerbaijan in the past month (31.12.2023–31.01.2024) was announced, Azernews reports.

According to the information provided by the Operative Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers, 325 new cases of infection were registered during that period.

217 people infected with COVID-19 have recovered. During the month, 21 people who tested positive died.

So far, a total of 834,630 people have been diagnosed with the disease, of which 824,089 have been treated and recovered, and there are currently 141 active patients. 10,400 people have died so far.

According to the information, 14,333 tests were performed in connection with the identification of new cases of infection during the last month, and a total of 7,748,050 tests were performed to date.

At the same time, 281 people were vaccinated in the country in the last month.

The total number of vaccines administered in Azerbaijan so far was 13,970,733.


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